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Friday, November 19, 2010

OH NO! Where's Waldo?

Howdee all,

When I left you yesterday we are in traffic in Baltimore..

We got thru the traffic fine…then onto Carmel Church, Va to gas up at Flying J.

Jeff noticed check engine light went on..but then it went off.

We gassed up and headed to a nearby Wal-Mart for the night.

But…we never got there


Instead…we ended up here…on the back of…

Where's Waldo now?


Yep..A tow truck…

This is what happened…As we were driving to Walmart. Jeff noticed more lights going on..this time an Oil pressure light went on..along with a message to shut down the engine. We were on Interstate 95 and not an exit nearby…Jeff tried to drive on…Then the engine shut itself off…Luckily Jeff was able to pull over onto the breakdown low and onto a soft shoulder of grass.

The motorhome started again..but the same lights went on. Jeff then called our towing company….meanwhile a police stopped to see what was going on. The police left after he knew a tow truck was on its way.

It was a bit nerve wracking to have Semi trucks passing us and making the Homey shake…

Having the motorhome towed is always unnerving..sometimes damage is caused if it is towed incorrectly…Luckily the fellow did a great job.

So…after several hours we were finally towed to an empty lot across from a service station,in Richmond, Va. about 12 miles south.


In the morning….they reattached our Universal joint and we drove to the service center…Waldo_011And there it stayed,being worked on, for most of the day…

We needed a new Oil Pressure sensor..part 48 dollars..not sure how much for labor yet.Waldo_013

I am sitting in Barnes and Noble typing this…we should pick up Homey shortly and find out how much it will set us back..


In the meantime…………

Did you see this???

Featured Bird Blogger of the Week

or my other post, 

Tales from the OC Warbler

Both at


  1. Hope it is'nt too much, and keep trucking. Boom and I check your progress everyday.

  2. Sure hope it's not anything worse. Takes some strength to muscle that big RV around with no power. Wonder where Waldo will be next.

  3. Pretty scary, I bet. Glad it worked out okay. Will see where Waldo takes you next.

  4. Hi Dawn
    I was just thinking about you all and wondering how far you had driven.

    Now I know. Too bad for the vehicle... Hope it does'nt cost too


  5. My fingers are crossed that you are "On the Road Again". Hope it did not cost you and arm and a leg.

  6. Bummer, better have a talk with Waldo about his previous adventures. Seems like he needs to start pulling his weight. Enjoy Richmond.

  7. I know that area and there sure is a LOT of traffic! No wonder it was unnerving. Glad you were able to get homey towed. Hopefully you're back on the road again!

  8. Glad your breakdown turned out alright. I'm dreading something like that happening to ours. We've been lucky so far.
    Safe travels, Gayle

  9. Oh my! Glad to hear you got a good tow to a good place and that you all are safe!

  10. Our RV shut down in the fast lane on an Interstate...we were in that lane to take a lefthand about scary!! We had to call 911, but fortunately, Ed was able to get it started again and get us off the Interstate. Isn't RV'ing fun??

  11. Sorry to hear that Dawn, hope you are safely on your way again.

  12. I never thought about road service for a motor home; I'll bet that IS nervewracking! I know that sitting on the side of the road is!

    Hope you're on your way again soon. Weather is BEE-YOU-TIFUL down here!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    PS--You don't think Waldo fooled around with the engine, do you? He WAS riding pretty close to it.

  13. Howdee all...
    Thanks for all your concerns. Homey is fixed..just needed the Oil sensor replaced. Didnt set us back too much financially either.

    nothing seemed to bother Waldo..he kept calm the whole time..

    Glad to have you and the pup following our blog!

    You got power ..hard to turn..

    Hilke Breder
    Thanks Hilke..smooth sailing now!

    Thanks for your concern..all is well and not to pricey.

    Julie G.
    Thanks Julie!

    DaveABirding hee hee..Walso says he knows nothing about fixing RVs..

    A New England Life
    Thanks Sharon!

    Jim and Gayle
    hope nothing happens to your RV..though, it is a learning experience.

    Thanks Lydia!

    Rena..Wow..that is scarier than our situation..I love Rving..all except the driving part:)

    merrilymarylee ..the engine is in the back:) yes there is special Road service..thank goodness!
    If you are anywhere near me lets get together to say howdee.

  14. That sounds scary but I am happy everything turned out OK for your guys and your homey. You were pretty close to me when you went thru Baltimore.


ok what do you really think?????