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Friday, September 30, 2011

BwBTC Plum Island~cancelled ~sorta

Howdee all,

Last Saturday was supposed to have been our Birders who Blog, Tweet and Chirp outing at Plum Island, Ma.

We had nice day planned, with a guide and a bird banding session.

But~with torrential rains forecasted, many decided not to come.

John and Sharon were traveling from Maine. Hilke from Vermont. Dan from Connecticut. For them a long haul, on a day that was supposed to be a wash out. The locals were also bailing out..

Forecast was grim…

Cindy was coming from Brooklyn, NY…she already had reservations nearby and decided to come anyway.

Jeff and I said we would meet whomever was there…and so..because of the forecast….it was the three of us..

UNTIL…the weather cleared..

We met up with Christopher~who put out a quick facebook message that he was on his way.

He pointed out a Eurasian Widgeon in the marsh across the street.

Soon after Laura and Mark joined us..

Shortly after that  Diana and Paul joined us.

And what do you think we all  did?

We talked..

Plum Island_002 (1)And talked…for hours~

It was fun to catch up and chat with everyone.

Plum Island_004 (1)

Laura brought this hat that is to be worn by a Birder if they are celebrating a birthday ending in a 0..on a bird outing.

John~aka Mainebirder~

This would have graced your head..See what you missed..hee hee.

.. Plum Island_001 (1)

There were plenty of ducks and shorebirds in the marsh areas…

And we eventually did some birding..

Plum Island_005 (1)

Most of the gang left in search of the Curlew sandpiper being seen on the NH coast.

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Cindy, Jeff and I wanted to stay on Plum and check out the scene.

Plum Island_038 (1)Great Egret

Plum Island_003A flock of Turkey

Plum Island_022Plum Island_020We headed to the beach..A Caspian tern had been seen.

Plum Island_009 (1)And although there weren't scads of shorebirds..and no Caspian tern…

There were enough to view and enjoy.

Plum Island_011 (1)We walked the beach …

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For a day that was supposed to be rainy and bleak..

It sure did end up being a gorgeous day.

Plum Island_017I loved the clouds..

Plum Island_018And the reflections in the water..

Plum Island_019 (1)Cindy and her foot prints following her Smile

Plum Island_020 (1)Just look at this!

Can it get much prettier than this?

Plum Island_023 (1)So~I didn’t mind that the place wasn’t hopping with birds..

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I was having fun photographing the clouds..

Plum Island_029Clouds..

Plum Island_031 (1)Driftwood beach shack

Plum Island_032 (1)We had a great time hanging out at the beach..watching two Peregrine falcon chase the shorebirds…didn’t see either of them take a bird.

Plum Island_035 (1)Did I tell you the clouds were super?

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They were..

Plum Island_037 (1)

Stay tuned for this poor little birds story…

sandpiper with clam stuck_012

Another BwBTC outing planned tomorrow for a few that couldn’t make the first outing..See you there~


  1. So much fun. Looked what I missed! Hopefully we will have an even better time tomorrow! See you there!

  2. I'm so glad you got out. Unfortunately, I was tied up with family stuff. Please keep me in mind for the future. I had a great time the last time we went out.

  3. Thanks Kathie and Steve..
    For a predicted wash out..It turned out to be beautiful day...and some good birds too!

  4. Sorry I missed a fun trip. Hope to make the next one.


ok what do you really think?????