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Sunday, April 29, 2012

1-2-3-4-5 ~~Wow!

Howdee all,

Last night while enjoying dinner in Homey. Jeff, Sicksta Dell and I saw the big beaked Female Rose-breasted Grosbeak.

I mentioned that we had not seen they young male who was here a few days earlier and that he must be on his way north.

We watched her and another female Rose-breasted.

Birds and flowers_035And then~

A bright male popped in.

Birds and flowers_030A beauty

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A male Blue Grosbeak was at the feeders as well,

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We then had another Male surprise us..Notice his red is a bit different then the one above.

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And then in comes another male..

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Each time this happened we all looked at each other and exchanged glees and excitement.

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The males each tried to sit at the feeder with the female..but she would not have it and chased them away each time.

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A Blue Grosbeak joins in on the fun~

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Both male Blue Grosbeaks seemed much bluer last night and they both had a bit of a crest.

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Female Rose-breasted taking a drink..

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Count them~Three males!

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The males took turns eating..

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What wonderful free entertainment we had while having dinner!

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Jeff and I are in North Carolina for one more day. We head to Ohio for The Biggest Week in American Birding on Tuesday. It will take us two days of travel.

Cant wait to see what birds will show up there!

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