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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Storms a comin…

Howdee all,

Jeff washed the Homey…so naturally we were ready for rain.

This storm came a day after he washed Homey..

Usually it happens much sooner..

I think Jeff is out of practice ;)…

North beach  _004We knew by the clouds (and the weather forecast) that we had a few hours for our morning walk.

North beach  _005We decided to walk to the jetty to see the Razorbill

North beach  _008One lone fisherman at the end of the jetty..

North beach  _010Those dots are Horned Grebe

There are hundreds of them in the area..

North beach  _013We saw the Razorbill ~they were out past the opposite jetty..

We watched them a while before heading back..

North beach  _016On our way off the jetty we spy this little bird..

North beach  _023Jeff and I weren't sure but it looked like a pale Savannah..

North beach  _031After looking at our guide we determined it was an

Ipswich Sparrow

North beach  _045A pale version of the Savannah..

North beach  _054Usually seen further north..

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Storm clouds to the south…

North beach  _095I picked up that sweet little dried out sea urchin to add to my

Huntington Beach State Park treasure collection

North beach  _094We stopped again when we saw this little sparrow

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The Ipswich Sparrow is a geographically isolated subspecies of the savannah sparrow. This small sparrow breeds strictly on Sable Island, Nova Scotia and winters along the mid-Atlantic coast. Their nape, back, and rump are dark brown with varying degrees of streaking. Their crown is typically beige with a pale yellow eye-stripe. Ipswich sparrows have a whitish colored throat, breast, and belly. Light streaking occurs along their sides and chest, but not much along the belly. The Ipswich sparrow is overall paler and larger than the continental savannah sparrow.



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Storm cloud over the ocean..

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North beach  _128Interesting cloud formation over the dunes..

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North beach  _131Further down the beach we come across another

Ipswich Sparrow..


The Ipswich sparrow feeds along shoreline habitat alone or in small flocks in non-breeding months. They typically walk when hunting instead of hopping as their continental counterparts would. They hunt for insects, insect larvae, and other small arthropods all while walking on the ground. During the winter months, seed is a particularly important food source.


North beach  _138The clouds are moving and changing as we walk the 2 miles back to the campground…

North beach  _141We focus on the ocean looking at the storm..

North beach  _148

We scan for birds..

North beach  _157We see a few Northern Gannet..

North beach  _151A distant fin..


North beach  _158Brown Pelican flying low across the surf..

North beach  _159

We made it back before the rain..

Another lovely day at the Beach..

Huntington State Park, South Carolina

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