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Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Summer in Winter…

Howdee all,

The below photo was not taken last summer…

it was taken last week…Grasshopper of Florida's Winter…

Pelican island nwr_111And what are these?Pelican island nwr_116Some sort of eggs?~cocoons? This was also taken here in Florida..near a small pond. Brackish water.Pelican island nwr_120Now this looks similar to above..but these are some sort of seed pods..

Again..I don’t know what kind…and now looking back at them I wish I had taken a pod…decorative purposes…Pelican island nwr_127More cool seed pods…Pelican island nwr_129Lovely, prickly seed holding baskets…Pelican island nwr_132Jeff and I took a few seeds thinking someone might want one~Though, I don’t know who would want to grow this prickly basket…Pelican island nwr_135Flowers have been blooming here for a while now…I don’t think flowers ever stop blooming in Florida…Pelican island nwr_142It feels like summer~

Temps have been in the high 70s and 80s for the past few weeks..

Short and Tee shirt and sandals weather…Pelican island nwr_143A strange feeling…..

Gulf Fritillary

Merritt Island NWR_189~Summer in Winter~

Common Buckeye ~thanks Mariel for your IDs

Merritt Island NWR_211I kinda Like it..:)sebastian inlet_103Pelican island nwr_144

Jeff and I have talked about where to go next winter~ Its certainly tempting to come back to the warmth of Florida….Sunshine..great birds…summer in winter….

The mountains in Arizona are calling my name..hiking till I lose the ten pounds that don’t want to come off……Cactus and my spark bird~Vermillion flycatcher.

Big Bend and the Rio Grande Valley are also considerations..…We had a wonderful time last winter there…..

So..we haven't decided…might have to flip a coin…

Any suggestions? ~warm places only:)


  1. I think I'd kinda like it too!!! Shorts and tee shirts...yum. Those prickly basket things look like little nests with eggs in them!

  2. Come back to Arizona! And a trip to Bosque del Apache too! And a trip to Sandia Crest to see the Rosy Finches!

  3. Think we may try Florida next winter after following along on your blog. We did see a beautiful vermillion flycatcher yesterday at Patagonia Lake State Park. We like the low humidity and the fact that there are no bugs here in AZ. You haven't mentioned if that's been an issue for you in FL?

  4. I want to be there!! I would love to see butterflies in the winter!!

    I look forward to wherever you choose for a destination. I get to "virtually" travel with you via your blog posts! And I am very thankful for that!! Keep those wonderful posts coming ;)

  5. Very interesting and unusual pictures! Love the prickly baskets withs seeds- It does look like eggs in basket like someone else said.

  6. The Sunshine State sounds wonderful to me now ... it's raining, gray and dreary here in Chicago. Love your fabulous Florida photos, so very bright and colorful! The prickly seed baskets are especially interesting. Wherever you decide to travel, I'm looking forward to following your journeys on this sensational blog!

  7. Sigh - enjoyed your photos and I can't wait until springtime and summer warmth, sunshine, warm breezes and walking barefoot!

  8. We did a little FL and then headed to AZ last year. This year has been all FL so next year will be all AZ.

    Really missing our friends at the Gypsy Journal Rally in Yuma, will definitely be at the one in Yuma next March (as well as the one in OH this Sept).

  9. I'm seeing blooms in West Texas.

    I'm liking Alpine in the area around Big Bend. Will visit the park on the way back north. How can you go wrong in AZ?

  10. Skip the other 2 spots...come back to beautiful Florida, where the weather/wildlife is amazing and so we can hang again :)

    Nature is Awesome
    Angel & Mariel

  11. Another great series Dawn.

    I vote for southern Arizona, no beach but some great birds.

  12. Come back to AZ - we'd love to see you! :)

  13. Kelly
    Yeah~whats not to like..right>>Warm is good~

    whats the temp like in NM? Will it be warm there in NM? or tolerable? It is a possibility. :)

    Jim and Gayle
    No bug issues..We recently had contact with mosquitos in a wooded area..first time this they are starting to come out..otherwise..just a sugar ant issue once. I know you both like scenic RV parks..You have to book ahead of time in most parts of Florida for State or County parks..keep that in mind. Let us know and we can steer you to a few parks..Most here are big and paved and not beautiful..if you can ignore that and enjoy the other things than you will be happy. Cant beat the weather!

    Aww..thanks Tweet Kerri! You should take a winter Florida Vacation..come see some Butterflies!

    Howdee..wonder if our paths will you head south and we go north?

    Julie G.
    Aww thanks Julie..So glad you come along..I see that Florida is someplace that you also travel too.:)

    The Falconer's Wife
    Howdee...Yes..walking barefoot on the sand has been so nice..feels odd to be doing that in the winter.
    Just checked out your very interesting blog. Cool

    Donna aka Froggi
    We still cant decide where to go...maybe we should go to AZ..always love it there..though its colder.

    Jeff and I loved Big Bend..we stayed in a small town Terlingula..very cool..Might consider a month or so in Big Bend area next year.

    hee hee..Its a possibity..:)

    Harold Stiver
    Yeah..Love birding Southern AZ..patagonia, sierra vista, portal..maybe:)

    Aunt Nancy
    So far it looks like AZ is winning the votes...might see you next winter:)

  14. Lovely little seed baskets. Enjoy the warmth.

  15. Lovely photos of the butteflies and flowers, Dawn! After the last two winters I wish I could take off for somewhere warm next winter. Arizona and Texas sound really nice and on my list of places to go birding.

  16. Oooh I would choose Florida too! There's just nowhere else like it.
    Those are some interesting seed pods for sure. And everything is so green! Those are 2 of my favorite butterflies. This makes me long for Summer!


ok what do you really think?????