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Sunday, March 03, 2013

Donnelly and Bear Island WMA

Howdee all,

When a friend of a facebook friend offered to take us birding in her area.

We took her up on her kind offer.

Gotta Love Social Media!

First stop

Donnelly WMA

Donnelly and Bear Island WMA_030

What's this?

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Donnelly and Bear Island WMA_007Its stayed like this for a good ten minutes..

Donnelly and Bear Island WMA_020

At first glance I thought that it had a turtle…

Then I noticed feathers..

I thought Anhinga because of the slivery white feathers in the mouth..

Bruce thinks it is a Common Gallinule.

What bird do you think it has?

Donnelly and Bear Island WMA_012This is a beautiful area..

It was a great morning…a bit on the chilly side.

Donnelly and Bear Island WMA_023

Donnelly and Bear Island WMA_024


Donnelly and Bear Island WMA_026Little Blue Heron..

Donnelly and Bear Island WMA_032Bruce took us to all her favorites spots..

Donnelly and Bear Island WMA_035We scanned the area for ducks and whatever else we could find.

Donnelly and Bear Island WMA_037It was a good to have a scope…

Many of the birds were too far for binoculars.

Donnelly and Bear Island WMA_043Alligator Island..

Donnelly and Bear Island WMA_046


Donnelly and Bear Island WMA_050

We stopped at Savage Backwater and to our surprise

We saw 39 Black-crowned Night Heron..

To far for my baby lens …

Donnelly and Bear Island WMA_055This area held many Common Gallinule

Donnelly and Bear Island WMA_065

Donnelly and Bear Island WMA_059And Alligator of course..

Donnelly and Bear Island WMA_061All the white you see.. is a distant gathering of

Wood Stork..

Donnelly and Bear Island WMA_062


Donnelly and Bear Island WMA_070

Fox Squirrel

Donnelly and Bear Island WMA_071Yellowlegs

Donnelly and Bear Island WMA_075

A great day of birding with a new friend.

Thanks Bruce!

Donnelly and Bear Island WMA_082

Number of Species: 63

Donnelly WMA
Date: Mar 2, 2013, 9:30 AM
  Bear Island WMA
Date: Mar 2, 2013, 12:38 PM

  Canada Goose 
  Wood Duck 
  Mottled Duck 
  Blue-winged Teal 
  Northern Shoveler 
  Green-winged Teal 
  Ring-necked Duck 
  Bufflehead -
  Hooded Merganser 
  Pied-billed Grebe 
  Wood Stork 
  Double-crested Cormorant 
  American White Pelican 
  Great Blue Heron 
  Great Egret 
  Snowy Egret 
  Little Blue Heron 
  Tricolored Heron 
  Black-crowned Night-Heron 
  White Ibis 
  Glossy Ibis 
Black Vulture 
  Turkey Vulture
  Northern Harrier 
  Red-tailed Hawk 
  Common Gallinule 
  American Coot 
  American Avocet
  Lesser Yellowlegs 
  Forster's Tern
  Mourning Dove 
  Belted Kingfisher 
  Red-headed Woodpecker 
  Red-bellied Woodpecker 
  Hairy Woodpecker 
  Pileated Woodpecker 
  Eastern Phoebe -
  Blue Jay 
  American Crow 
  Fish Crow 
  Tree Swallow 
Carolina Chickadee
  Tufted Titmouse 
  White-breasted Nuthatch 
  Brown-headed Nuthatch 
  Carolina Wren 
  Ruby-crowned Kinglet 
Eastern Bluebird 
Northern Mockingbird 
Pine Warbler  
Yellow-rumped Warbler 
Yellow-throated Warbler 
Eastern Towhee 
  Chipping Sparrow 
Savannah Sparrow 
Song Sparrow
Northern Cardinal 
  Red-winged Blackbird 
  Boat-tailed Grackle 

This trip summary was created using the BirdLog app for iPhone and iPad.
See BirdLog for more information.

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ok what do you really think?????