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Monday, January 10, 2011

Brown-headed Nuthatch

Howdee all,

This Brown-headed nuthatch has been hanging around the Bark Butter

See the Bark butter lower right corner..Birds and bark butter_038For some reason let me get very close…Birds and bark butter_040I was only about three feet away..Birds and bark butter_042Which is the only reason my tiny point and shoot was able to take such detailed photos of it.Birds and bark butter_044So…why did it let me get so closeBirds and bark butter_045I have noticed this happening with other birds around the Bark ButterBirds and bark butter_047Nancy @ The Zen Birdfeeder blog and co-owner of a Wild Birds Unlimited Store says that her clients say that Bark Butter is Crack for birds..Birds and bark butter_049I am starting to think she is right…..Birds and bark butter_050See the bits of Bark Butter on the bill….Birds and bark butter_052This silly Bird just stayed in one spot for over five minutes…Birds and bark butter_054I didn’t want to disturb it too I left it to its Crack Bark Butter…Birds and bark butter_057


  1. How adorable - at the end he looks like a perfect little fluffball.

  2. That's just too funny, poor little cracked out nuthatch ;-) I had a similar thing happen this summer where I was able to get really close to any bird that was munching on mullein, have no idea why that was but it was good for photography ;-)

  3. These are really wonderful Dawn! WOWZA!

  4. wonderful photos Dawn- very cute little fuzzball

  5. Wow, you couldn't have been so near, it is wonderful!

  6. Excellent!! My favorite of the Nuthatches.

  7. LOVE the fuzzy little bird... Maybe she hung around because she is addicted!!!
    Have fun & Travel Safe

  8. How cool to get such a chance to see the nuthatch close up!

  9. He's lovely, Dawn. I'd love to see one some day.

  10. Dawn! I miss my little nutties. I haven't seen them this year. You photos are FABULOUS!!!!!

  11. What an adorable little fuzzball. I look forward to seeing my first one. I'm headed outside to put out bark butter! Wonder if brown creepers like it.....spotted one yesterday but he was SO on the move.

  12. Cuuuuute! What a great opportunity, and great resulting photos.

  13. These are Awesome captures Dawn. But is it fair to drug the birds? LOL
    I'm going to have to look into this crack for my birds.

  14. ...I've got to get some of that stuff! What a cute, cute bird--sweet as can be...

  15. You got some amazing photos of this fluffy little bird! I can just imagine how soft it must feel, but hands off, it's not a toy (although it looks like one).

  16. So cute. how do you make bark butter?

  17. What an adorable little Nuthatch! I just love it! He's butter bark drunk!

  18. Awesome shots Dawn! This little Brown-headed Nuthatch would be yet another lifer for me

  19. It is a pretty little bird! Nice shots, Dawn! You'll have him eating out of your hands before long.

  20. Aw, great photos! Thanks for sharing.

  21. Thanks friends for commenting..
    I adore this little has such a compact little body..

    I love its rubber duckie squeak squeak sound.

    I think I could have almost grabbed this little was stoned on Crack Butter...hee hee..

    Thanks again ..and Happy Birding

  22. I just love this bird! Really cute photos, Dawn!

  23. Thats a lovely little bird Dawn. He is well colour coded with the tree bark.{:)

  24. I'm going out to get some right now. I'm going to try it on toast first, then just on a spoon. I can quit any time.

  25. I want to pat this little bird on its fuzzy little head.

  26. Murr...You crack me up...but I really dont think you will be able to quick..try it and let me know ..if you run out come on over..the birds might share some with you.

  27. These are such precious photos!

    I love the way you serve up the bark butter. The damnsquirrels don't eat it, do they?!

  28. What an adorable little fluff ball.

  29. merrilymarylee Thanks silly Marylee...So far no squirrels.. of my fav little birdies.


ok what do you really think?????