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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

New River Birding and Nature Festival~day 2

Howdee all,

More New River….

Day two took us to Sugar Creek…with Jim McCormac~Mr Nature knowledge powerhouse.

We saw lots of warblers, which were too far for my small camera to reach.

New River day 2_003Thank goodness for things that are slow…

Land SnailNew River day 2_009MY camera likes them and says hello..New River day 2_016And look at this beauty…New River day 2_022A big fat

Jack-in-the Pulpit New River day 2_021Clustered snakerootNew River day 2_025Canada VioletNew River day 2_027

Back of the Canada VioletNew River day 2_028So…here in West Virginia..

these are the things my camera lens can reach..

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Though …this female American Redstart…was sitting on her nest not to far from the road… Sweet~

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Wild Ginger




Flower of Wild Ginger sits on the ground..

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Darn it… Where's Jim when I need him?

He's probably not reading this blog..because I do it upside down according to him..Smile


He told me a few times what this was….and darn it…I cant remember…

I think its Yellow Mandarin

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Here is the flower…New River day 2_046

We did see birds on this trip…

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I just couldn’t reach them with my small lens…

So you will just have to take my word for it…

Cerulean,Kentucky, Worm-eating, Hooded,Black-throated Blue Warblers to name just a few.

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If you have never been to this part of the world and you love looking a birds and all things nature……You must check out the

New River Birding and Nature Festival


  1. You sure know how to show the best at the NRBNF, Dawn. I didn't get good shots at warblers, either, but I captured the landscapes. Great job!

  2. You saw a lot on this wonderful adventure. And I like the photos, even if you do do it upside down. ;)

  3. Beautiful place! Love the sweet nesting Redstart :)

  4. Looks like a beautiful place! I love the snail photos.

  5. A most lovely area to bird and enjoy nature. The snail photo on the damp leaves is awesome! Love the redstart in her nest. So many beautiful images!

  6. Great photos!!!
    Loved the snail... ☺
    Have fun

  7. It does look like a great place to bird and find other treasures. I like the lookout--wonder where that is. The red trillium is nice too.

  8. Wonderful photos as always Dawn! Love the first snail photo!

  9. Love this post. It is like I took a trip today without leaving the house!

  10. Great photographs. I've never seen a Redstart's nest, much less with the female sitting on it. Great capture.

  11. Mary
    Thanks Mary..that means allot coming from someone who has been there before.

    hee hee..thanks Gaelyn..I think everyone else does it upside down:)

    Debbie Miller @HooootOwl
    It sure is a beautiful place! Thank goodness for the was one of the few photos I was able to get of a bird.

    Sharon M
    Thanks..I love snails because they are slow and cant run away from my camera!!

    Julie G.
    Thanks Julie for your kind comments! I love that snail photo too!

    Thanks Donna!

    Thanks so much! It was my first redstart nest! Wish I had a bigger lens to get a better picture.

  12. Mary
    Thanks Mary..that means allot coming from someone who has been there before.

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