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Monday, February 13, 2012

Fort Island Gulf Beach and Black Skimmers

Howdee all,

Jeff and I went to Fort Island Gulf Beach to do some birding. This is one of the birding spots on The Great Florida Birding Trail

White powdery sand...Sooooo soft I almost put down a towel to sunbathe….but we had other business here..

Crystal River area_053 (1)We went to the rock jetty~see it down there?

Crystal River area_054A nice assortment of birds.Terns,Corms, Turnstones

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I looked back at the beach..

It was aflutter with birds..

Black Skimmers..

Crystal River area_027Whenever someone walked by, the Skimmers flew about, then settled down again.

Kids chased them…

It seemed like the skimmers were used to being disturbed..…they would fly away and settle onto a different area of the beach.

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The skimmers didn’t seem to disturb the sun bathers  while moving to their next site…

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Oh..remember my last post? ~Way to many GBH photos.

Crystal River area_036Well~this post will be different..

Crystal River area_040This will be..

Way to many Black Skimmer photos..

Crystal River area_044And an occasional gull..

Crystal River area_046Or three..

Crystal River area_061See the skimmers down there?

Those skimmer birds tried to get themselves into rows....not perfect rows..

I think they may need to work on the row thing..

Crystal River area_048Now check out that beak..or is it bill?


What is that anyway?

Crystal River area_071They all had them…

Funky Orange and black projections..

Big honkers.


No eyes..

Yep..blind birds with wonky honkers…ok I am just kidding.

I know that those are not noses. ;)

Crystal River area_072There were a few gulls mixed in..

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But mostly the gulls had their section and the skimmers had theirs..

Crystal River area_079Until someone walked by..


The skimmers flew..

The did pretty good for being blind birds…

Crystal River area_081The gulls stayed..

Crystal River area_084The cool gulls were wondering why the silly skimmers were so skittish..

Silly skittish skimmers~silly skittish skimmers..

They just stared at them in disbelief..

Crystal River area_085This one skimmer stayed while the other silly skittish skimmers flew..

Crystal River area_093I think it was old..or hurt..or both.

Crystal River area_094A friend comes back to join him..

Crystal River area_096While the other silly skittish skimmers settle down again.

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until the next time someone walks by..

Silly Skittish Skimmers..

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Stay tuned~~~~~next time

for the way to many ____?___ photos.

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  1. I LOVE all the skimmer photos! Very pretty birds, and your photos are super! Can't wait for the next post!

  2. Nah this was a lot of fun. I love the Skimmer photos and really need to get to a coast! Beach birding seems too great, I've not done nearly enough of it. Thanks for sharing.

  3. They are cool looking birds, great photos Dawn! A great beach for birding!

  4. I loved this post, it had me laughing until the very end!

  5. I actually laughed out loud at the photo of the gulls staring"in disbelief" at the skimmers! Funny birds, funny post. Thanks for the laugh!

  6. Wow!!! What a lot of skimmers!!! Those are some strange looking birds for sure. They always look like they don't have eyes--even though I know they do! Great post!

  7. Hi Dawn, what a lovely place to visit! I had never heard of Black Skimmers, what amazing looking birds they are. They are so strikingly odd ;-) You had me fooled! I had to look them up to see if they really don't have eyes!!! I'm glad I did though because it was interesting to read all about them.

  8. I could be wrong, but I think I saw a Black Skimmer in one of your photos. Thanks for the warm beach photos to view after a day of snow, sleet and/or freezing rain.

  9. how can anyone not love the skimmers...

  10. Thanks for the chuckle. Fun post, Dawn! I always enjoy seeing groups of Black Skimmers on the beach. They are such interesting looking birds. Wonderful photographs!

  11. we had a similar experience on a beach in New Port Richey about 4 years ago. I love those comical birds.

  12. Great shots, Dawn! Makes me want to be at the beach something fierce. Enjoy.

  13. Very nice Dawn, how neat to see so many skimmers up close.

  14. Linda Rockwell .
    Thanks Rocky~Glad you liked my photos of the Blind birds with honkers ;)

    Laurence Butler ...
    Get yer selv to da beach young man!

    eileeninmd ...
    They are rather cool in an odd way..thanks!

    Mia McPherson ...
    Thanks Mia~I was serious though ;) hee hee

    Kathryn ..
    Ha! Glad that part made you laugh! it made me laugh when I saw it happening!

    Yeah..there were scads of those buggers...and dont be telling any lies..You know they have no eyes! ;) hee hee

    ShySongbird ..
    These birds had no eyes...reall truly..they just had big noses... :) hee hee

    Marvin ...
    Marvin~there were NO black skimmers there...Just blind birds with big honkers ;)

    heyduke50 ..
    We all love da skimmers!

    Julie G
    Thanks..glad you got a chuckle out of the poor blind birds with big honkers .. :)

    Annette ..
    They are silly..i could watch them all day and night..ok probably not night :)

    Get yer selv out of the mountain and go to the shore! Sink those tootsies in the sand!

    Dan Huber
    Thanks was a blast seeing so many blind birds :)

  15. Looks beautiful, and entertaining as beach birds always are. Had a blast catching up on your posts, they are almost as entertaining as skimmer antics. Was great to read that your nephew is doing well. Take care, and great travels!

  16. They are the strangest looking birds Dawn. With beaks like that how do they eat.

  17. I love your sense of humor Dawn..& whatever those birds were ;-) Great post as usual!

  18. Cynthia White
    Thanks Cindy!

    Thanks so much! My nephew is doing amazingly well!

    They are weird looking birds! I think they because they are blind and only have big noses..they cant eat..they live on air. :)

    Thanks Cindy..
    Those are some weird blind birds!


ok what do you really think?????