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Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Nature indoors

Howdee all,

Its been overcast and rainy in Massachusetts this week. I have a cold and am taking it easy indoors.

I miss being outdoors in Nature.:(

I haven't had enough of it this month, between the apartment search with our daughter and moving her, and other family happenings,I just haven't taken the time.

I miss long walks in the woods…I hope to get my fix once we are in Connecticut.

Which will happen soon.:)

Jeff and I love to walk the 4 mile loop around Bluff Point on the coast…(exercise and birds.)

I am hoping to spend some outdoor time with my Lovely Sickstas and Brother if I can get us all together…they love hiking too.

We will visit our daughter, a few times,help her organize and then hike the green spaces in Providence.

Mom and Dad love going for walks too..We will plan some fun outings.

We also have lots of projects planned…Yard work at Mom and Dads and going thru all our belongings in Sickstas attic , we will see if there is anything our daughter would like for her new home, pack some for our future fixed foundation, and donate the rest to goodwill or family members who want them.

Lots planned..might need to stay a bit longer to fit it all in before our migration south for the winter.

Anyway….that's what's up with me…

I was missing I did a nature walk in our Homey..

Look what I found..

Mr. Bob White peering out from my houseplants.naturein the homey_002

    Jeff found this cute little planter in the trash and rescued him for me.

naturein the homey_001

Oh..lookie here, a talking parakeet. My Sicksta Tammy gave this squawker to me.

I love him.naturein the homey_004 Oh..another parakeet.. this one from my Sicksta Dellnaturein the homey_005 Mr frog hangs out near our desk.naturein the homey_006 This lovely Haiku book on birds was given to me by my Twitter friend @Zenbirdfeedernaturein the homey_007 More frogs..these hold candles.naturein the homey_008I guess I have a bit of nature indoors…naturein the homey_009They may not be living..but I enjoy them…

Do you have nature indoors?naturein the homey_010


  1. Thanks for the nature walk in homey. Sorry to hear you're sick. You do have a lot planned before heading south. Where to this winter?

  2. Oh yes sicksta, lot's of nature indoors here too!

  3. Great post on your nature indoors. And yes, I have birds and critters all over the house. I hope you are feeling better soon!

  4. I love all your indoor creatures! Hope you feel better soon! Joe has been sick as well. Give us a call if you want to meet up in New Hampshire on Sunday afternoon. Joe and I will be getting there around 12 and are going for a bike ride and then will leave the next day after breakfast at Flap Jack's then a hike.. Hope to see you!!

  5. Nice pics! At least it s cheerful inside, right?

  6. ...hope you're feeling better soon! I met the author of the "Zen Birds" book. She lives in Cincy!

  7. Some great internal wildlife Dawn.

  8. Nice diversion. But it's not like spending a soul-refreshing Zen hour outside in nature.

  9. Some really nice nature items--especially the frog ones. Hope you feel better now. Don't you just hate summer colds.

  10. Oh, I LOVE this post Dawn! Great indoor nature items :)

  11. Sure understand how you feel missing those walks with nature, exercise and birds. Enjoyed your little pieces of nature inside homey, very homey:)Great post.

  12. I especially like the parakeet. Beautiful and no messy cage to clean.

  13. You really are desperate to get back outdoors. Hope you feel better soon.You did pretty well birding indoors. Now you should start a list of artificial birds you've seen indoors-that could be quite a list.

  14. Great walk through homey Dawn. Mr. Bob White is probably my favorite of the bunch (it would be a lifer for me) but I love the frogs too! We have lots of them in our house and outside. As a matter of fact I can hear them croaking as I type!

    Get better soon and get back out there!

  15. I almost forgot to thank you for all the support you are providing for our Burrowing Owls. Thanks a bunch and keep up the good work!

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ok what do you really think?????