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Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Evening light~Carthage, NC

Howdee all,

I was inside Homey making dinner yesterday, when I noticed the light changing outside…

I thought it might be a great time to capture a few photos.

I brought my ipod touch, and both point and shoot cameras.

This first photo was taken on HDR with the ipod.


This taken with one of my point and shoot cameras…wide angle

around sickstas_044

Tree tops being lit up across the street..

around sickstas_048

I turn back and

I noticed the sun shining thru from the field next door…

around sickstas_045

So I walked to the field and shot a few photos..

Ipod photo

IMG_2457As the sun lit up the grasses..

ipod photo

IMG_2455The lighting was lovely..

IMG_2463This field next to Sickstas home is for sale..

evening light in carthage_001We secretly hope that it is never sold..

evening light in carthage_011

Or that we can magically come up with the xtra cash to buy it..

around sickstas_050

You cant tell by this photo..but, I was wearing my leopard print flannel PJ bottoms..

Wild animal that I am..


We are here in Sicksta and Craigys side yard in NC for a bit longer..either until the cold drives us away or when our black tank fills…

Jeff has a sore back and wants to heal before we head south.

That’s ok with me…its pretty here and the Birds really appreciate our home made bark butter.


  1. it looks like a small piece of heaven. great pics. enjoy a bit of Carolina winter before heading south

  2. So LOVELY Dawn!!
    Hope Jeff's back is better soon!!

    I am enjoying taking pics with my camera phone .... so easy to whip it out and shoot!

  3. Wow, what gorgeous light and images!!! Great job noticing and getting out there prepared when the light was perfect! Hope you can come up with the $$ to buy that some day! :)

  4. OMG, the light is mystical. Nice to have an unoccupied field next door. Hope you didn't burn dinner while taking these awesome images.

  5. Truly beautiful pictures, Dawn!

  6. I call those "days with thin evening skies." After the winter solstice the skies do some amazing things with gentle light.

  7. Really beautiful images Dawn.
    "The best camera is, the one you have with you."

  8. these are excellent pictures. You really captured the colors of every feature beautifully.

  9. Wonderful captures of the colors and contrasts Dawn. Stay warm, finally got cold up here :)


  10. What gorgeous photographs! You captured the light perfectly. Here's hoping Jeff's sore back is better soon and that no one buys that beautiful piece of land. Unless it is you.

  11. BEAUTIFUL! I hope no potential buyers see your lovely photos. The deed should have your name on it. You could call it Backrest Acres. Oh, the trouble you and your sister could get into!

    It's always nice seeing NC from your lens-eye view.

  12. the little bluestem grasses really brighten up that field in the twilight...

  13. That looks like a great place to stop for a while.

    Best wishes for 2012!!

  14. My furst thought was to hope that field was never sold. That is a gorgeous picture! No more fields or woods shoukd ever be developed..

  15. The lighting in some of these photos is so beautiful..

    Word verification - bomspa

    I'm thinking that may be a stop on your traveling - is there such a place, ha.

    Boms, Pennsylvania

    I'll have to google this

  16. Thanks everyone for your kind comments!!!! ..It was truly a wonderful evening light. Hasn't been like that since that day.
    As far as the land...It would be nice to buy it and keep it an open field.

    Sandy~Bomspa...haa I will have to check out Boms, Penn. :)


ok what do you really think?????