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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Here we are…Silver Springs, Florida

Howdee all,

We arrived safely in Florida with a few minor mishaps.

Last night while looking for Camp Walmart, our trusty GPS took us the wrong way. Jeff turned into a shopping area to turn around..while doing so he turned into the wrong drive to the shopping plaza and couldn’t drive any further as what he thought was a road was just a small patch of gravel turning into very wet grass. He couldn’t back up because the car was attached to the Homey…Luckily it was a side street and not busy. He had to straighten out the Homey and unhook the car so he could back up Homey. We then drove to Camp Walmart.

Today while on our way to Silver Springs Jeff hit an animal, he had no time to stop the Homey…The animal was all black and shaped like a weasel~small head, large belly and elongated tail. Don’t know what it was. Jeff was flustered after hitting the poor creature and missed the turn…We we had to go 4 miles out of our way before we could turn around.

But look~Here we are safe and sound…wish I could say as much for the poor animal.

IMG_2636The view from Homeys front window…

IMG_2635It was hot when we arrived..Homey heats up in the sun quickly..I had to turn on the air conditioning…to cool it off.

I also had to change into shorts and a tee shirt..Oh the trials and tribulations…Such is life in a warm climate. :)

IMG_2637So ..anyway~here we are…

In warm and sunny Silver Springs, Florida.

Jeff is washing Homey in the photo below.

IMG_2638I went for a walk ~staring at the magical clouds..

IMG_2640And looking for birds..

IMG_2641We are a short walk to the Silver River.

I looked for birds near the river..

I found what I thought was a Blackburnian Warbler…I was wrong, it was a Yellow throated warbler. Oops!! ~time to go back to Warbler school.

IMG_2642Nice places to sit along the river..


We are here for three nights, then travel to Brooksville for an RV rally.

 IMG_2648Its lovely~~sigh..



  1. Your site looks nice, especially so close to a river walk.

  2. Looks like a lovely place! Glad you made is safely!!

  3. Glad you finally got there safe and sound! Poor creature! :(

  4. Watch out for alligators! It looks nice and hope you see lots of birds!

  5. HI Dawn, glad you made it safely to Florida. And I am sorry about the poor critters, they need to learn to stay out of the roads. The skies are looking beautiful there, enjoy! Happy Birding!

  6. Gaelyn ...
    Yes~for a big park ..we usually dont stay at is quite nice. Passport america price of 22 a night. We overlook the woods and river is so close. lots of birds too!

    Rich Leighton ...
    Rich~sorry to make you homesick. It is lovely here. Before Rving I thought I would never want to spend time in Florida..too crowded and built up on the shoreline.. I now know that there are still many beautiful places here. Love it..cant beat the weaher in winter!

    Kerri said...
    Thanks! it is heavenly!

    Tink said...
    Thanks Sicksta! I know..poor thing..we went back and didnt see him..hope it was ok.

    Appalachian Lady .
    Thanks~We will watch out for the gators..there is a small one in the pond accross from us. :)

    heyduke50 ...
    Thanks..Might our trials cross?...

    eileeninmd ...
    Thanks! :Lots of birding here..You would love it!

  7. Dawn, you are just too cute! So, from that last shot it looks like everything is rosy now! LOL! Have fun and stay cool!


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