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Thursday, September 02, 2010

BwBTC bird the Charlestown Breachway

Howdee all,

This past Saturday a group of Birders who Blog, Tweet and Chirp

got together to bird two areas in Charlestown, RI.

First on our list was Charlestown Breachway.

We all knew there would be a wet crossing to the mud flats, so we prepared our gear so that it would stay dry.

We walked thru the RV campground to the boat ramp and followed the shoreline to the crossing area.BwBTC Charlestown RI_004

Stopping on the way to view a distant rookery

BwBTC Charlestown RI_005

Dan and Cindy at the crossing..

BwBTC Charlestown RI_009

A second small crossing..

BwBTC Charlestown RI_006

Almost there BwBTC Charlestown RI_010 Least SandpiperBwBTC Charlestown RI_011We met a few other groups out birding the flats. It wasn't as birdie as the week before.


We had great views of a Buff-breasted Sandpiper (A life bird for Jeff and I and a few others on the trip)  

Other highlight birds Black bellied, Semipalmated,and Piping Plovers.

Western,White rumped,Spotted, Least and Semipalmated Sandpipers and a questionable Bairds. BwBTC Charlestown RI_013 I have to say, I really wish these little peeps were easier to ID.

  I am a lazy birder and try to soak in a little information each outing,I don't do home study very well.   

         Western SandpiperBwBTC Charlestown RI_032 A few White rumped sandpipersBwBTC Charlestown RI_033  We birded the flats all morning… It was time to have lunch..BwBTC Charlestown RI_036  So we followed local birders across the flats to a shallow crossingBwBTC Charlestown RI_038It was lovely, the water warm and refreshing on a hot day. BwBTC Charlestown RI_039 The grasses were full of mosquitoes..Ouch!BwBTC Charlestown RI_040

I really enjoy birding with my Blogger and Twitter friends, its great being with people that share similar interests.

People that enjoy being in Nature.

Who don't complain about getting a few bug bites.

Stay tuned for the Part 2 BwBTC Trustum pond NWR

BwBTC Charlestown RI_042

For other accounts of our Birding day Day read





            Birds of the Morning              

Double-crested Cormorant

Great Blue Heron 

Great Egret 

Snowy Egret 
Green Heron

Turkey Vulture 

Cooper's Hawk 

Red-tailed Hawk

Black-bellied Plover

Semipalmated Plover

Piping Plover 

    Spotted Sandpiper

Greater Yellowlegs

Lesser Yellowlegs

  Ruddy Turnstone

Semipalmated Sandpiper 

Western Sandpiper

  Least Sandpiper 

White-rumped Sandpiper

Buff-breasted Sandpiper 

Laughing Gull 
Ring-billed Gull 

Herring Gull

Great Black-backed Gull

Forster's Tern

Common Tern

Caspian Tern


  1. Great to read about it, and sorry to miss you guys! You birded some of my favorite places of all time ;) - can't wait for the next post!


  2. Hey Dawn, thats what I call Intrepid Birders, wading through water.{:)

  3. I'm glad you got a photo of the water waders. Looking back on it that was one of my favorite parts of the trip-like a scence from an old jungle war movie with birders carrying equipment above the water-(with more peaceful motives of course).

  4. Wonderful post with great photos! Sounds like a fabulous birding excursion with good friends.

  5. I'm with you on the preferring field study to book study, although I know it would make me a better birder.

    Stay dry and buttoned down in the storm!


  6. Great post! Wished I could have joined you and meet all those people whose blogs I have been reading.

  7. Considering the summer heat that finally decided to show up out here in California, I'm definitely jealous of a birding trip that includes wading.

    Way to become one with the birds.

  8. Looks like you all had a great time!

  9. ...looks like a lot of fun, and what a cool place. I think I would like crossing through the water to get to the birds!!

  10. Birdspot...Thanks for the heads up on the area..if it wasn't for you we wouldn't have known about the area..Thanks sorry we didn't get to see you...maybe in October..thinking of Jamaica Bay.

    Intrepid we are!

    hee hee..I am picturing that now..Jungle warriors..hee hee.

    Julie G.
    Thanks Julie..hope to meet u someday!

    Warren and Lisa Strobel
    Yeah..we should field study together someday Lisa!

    Hilke Breder
    Wish you could have joined us too..please do next time! I would love to meet you!

    OMMMMMMM..birdie oneness!

    Knowing what I know about would love crossing the water..and we would have a blast together..someday!

  11. What an awesome day you guys had Dawn! I would have loved to wade through the water to get a better vantage point on those hard to ID pips!

    You know Birders Who Blog Tweet and Chirp has got to be one of the best ideas of the century! I know the outing we did in California was one of the most fun outings I have ever had.

    I hope more and more bloggers get to experience the fun of meeting and birding with people they only know online. Say hi to Jeff for me and I hope to see you two again some day. We had a blast together!


ok what do you really think?????