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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Slowing down….

Howdee all,

With Samarrah and Jeff's wedding only 4 days and all the pieces of the puzzle starting to fit together nicely…

cape visit_076Its time to take a cue from this critter....

cape visit_072And slow down a bit…

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We need to slow down enough to enjoy all of the special moments of this upcoming Wedding weekend to its fullest.

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Samarrah and I had acupuncture appointments yesterday which helped us both relax.

We both needed that. Allot of stress involved in planning a wedding.

All is done, now we just sit back and watch it all happen.

I may not post anything until after the wedding…maybe a teaser photo, but until then.

Wishing you all a very Happy Labor Day Weekend.

Slow Down and Enjoy!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Theres a fly on my pants~

Howdee all,

No not the zipper kind of fly, I don’t have a zipper on my PJs anyway.

Just A Fly.

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It kept me company for a few minutes..

cape visit_048We chatted a bit…

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About the ratty looking Male Cardinal feeding its young son..

cape visit_052_thumbAbout the piglet chipmunk living under the deck

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We chatted about last nights sunset…

cape visit_005And the view from its favorite hydrangea tree…

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We talked about Samarrah and her Jeff's upcoming wedding..

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Then it wished me well and went on its way…

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It declined the wedding invitation…

I was a bit happy about that. Smile

Saturday, August 25, 2012

She went to our wedding…

Howdee all,

She went to our wedding.


Soon it will be time to go to hers.

1990 Jeff & Dawn Wedding pic2

8 Days!

You are as beautiful inside and out as you were when I first met you 28 years ago!

I am So Happy to be able to share your Wedding Day.

We Love you Samarrah!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

11 days…:)

Howdee all,

11 days until Samarrah and her Jeff are married.


Aren't they adorable?

sam and jeff

Yesterday Samarrah, My Jeff and I went to NH to go over timeline and other details with the Inn owner and banquet manager.

Dowds_006There were many butterflies around..

I was a bit distracted by them..


But ,I was good and only took a few photos.


The excitement and anticipation is building.


In just a bit over a week we will be here.


For a fun filled wedding weekend.

Dowds_026A Lovely setting..


Thursday, August 16, 2012

A busy mind…

Howdee all,

The Wedding is just about 17 day away now…

  I sleep, eat and think wedding allot these days.

Lists of things to do go thru my head all day and night...

I needed to clear my mind so I went for a walk.

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Queen Anne's Lace in various stages

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Lovely seed heads..

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I don’t know who you are..

Feverfew maybe?

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These looked like Jerusalem artichoke.

I was told by Sicksta they are probably some kind of heliopsis

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This area is a short hop skip and jump from where our Homey is parked in Lexington.

I walk thru the neighborhood and into this little stretch of woodlands and water.

Short walk_052Looking east..

Short walk_054Looking West..

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Fireweed..and an old talking tree'

He said to tell you all hello..

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My mind starts relax…

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  I follow the path..back out into the neighborhood

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And notice more purdy things around me..

Short walk_069Hi Bunny..

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A wildflower mix

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Thistle seeds

Short walk_073Waiting to be dispersed

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A Lovely walk was all I needed

to clear my busy mind.

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Did I add those songs to the playlist?

What about the basket for the programs..should we buy or borrow one?

Why hasn’t the Band leader called us back..must call him today.

I need to pick up my gown from the cleaners..

Does Samarrah need help today? ……..

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Just Bee cause…

Howdee all,

Here is a Bee..


Lexington walk_062Bee

Lexington walk_063Cause

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18 days until Samarrah and Jeff C’s Wedding!


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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Green Gem~Ebony Jewelwing

Howdee all,

In my last post I mentioned I took a gazillion photos of this gorgeous metallic green

~Ebony Jewelwing damselfly ~

(Thanks Donna and Kerri for the ID)

Try as I might..

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I could not capture the metallic green color.

Lexington walk_067It looks shiny blue here..when it should be green!

Lexington walk_071Gurrrr

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My facebook friend Donna says ...”infuriating to photograph because one can never capture its metallic beauty.”

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She is sooo right. I could not capture it as it was.

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It was lovely and shiny shiny bright metallic green..

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An amazing gem of a creature....

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Anyone else have luck capturing this beauty?

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Jeff and I are busy helping our daughter with her wedding plans.


I missed a cool Swarovski trip I was invited to this past weekend.

I appreciated the invite…

It was fun following everyone's updates from the trip~though, it did make me very jealous. :)

Still happy that I stayed here to deal with any last minute issues.

20 days and counting… Smile