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Tuesday, January 04, 2011

First Bird of the year…

Howdee all,
We left Connecticut on New Years Day… Homeward bound_002Waldo ready to leave..Homeward bound_004We follow him out to the carHomeward bound_005Any guesses where?Homeward bound_008
Waldo does some of the driving..
We overnighted in Annapolis and left the next morning for the last leg of the trip to North Carolinawaldo drive
When we arrived Waldo spotted something different…new gate door_006
Craigy made a new gate..He always makes something for Sicksta with hearts for Christmas..this was her surprise this year…Sorry Sicksta..the new kitchen might be next year..hee heenew gate door_001
I unpacked all the millions of pounds of clothing and belongings I took…way to much..I have forgotten how to pack..and I bring everything..
Back to my first bird of the year..We were traveling on the first..and so..I really only had quick glances of birds..I wont count them..
This is the bird I will count..When I woke up the morning of the 2nd..this fella was tapping on our bedroom window…
I think he wanted more Bark Butter..and was glad we had returned…
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker_004A nice welcome…Yellow-bellied Sapsucker_007Happy New Year
…now excuse me…I need to put some bark butter on that tree…Yellow-bellied Sapsucker_010


  1. I swear I think I have been over that bridge last summer but I can't bring the name to mind. I love the heart gate and I would also love to know the name of that woodpecker. Great pictures all of them. Happy traveling.

  2. What kind of woodpecker is that?

  3. Love love the heart gate Craigy made for Sicksta Del! The yellow-bellied sapsucker is real cute. (If that is what it is)

  4. I have been waiting to see what Craigy made Della do.. It's beautiful! And so is the first bird of the year!!!! Miss you guys!!

  5. Denise
    OH..i forgot to put the name of the bird..Yellow-bellied is a regular here in NC..loves the bark butter..

    Sorry..i forgot to put the name..It is a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker.

    Sicksta Lori..Dell and I chuckled that you knew the bird name..she and i both said that you know everything..hee hee

    Sicksta Tammy..
    Isnt it such a purdy gate..
    Miss you us here in u get spring break?

  6. Sure glad Waldo helped you get home. What an awesome husband to make that beautiful gate. Love the sapsucker.

  7. I'm sure you are happy to be back. Looks like you went over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. Love the cute Sapsucker and your sisters new gate is awesome! Happy New Years to you and yours.

  8. Your sure do get a lot of birds pecking at your window. Nice shot of the sapsucker. And, I like your sisters' new gate.

  9. Gaelyn
    Waldo is a great driver...he didnt even need to rely on the GPS")

    You are correct on the you see that one many times!

    Appalachian Lady
    I am going to have to start a window tapping bird list! :)

    Happy New Year dear Blogger friends and family~Thanks for stopping by!

  10. You have lots of birds tapping on your window rather than flying into it. What makes your window so attractive - what's the secret?

  11. Beautiful Sapsucker. Do you make the bark butter? I need the recipe for Oct when I have a couple that hang around for a few weeks! Happy New Year if I didn't already say it. Glad you got safely back to homey.

  12. Hey Dawn... LOVE Waldo... what fun to have him along with you! Now I know where in the world Waldo is... LOL LOL Hopefully our paths will cross and maybe more then once. Let me know where and when you arrive into Florida. We live in Pinellas County which is near St. Pete/Tampa area...Bird pic was awesome!
    Have fun & Travel safe

  13. Hilke Breder
    Howdee is a blessing and a curse..we have reflective the bird sees itself...then reacts to that. Sometimes we have had birds hit the windows and die.
    I have tried many things..its best when we are parked close to trees and shrubs..more birds come to visit and no deaths.

    The bark butter is wonderful..I use the Zick improved recipe..or her old one for winter feeding.
    Lots of birds like the butter...I have a long list of birds ..but some are woodpeckers..all kind, ruby-crowned kinglet, all nuthatch,titmice, I spread the butter on the bark of the tree.

    Howdee..we will be in florida the end of jan..but we will only be on the ease coast...
    Need to leave NC soon..its getting cold this week


ok what do you really think?????