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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

~I fell in Love at the beach~

Howdee all,

Yes you heard me..I fell in Love yesterday…

It wasn’t the first time~and I am sure it wont be the last:)

Jeff and I went for a ride to see Hutchinson Island…

We stopped at Blind Creek Park~a 400 acre preserve in between the Indian river to the Ocean.

Ocean side~View looking north~

Hutchinson Island_010View looking south~Hutchinson Island_011Looking east~

~a very quiet beach and no high-risesHutchinson Island_012Looking down ~

I see many shellsHutchinson Island_019Some nice shells here~Hutchinson Island_014

Jeff and I collected a few~ Hutchinson Island_020

And then…………..

I saw itHutchinson Island_034And~

I fell in Love~Hutchinson Island_035It seemed to be following me as I picked shells…

Hutchinson Island_032Wanting to be noticed?

Cute little seedy black eyes, pale blue back and fuzzy yellow legs~

I admired it for quite a while…Hutchinson Island_036

Isn't it adorable?

I didn’t know what kind of crab it was at the time…Hutchinson Island_039I walked on and left the crab as I picked up shells~

Then I saw a few Gulls with a crab….


I chased the Gulls…

and it dropped what was left of the crab…

Hutchinson Island_041

Two pieces…

My new love?

Hutchinson Island_042

I ran down the beach to see if My Crab was still there…

Hutchinson Island_048

And there is was…

still out in the open…

Hutchinson Island_037

Jeff and I didn’t know how to protect it so we built a small shelter.

I began to worry about it…

a few gulls flew overhead…

they saw it…Hutchinson Island_043I saw some holes at the high tide mark  about twenty feet away….

I thought maybe it had come from one of these holes…So Jeff took a stick and the little crab grabbed onto it…he then put the crab at the edge of the hole..and it slid in sideways …fitting perfectly…

We left thinking my new Love was safe..Hutchinson Island_044

When I came home I googled and found out my Lovely crab is a Ghost Crab…

they live in holes at the high tide line…Hutchinson Island_059

I hope my little friend is ok…

I like to think it is..Hutchinson Island_024My new Love :)Hutchinson Island_068


  1. Dawn, I just love this post. Your little friend is completely adorable. Those eyes - irresistible! You just never know what you're going to find when you go out walking, do you?

  2. Ahhhhh...I loved this post...and your little guy too........and the beach and shells...really fun. I bet he's safe.

  3. Sweeeet.
    Some beautiful shells there on the beach.

  4. OMG, I Love you, Dawn! Precious post, handsome new love...

  5. OMG... Dawn!!! I loved this post and the crab was so darn cute... GREAT PHOTOS & STORY! Thanks for the fun read
    Have fun & travel safe

  6. Yeah, he's definitely giving you the eyes ; )

    Love him! Love all the shells too! I would have been in heaven collecting them.

  7. No wonder you fell in love. What a place with the big views and no buildings, SO many shells, and that cute guy!!!!!

  8. Hello Dawn,
    Came across your blog via the OBN, must admit that it's one of the best that I've come across in a long while, so I hope that you don't mind if I tag along awhile.

  9. Oh Dawn, How I loved this post. That little crap was following you because he knew, you and Jeff were "Love" and you would save and protect him. He was so cute!

  10. I read all your posts but I really really LOVE this one... this little crab is so darn cute!!! Keep up the great and wonderful posts... the photos are so beautiful... I love living vicariously through you and your lens xoxoxo

  11. Definitely the cutest crab story ever, and probably the cutest crab photos too!! ;) A real fun read!

  12. Should you be telling us all this Dawn.??{:)

  13. FANTASTIC Dawn! What a sweet story!

  14. Great story that put a smile on my face.

  15. Oh my goodness ... such a sweet post! You brought a big smile to my face. Mr. Ghost Crab is quite the handsome fella. I can see why you fell in love. Looks like a beautiful beach with lovely shells. Thanks for sharing your sweet crab tale :)

  16. Love the blog post Dawn! We may just have to go over this weekend and hit that beach with you guys :) Sweet Ghost Crab pics and nice shells too.

  17. It looks like a Ghost Crab. I shot one in Sant Marteen a couple of years ago.

  18. Wow, beautiful pictures and such a beautiful beach..

  19. Oh and I love your little crab. So sweet!

  20. What a wonderful love story! I enjoyed this tremendously. And a happy ending. Great photos to accompany. Beautiful shells too.

