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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Nick’s creek Trail~

Howdee all,

Yesterday, Sicksta, Jeff and I went to Nick’s Creek for an hour fast walk.

I stopped just a few times to take photos.

I took only three photos and only on the last half of our walk…

I stopped when saw these beautiful grasses….

How could I not take a photo of them.

 IMG_2596 I stopped again when I saw the same type of grasses glowing on the right side of the road.

It started to sprinkle so I didn’t stop long.

IMG_2597All photos take with my ipod Touch

At the end of the trail I took one last photo of the dam and…More grasses..

I was told on one of my previous posts that they are a type of sedge grass…

We made it back to the car and home before the rain.


 We have decided that we will be leaving here on Tuesday for our journey to Florida.

I will start packing up tomorrow. Maybe I will show a few photos of how I pack things up..if I don’t get too lazy.


  1. HI Dawn, the grasses are beautiful. The trees and grasses make a gorgeous scene. Lovely photos. Have a safe and fun trip to Florida!

  2. Nice contrast of the golds and greens. I like the winter grasses.

    Ah, packing. I always put it off until the day before I roll and then it really only takes a couple hours. If I haven't sat for 6 months, then it takes a day.

    Safe journey and keep the rubber down.

  3. Grasses in winter are a landscape treat..Enjoy your trip to Florida!

  4. Oh yes sicksta, I want to see the packing!
    and then i am going to stalk you on your journey!

  5. Looks like a great place to walk!
    Safe journeys my friend,

  6. Lovely contrast of colours there Dawn.

    Enjoy Florida, I'm sure you will :-)

  7. Beautiful photos Dawn. I like to take various wild grass photos too.

    We have rain today in So Cal, really need it.

  8. eileeninmd
    Thanks Eileen~I loved the colors too.

    Thanks~Packing is similiar for me too..depend on how long we have been stationary..took me a bit over an hour and will pack up the plants tomorrow.

    Cindy ...
    Thanks Cindy...cant wait for the warmth!

    beachgrl ...
    Ok Sicksta..I took some packing photos this am...You can stalk me anytime!

    Kerri ..
    Thanks Kerri~

    ShySongbird ...
    Thanks kindly!

    Sandy ..
    Thanks Sandy~Hope you have sunny weather soon...Southern cal seems to have great weather most of the time.

  9. I came by your blog while surfing around this evening and found this post and thought, there must be another Nicks Creek... Gee, I didn't realize there was a trail there, but my early years was spent not far from there, just south of Eastwood, and until a few years ago, my grandmother lived on a sandy ridge with Joe's Fork behind her house and if you crossed the road and headed down through the pines and black jack oaks to the north, you'd come to Nick's Creek... Seeing you're in Moore County, this must be the same Nicks Creek and I'll have to now find the trail.


ok what do you really think?????