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Monday, August 02, 2010

BwBTC outing New England

Howdee all,



Another Birders who Blog, Tweet and Chirp outing is being planned.

Either August 28 or 29 (majority will decide what date) So far the 28th is the preferred date.

We haven't set a location yet and are looking for feedback, and someone who knows the area to bring us to their favorite places.

We were thinking CT,RI or NY.

We would like a location that is usually birdie that time of year.


The event is all day..Birding, lunch together,more birding,and depending on how tired we are, we can also have dinner together.

We can make this a two day event depending on area and interest.

Its been so much fun to meet other Birders, Bloggers ,twitter and facebook users that we know in the cyberworld but have never met in person.

We always end up having a nice mixture of professional birders, avid birders and part time and back yard birders.


I put the event in a widget to the right hand side in my blog…Please add your name to the event if you think you will attend.

You can always take your name off if you find the dates or place don't work for you..I am trying to get a head count.

(for some reason the widget I added is not working in Explorer, works fine in Firefox..if you cant use or see the widget just add your name in the comment area below)

Keep watching my blog for more information on the event.

Leave your email address here or email to me at.


I am ready for your feedback ..:)


  1. Love hearing that the BwBTC will be getting together again in New England!

    Unfortunately, if it's held in NY, CT or RI, Sharon and I won't be able to attend. If in MA, we could, but with fall semester beginning on Monday the 30th, a trip that far south won't work for us. Maybe next year. Let us know if the focus shifts to MA.


  2. Hi Dawn, The widget won't show for me. But I am in. I have no plans that weekend so either day is good for me and I am open to NY, CT, RI or MA. Just count on me being there. It was so much fun last year! Looking forward to it.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 28th is a good date for me. Anything that I can drive to in 2hrs time or so would be good.

  5. Probably not for me but I'll keep an eye on where you're meeting just in case. Retail and free weekends are just about unheard of! Hope you guys have fun!

  6. I can likely make a trip in any of the areas listed. The 28th would be better as the 29th is my birthday. But no matter what a great way to spend a b-day. The RI coast would be a great place to visit at that time of year. Many great parks to find great birds atthe beginning of migration.

  7. I am soooooooooooo envious ;-)

  8. Howdee everyone..
    New blog post in the works..
    Looks like it will be Aug 28th in Charleston, RI..
    a great area I recently heard about via fellow birder/blogger/twitter user @birdspot
    Cant wait to meet everyone.
    Should be a great time.
    If you are coming from a long distance you might want to make a weekend out of it and stay in Charleston.

    We could possibly do two days if there is enough to see and do.

  9. Can't make it but sounds like a good outing! Good luck birding!

  10. I'll do my damndest to be there if my cousin and mentor, BirdingGirl, is attending. I just hope I don't trip and fall in the water with camera in hand - which would be typical! I'll try and keep posted on current plans from Cape Cod.


ok what do you really think?????