  21. Excellent shells and a bit of wompum too. You live an amazing life. Sister Jane and I talk about you all the time. Looking forward to your return to the Northeast.

  22. What a lovely story! And you and Jeff are such heroes to take such good care of your new love :)

  23. Dawn, your new love is just adorable. The ghost crabs are neat critters. Looks like you found a beautiful beach with lots of great seashells. I wouldn't mind picking up a few of them too.

  24. That's a cute story. I can see why you fell in love. Hopefuly, he likes his new digs.

  25. My love is crabby sometimes...

  26. So, ... it is possible to photograph a ghost.

    I thought so.

    Great post Dawn!

  27. He was axing you to find him a hole to hide in!!
    Just love this post. Came here via a circuitous route...FC's blog
    Ain't the world wonderful?
    Still coming to NRBNF in April??


  28. See Dawn, you CAN tell a really good story! I was heart-broken when I thought the gulls ate your crab and so glad when they didn't! I never think of crabs as cute but I'll make an exception for this one, especially since it is your love...

  29. outwalkingthedog
    You are so right~I never know what I might find or what I might fall in love with~Glad you found my love so adorable:)

    Thanks Kelly, I sure hope my little love is safe~too cute to be gull food!

    Thanks so much. I had fun with little Crabby and collecting shells..dont know what the heck I am going to do with the shells..maybe make something lovely...")

    Warren and Lisa Strobel
    hee hee...aww thanks!....I love you too did Bird couple~but I bet it is my Crabby you really Love...:) I must go hide it from you too:)

    Thanks so much Donna! Happy Trails to you too...are you staying in one spot all winter?

    A New England Life
    I wish you were here collecting shells with me..I know you need a bit of warmth..and I think we would have so much fun!

    Gaeylyn are so right..the whole scene was perfect for love! Well, all except the piglet Gulls wanting to eat my New Love. :)

    John~thanks so much for your very nice compliment! I would love it if you tagged along~please come back and visit often!

    Hey~ why are you callin my new love a little Crap! Hee hee..ok i think you meant to put a b but you put a least I hope thats what happened ..hee hee...
    I think you are right..that little critter was looking for someone to help it..and help it we did~

    Missy D.
    Aww...thanks Missy, Glad you liked my new Love...How could you not:) Thanks always for stopping by...miss you!

    Nicole MacP said...
    Thanks so much Nicole for your kind compliment on my post..Yes it was the cutest crab ...thats why I fell in Love so fast and hard:)

    Roy..did I say too time close your eyes and ears..hee hee..

    Thankes Kerri ...tweetie

    So Glad I could put a smile on your face~because I always smile when I see your beautiful photos!

    Julie G.
    Thanks so much dear photos could never be as beautiful as yours..but I am so glad you enjoyed my story and my New Love!

    Aww thanks dearies~ Wish you could come to the beach too..maybe next weekend in Merritt Island..Hugs to you both!

    Steve Borichevsky certainly is a Ghost crab..what a cool critter..did you Fall in love too?? :)

    Wish you were here Sicksta..we would have so much fun!

    Donna M. Simonetti
    So glad you enjoyed my post..Happy that you shared it with your son!

    John (Tucker)
    thanks John! I look forward to birding with you two again!

    Carole Brown
    Thanks felt good to rescue my New Love and make it safe again:)

    Wish you could be here to go need some warmth after such a cold winter!

    Appalachian Lady
    Thanks! I hope he liked his new digs too..Hope we didnt slip him into some elses home..I like to think it is now with its new mate..courtesy of us!

    I bet you are crabby sometimes too..hee hee..

    hee hee..yes it is possible to photograph a you know why the Ghost was out during the day?

    Julie Zickefoose
    yes..i think he was axing for someone to save him too! he got lost...and those gulls were a fixin to eat him..
    Thanks for stopping by..and Yes..we will be at New River and Cant wait...Looking forward to a certain band:)

    Thanks everyone for stopping by...See you all soon at your homes...I mean blogs..:)

  30. I adore this post and I adore that little crab.

  31. Kathy H
    Thanks happy you like my new love..:I

  32. Great post Dawn! A very handsome fellow indeed!

  33. I was searching for a nice beach to take my kids and I found this blog, and everyone loved your story. Photos are great, too!

    Thanks for sharing!


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