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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happiest of New Years

Howdee all,

From my Family to Yours…

   Wishing you all

A Wonderful New Year filled with Love and Laughter

Here is my ecard to you all.

I love Care2cards…Butterfly credits are given when you send cards and support causes…the credits can be used to help other causes.

click on the link above to see the card I chose for all of you that read my blog..thank you


I made a thirty second video of our Christmas Road trip using a cool site called Animoto.. I saw my blogger friend Andrew had a video he made for his post Backyard Birds Rock!! and I thought it was cool so I gave it a try myself. Any video over thirty seconds requires a paid membership.

Create your own video slideshow at

We are still in Ct. but will be leaving soon on our journey back to Homey and NC.

Have a great New Years Eve!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Here and there…

Howdee all,

This picture is from there…somewhere on the highway on our way to Connecticut last week.

to CT_016

And here we are Christmas eve…silly elves Sicksta and mechristmas_005

And the rest of the elves here..

On Christmas day we were there…Sicksta Loris..the large Garage fit our clan for Christmas dinner..


And here we are this morning….snowstorm_001

After the snowstorm…about six inches here…snowstorm_003snowstorm_007It was very windy…the clouds were moving quickly in different layers..

We saw birds being blown sideways…snowstorm_008Sicksta Dell and I helped Dad ..he plowed and we shoveled…snowstorm_010

We are here for a bit longer..haven't decided when we are leaving..before or after New Years…

Until then…we are still here at Mom and Dads..

Photo below taken with my new Ipod touch.


Have been very busy with the family here and only finding spurts of time for facebook and twitter and blog reading

…see you all soon!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Holidays,Merry Christmas and all that Jazz..

Howdee all,
Wishing you and yours a Wonderful Holiday Season filled with Family, Friends, Food and Fun!
Please click here for a special ecard greeting.
With Love...from Dawn, Jeff and Ballie
Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

If you haven't checked my latest Featured Bird Blogger of the week post its hot off the presses today at
Come check it out!

This has been a sad holiday so far for my family, my parents lost their beloved dog Star suddenly on Thursday. She was only six years old.  It will be a difficult time for them..
Below..a photo of Star smiling for not a growl a big smile..she was a silly pup.
Goodbye Star...

Take care…

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Meanwhile…Back in North Carolina…

Howdee all,

Back in North Carolina…

I am not there now…but I was..

Proof here in Homeys tire…

Birds Carthage_023The squirrels are still there…and most likely still stealing nuts from the pile Jeff was cleaning…seems the squirrels like the convenience..of hulled hickory nuts.birds carthage feeders_007The nut pile wasn’t meant for the squirrels, Jeff was cleaning them for my parents..we were to take some back for their squirrels who wanted a few nuts for Christmas….We did take some to Ct..birds carthage feeders_017That’s where we are now…

But these Purple finches are still in North Carolina..

birds carthage feeders_008And so is this Towhee..Yes…the white stuff is snow..birds carthage feeders_009A dusting a few days before we left for our Christmas Road trip.birds carthage feeders_016The squirrel didn’t care about the snow…he just wanted all the nuts Jeff had carefully hulled.birds carthage feeders_019After the freeze and snow I put out extra bird seed…the wine bottle is another story..

I wanted to set the empty bottle out by my stairs to bring to the trash later…but..

it slid about six feet on the icy snow…..and landed near the bird seed.birds carthage feeders_037The Cardinal didn’t seem to care about having any wine…birds carthage feeders_031Neither the Downy much preferred the nut butter.Birds Carthage_082And so did the White-breasted nuthatchBirds Carthage_086I wonder if ..the Purple Finches are still hanging around…Birds Carthage_108I am sure the Goldfinch are there..I left the feeders full.Birds Carthage_071The Pine Siskins stopped in when the cold weather came..I wonder if they will still be around when we get back..birds carthage feeders_001

Will find out in a week or so…But until then..

I am not there…Birds Carthage_022

We have arrived in Connecticut..and we will be spending Christmas here..

