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Friday, October 01, 2010

Grackle Birdinings…

Howdee all.

A huge flock of Grackles landed near our Motor home the other day..

I took the photos from the Motor Home…the flock landed on one side of us in a huge flurry and began gobbling the Dogwood Berries in the tree and various things on the ground..

Sams apartment_012

When they were scared off by a car and person approaching they all flew to the other side of our Homey.Sams apartment_013

   The Grackles moved on to the next yard…foraging in the grassSams apartment_015

  and then they were gone.

How quickly they came and went….

Feels like that's what happened to summer.

COME BACK..I am not done with you yet!


  1. ...very cool (I'm already missing summer too!)! I was walking the Little Miami Trail a week ago when a huge flock swept through in front of me. I'd never seen anything like it. They would go from tree to tree--just a steady stream of them foraging down the hillside through the trees. Had to be hundreds there...

  2. I'm with you! I'm not ready for Fall. I'm never ready for Fall!

  3. I have seen this happen before. It usually happens around here in the early spring when they land in the neighbors yard and eat all of the little crabapples that fell to the ground the Autumn before. When they finish the ground is picked clean.

  4. Kelly,yeah, this was a huge flock too..came and left so quickly..just ate what was there and onto the next place.

    Susan W.
    Fall seemed to come so quickly this year.wasnt ready.

    thanks, glad u enjoyed.

    Abraham Lincoln
    wow..that must have been a sight to see..U can see what must have been the inspiration for The Birds.


ok what do you really think?????