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Sunday, March 31, 2013


Darn it!

I got sick...a head cold, fever...constant headache.
So I am resting...
A few days off from all things online.
Ok..well, maybe I do check into Facebook once or twice a day.
Here I am sick in artistic Van Gogh style..

Jeff made a pot of chicken soup. Ha ha..I chuckle when I say that..
I was there step by step as he asked me do I cook the chicken? How do I chop this vegetable? How much chicken stock? Etc etc...ha ha..
It did come out good and is my medicine, along with bed rest, zinc, vitamins and an occasional decongestant.

Tomorrow we leave this campground, that I have hardly seen.. in Adairsville, Ga..
We head to Nashville.
This will be our first time. any suggestions of what we should see or do?

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Not the most attractive camp site..

Here we are…

Not the most attractive camp site…

but… the hospitality of the Elks members,far outweighs the parking lot site.

IMG_3981I don’t like being this close to the a cell tower…

But our phone and Mifi connection is excellent.


The proximity to downtown Atlanta is great.

We went to the CNN building

IMG_3968lots of Great food nearby..


We had a nice four hour visit to the Georgia Aquarium

Atlanta Aquarium_002A wonderful interactive sea world.

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Blue discus

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Sea Anemone

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Atlanta Aquarium_162Giant Pacific Octopus

Atlanta Aquarium_169Beluga whale

Atlanta Aquarium_203Fish over our heads..

Atlanta Aquarium_232Lions Maine Jelly

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We visited several neighborhoods and farmers markets…


We met up with our awesome nephew who goes to Emory.

RVer friends whom we haven't seen in 10 years drove in from their now fixed foundation home..120 miles away to visit us! It was nice meet again and we hope not to let it be another 10 years!

Today we meet up with facebook and birder friends for lunch..

A super visit!

We leave tomorrow and head west..

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A Whole lot of Red Knot ~

Our farewell morning at

Hunting Island State park..

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Sunrise photos taken from inside Homey..

We needed to pack up and leave the park before 11 for our five hour drive to Atlanta..

I didn’t have much time to walk the beach, look for sharks teeth and bird.

So~Birds were my priority this morning.

Red Knots

I was wondering if the Red Knots were still around…

We had seen them each day we were at the seemed like the numbers were increasing daily.

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I headed straight north to the end of the island…

There they were!

Red Knots

..many on the opposite side of the inlet..


some action was happening..

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Bit by bit…

the Red Knots came over to my side of the inlet…

hunting last morn_005The were feeding at the waters edge..

hunting last morn_007Soon they were all on my side…

spreading out on the edge of the inlet..

hunting last morn_011Then they rose up in unison…

hunting last morn_016Reformed..

hunting last morn_017And slowly..

hunting last morn_018Settled ..hunting last morn_019Back down…

hunting last morn_021A mass of Red Knot

hunting last morn_022One long line…on the edge of the inlet…too long to capture..

hunting last morn_023I wished I had the scope..

hunting last morn_024Or a longer lens..

hunting last morn_030I wanted to take photos of the tagged birds..

hunting last morn_034I tried walking a bit closer….very slowly..

The birds took flight..

I felt bad that I got too close..

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The birds settled down a bit further way..

Here is the video I took of this huge flock

I tried to pan thru the flock so you can see ..just how many there were.



Jeff and I are now in for a few more days then plan on heading to Nashville or the Smoky Mountains.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Last full day~Hunting Island~Evening walk

It was our last day at Hunting Island State Park…
I went out for my evening walk…
Barefoot and pants rolled up to walk in the surf..
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I didn’t make it very far before I turned back ..
I  needed warmer clothing and my socks and shoes..
What a difference a few hours make..
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It cooled down considerably since my late afternoon walk.
It was getting close to high tide..
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The clouds were thick …
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I searched the edges of the surf for Shark teeth..
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Jeff was coming out to meet me later to catch the sunset..
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It was a melancholy walk..
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Its been a lovely place to stay..
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I wasn’t quite ready to leave the beach..
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I think I could walk the beach all day..
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Every day..
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Its always changing..
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You never know what the surf might bring in..
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What the clouds will look like..
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Jeff met me and we waited to see if we might catch a colorful sunset.
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Jeff thought there were too many clouds…
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We had about twenty minutes before sunset..
We watched the Sanderling dip its beak into the sand..
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guess there were some goodies in there..
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The clouds in the east started to get a little color..
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Looking south..just a bit of color..
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Very subtle pink..
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This was a good as it got…To many clouds for a lot of color..
Still beautiful..
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We walked back to the campground..
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Savoring our last evening..
See the moon above the cloud?
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We watched the birds..
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Fly in..
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Fly by..
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We said Goodbye..
Until we meet again..
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