Maybe I will take a few photos in CT..or maybe I will take a blogger


If I don’t post again before Christmas…

To all my Friends and Family that celebrate..

A Very Happy Christmas to you all!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Blogging Cloud via Wordle

Howdee all,

Have you ever created a cloud? This one is courtesy of Wordle

I was reading the ABA blog and liked their cloud created by Wordle..I thought it would be fun to create mine..

Not sure how many posts Wordle uses to create this cloud..I was very surprised to see Gulf as the most used word. I suppose I did have a few posts about the Gulf when the Oil Disaster happened…I was still surprised to see it as the number one word…I thought for sure it would be Howdee…I do see Howdee in there..and Waldo made it pretty large as well.



What do you think your most used word will be?

I would love to see your Wordles …link to them by leaving a comment on this post.

I had to do a screenshot in order to put this on my post…there may be another way to do it..but this is what I did.

Road Trip …Where's Waldo?

Howdee all,

Saturday, Jeff, Sicksta Dell, Ballie and I piled into our luggage and present filled Ford Explorer and headed north…for our Christmas road trip.

We left the Homey in North Carolina to stay salt free…though, not clean..the birds are doing their best to color our Homey purple with Holly berry  poo.

So..Where's Waldo?road trp to PA_001road trp to PA_002Any guesses?

road trp to PA_004Waldo thought this was an amazing pork cutlet sandwich for 4 dollars..filled with coleslaw, tomato, onion and corn salsa.road trp to PA_005A cute little town…a quick stop for lunch and coffee..road trp to PA_006Check out the name of the candy store…do you know where Waldo is yet?road trp to PA_007Christmas tree with tractor decorationsroad trp to PA_008On the road again…thru winters whiteroad trp to PA_012Beautiful winter grays…road trp to PA_013Where's Waldo Now? Are we going north? West?

road trp to PA_017road trp to PA_019Can you guess where our first stop might be?road trp to PA_026I think some of you know…

Check out the ice laden trees…a frozen delightroad trp to PA_021We made it to our first destination Saturday evening…and this was one of the roads getting there..road trp to PA_028

So where was our first destination? was a city..and we went to visit a family member there…For those of you who don’t know my family here's another hint.

There was a football game on Sunday and the home team lost…in a nail biter game.

That’s it for the hints..good luck..there may be a huge trophy encrusted with gold and diamonds if you guess Where Waldo was in any of the above photos..or where he spent his first night.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker knocks on my door

Howdee all,

Seems like we have had just about any bird you can think of tap on our windows…ok, maybe I exaggerate. We have had Brown-headed nuthatch, Cardinal, Purple Finch, Black-capped Chickadee,American Robin,Downy Woodpecker, Red-breasted nuthatch, Ruby-crowned kinglet, Tufted Titmouse and a few more that I am probably forgetting.

Today we had a new visitor…wish the screen wasn’t in the way…


Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

Hello there…birds carthage feeders_048He loved the peanut bark butter I put on the tree.birds carthage feeders_050

In case you haven't seen my latest post at

Please stop by and say hello..and see who the

Featured Bird Blogger of the Week is!

If you do will you buy me the Ruby-crowned kinglet painting that is on the post?

I love it! it for yourself instead!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Purple Finch fun

Howdee all,

Remember my Purple Finches?

There seem to be at least six pair at the feeders

Mr. Handsome…

Birds Carthage_044 I decided I should take a few more photos of the females..Birds Carthage_046

So here is her backside with a face profileBirds Carthage_032Same bird but a bit closer…these are all taken from the warmth of my Homey using a 20x point and shoot…so..I have to apologize for the quality..Birds Carthage_033A nice side view…Birds Carthage_035

Happy eating seed at the feeder…Pretty gal

Birds Carthage_030

Hope you all are staying warm…looks like most of the US and Canada are having very cold weather.  I know I have said this allot lately..but its cold here in North Carolina. We are leaving here for a Christmas visit to CT on Saturday…I am bringing all the warm weather gear I own…..

Stay warm!