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Friday, June 01, 2012

Sicksta Lori's and her Hunny's Garden

Howdee all,

Yesterday Jeff and I stopped off at Sicksta Lori's to pick up Jeff's old saxophone. He is going to have it repaired so that he can play a few songs with the band that will play for our daughter, Samarrah and her Jeff's wedding reception in September.

While there my other Sicksta Adele from NC wanted me to take a few photos of their garden so she could see them as I chatted to her online.

All photos taken with my new iPad.

Hope you enjoy too.

Front gardens

I should go back with my real camera and take better photos.

Front garden looking across the street.

Side yard garden and driveway.

Pots going up stairs made by Sicksta and her hunny.

Oh goodness.. I forget the name of the flower Sicksta is showing us.

The fellas hanging out in the back garden. The vegetable garden behind them.
All stonework done by my Sickstas hunny.

Patio area.

Veggie garden.

Sedum gardens.

Side yard patio area.
There is much more to this area but I didn't take enough photos. There is a fire pit, BBQ area with sink, small refridg.

Planting in the side yard garden.

Here we are back in the front again..this is on the right side of their home.
Hope you enjoyed the tour.

Jeff and I have left CT and are now in MA for the month of June.
We will be busy helping our daughter plan her wedding.
Fun times!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely! She's a very imaginative gardener. Did they do all the brick and stone work themselves? My back hurts just looking at it!

    Happy wedding planning. Will there be audio of Jeff's sax practicing?


ok what do you really think?????