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Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Warm, overcast, breezy with lots of Birds and nuts

Howdee all,

Its been warm and overcast the past few days here in NC.

Monday we had our Thanksgiving day with Sicksta and Craigy. Craig was working at Pinehurst resort on Thanksgiving..and Jeff Sicksta and I pigged out at the amazing buffet there.


So we decided we still needed to have our family Thanksgiving together.

Sicksta and I made Molasses glazed Turkey, Sausage stuffing, Corn fritters, mash potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans and Craigy made the gravy. We had Pecan pie and whip cream for desert.

Jeff did the dishes.

Before and after dinner we sat around the fire and chatted.

Thanksgivng at Dixons_002

Remember the Trees full of leaves…

around dells and craigys_005

They have fallen…..leaving a few hundred hickory nuts still hanging on the tree ready to fall.

Yesterday,after raking and blowing leaves…. Sicksta and I picked up at least ten bucket fills of Nuts and moved them to another area so we wouldn’t fall and break our necks on them. OUCH

See the top of Homey below..waiting like a drum for the nuts to drop and make their music…BANG!Birds around Dells_016

Flocks of Robins and Cedar waxwings have arrived..Gorging themselves on the holly berries…Birds around Dells_012

Stopping to drink out of the water dish I set up

Birds around Dells_021Still lots of birds at the feeders.Birds around Dells_006

In the video below you can get an idea how busy the holly trees are now…CRAZY With BIRDS!!!!!

Take out your Binos now and watch the video..

What birds to you see?

What birds do you hear?

Listen for the Cedar Waxwings, a Brown headed nuthatch and other birds.


Crazy with birds

Its been quite gray and I am finding it hard to get good photos..Will keep trying.

Hope you are having a wonderful week!

Birds around Dells_017


  1. A lovely post and those birds were great to see on the video. Was that you in the photo with that pretty outdoor fireplace? Really neat photos. Have a good one!

  2. Those Thanksgiving meals looked very dangerous. I can just taste those corn fritters right now, yum!

  3. A nice blog, and the birds are worth looking at.

  4. I like your photos...especially the Downy W. and the Robin in the Holly Berries :-)) Looks like you had a great & yummy Thanksgiving!

  5. I hope those are some of our Robins enjoying the berries in your area. That is a lot of Hickory nuts.

  6. I just copied and pasted this from a duplicate post...weird that this happend

    Blogger Hilke Breder said...

    Sitting around a fire like my kind of Thanksgiving! Delicious looking food!

  7. Oh my! A feast for both you and birds! I am sure I gained weight viewing your fabulous looking Thanksgiving meal. Fantastic!

  8. testing to see if it worked

  9. Thanks Everyone for your Very kind comments..they are always appreciated!


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