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Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday Funk

Howdee all,

Most people will be saying TGIF

Today..I am in a bit of a funk..

around mom and dads_053My little fur ball is getting old..

He is having kidney issues…He went to the vet for what we thought was an infected was an ulcer caused by excess acid in his system. He has lost 2 pounds in the last year..His hind legs aren't as strong either…another symptom of his sickness.

Ballie is 16 years old


He will be on meds to see if he can put on some weight and to help his kidney values.

This is Ballie when he was younger..

Its hard to say goodbye..but I am preparing myself.


I am crying as I type this and I haven't even lost him…he is till living and purring and doing the things he likes to do…and not in pain.

around mom and dads_055Ballie as a kitten…

ballieplayI am trying to find the courage to be strong when I know he will begin to fail..

around mom and dads_061Ballies step brother Nobbie..

Passed three years ago ~age 13

Three months he was sick..I was sick along with him..

Took a while for me to get over his loss..

collageBallie Collagecollage2 (Small)Pets bring such joy..

Its sad to see him get old..

I'm not good at it..

Not strong enough…

I admire those who can put the whole situation in a different practical perspective..

around mom and dads_040Me..I am still standing..

but my petals are gone.

around mom and dads_043


  1. Not only is it evident that you love your precious cat, it is even more evident that your cat loves you. That kitty has and will continue to fight to stay there for you. =)

  2. Dawn, I am sorry about the failing health of your cat, and you are right to feel sad and find coping hard. What would our lives be without such emotions? So don't admire those with a different practical perspective! They miss out on a very very important part of life.

  3. Dawn, I know exactly what you're going thorough since both of our cats are in chronic renal failure. Here is a great website for info.
    And, you might want to join this Yahoo group.
    I've learned a lot from both.
    Hang in there. Although there is no cure, many cats survive for years after being diagnosed. Just take one day at a time.

  4. So sorry Dawn..have lost several cats over the years and it is always wrenching....beautiful post..and he is still with you..*hugz*

  5. Oh my, reading this left me in tears. I am so sorry, my friend... I offer you a big cyber hug. My furbaby is currently 13 years old and after this I will give him a big hug. A beautiful and loving post... ((hug))

  6. I sent a comment but it was lost in cyberspace.

    As a pet lover who has suffered such loss, I know just how you feel. My thoughts are with you.

  7. What a difficult time for you. I kept telling myself our dog had no fear of dying and his end was very peaceful and surrounded with love. But I still cry.

  8. The best place to bury a pet is in the heart of its owner. Ballie is already there- and he will always be there. I would hydrate him as long as he has quality of life, e.g. under the skin.

  9. Dawn, I miss Ballie. He does look thinner in his picture. Wow I didn't know he was that old. Hope the medicine helps him, and he will be with you both for a little longer. Pet are so good for our soul. I will say a prayer for Ballie! Beautiful post.

  10. Oh, Dawn - I'm so sorry! I lost Midnight at 17 last July, and I'm still grieving. I miss her so much. She was my faithful friend and companion. Try to be strong for him, and remember the joy he shared with you.

    I feel your heartbreak and all your fear, and I'm sending you all the calming karma I can find.

  11. I am Sorry your kittie is sick, Dawn. What a nice post and tribute to your Ballie. he knows you love him too. We all love our pets dearly and over the years I had to say goodbye to five dogs that were a big part of our family. It is very sad and I still miss them. I can only say when they are so ill I can not keep them suffering just to make me happy.

  12. I'm so sorry to read about your darling Ballie. They just live their lives faster than we do. I consider it a major design flaw. Wish I had every one of my fur babies with me right now. I'd have a crowd, but I'd be happy. You're preparing to lose a much-loved family member, and it's not easy. Cherish the time you have left with him. He may surprise you. Kitties are tough little animals. Hugs and kisses to you and Jeff.

  13. I feel your pain my sweet sicksta. I am entering the same phase with my pups. It's so hard to even think about losing someone that has been so near and dear in our lives and that brings so much joy. I am always here for you as I know you will always be here for me to help each other through these hard times.

  14. Nobbie and Ballie were and are so very lucky to have a mom such as yourself. Not all animals are blessed enough to be loved so much..

  15. ...I'm so sorry Dawn. Like you, I don't do well at all when I lose one of my pets. My dog, Sudsy (a 130lb German Shepherd), died years ago, and I haven't been able to get another dog since. The pain of the loss was too great. We still have our kitty, Bip, though. I don't even want to think about losing him. My heart is with you and Ballie.

  16. So very sorry to read this post Dawn, I read it with tears in my eyes. I lost my kitty fur baby 4 weeks ago, and my heart aches, for my Pixie and for you too. I understand how you are feeling, and wish you strength when the time comes. Hugs xoxox

    Lisa Salt

  17. sorry to hear Dawn, hope he stays happy and pain free. We lost our Sophie this fall to leukemia, never easy


  18. What a sad post. So sorry to hear about Ballie. It's never easy to prepare to say goodbye or say goodbye. It's hard to put down words to console. Sorry again. Take care Dawn & Jeff, you too beautiful Ballie. I know you know mama & daddy love you so much.

  19. Awwww, kitties. Have so been there, Dawn. Lost my little kitty after 17.5 years, and I still boo hoo when I think of her. Hang in there, and try and remember that all the good the Ballie continues to bring will far outweigh the bad when it comes.

    xo - Bethe @balmeras

  20. Excellent set of pictures and the cats look really funny ;-)

  21. I've still got a cat-shaped chunk of my heart missing from losing Larry five years ago. It's just the prints left over from a great love. May you have the serenity and courage to do the right thing at the right time.

  22. DAwn, hugs, hugs and more hugs! I am so sorry!

  23. Dawn, I am so sorry to hear about Ballie. It is so hard to lose the pets you love. Thinking of you during this time.

  24. I'm so sad too I have tears in my eyes! I have 3 cats and dread the day I have to say good bye. Hope Ballie is doing OK. He looks just like my Cici, but she is white with blue eyes.

  25. Thanks so much each and everyone of you for you words of comfort and encouragement. Ballie is doing much better..I hope the new medications make whats left of his life Happy and comfortable. So far so good!


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