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Monday, July 12, 2010

South Beach, Chatham ..Birding

Howdee all,

When in Chatham we took a boat shuttle from Stage Harbor to South beach.

The shuttle cost is 15 dollars round trip per person.

We left at 8am

Our main goal was to see the Red-necked Stint

a rare bird that was seen a few days ago …IMG_0009A foggy morning

The larger boat is the shuttle that took us to South beach.IMG_0007  South Beach..

We have walked to this area in the past via Lighthouse beach.

12 mile RTsouth beach birding_004

   Willet walking the shallowssouth beach birding_005 south beach birding_006 Looking north…. 

south beach birding_011 Does this lobster claw look big or small?south beach birding_012 HUge!south beach birding_013 i think he is clamming…..south beach birding_015 This Black-backed gull is munching on a large Horseshoe crab.south beach birding_017  Looking for the Stintsouth beach birding_025Is it here amongst the Dowitchers?south beach birding_038Not here south beach birding_045 not here….south beach birding_046Nope….not here south beach birding_047 Two men clamming..south beach birding_048 Piping Plover..we saw many plover families…

they nest in this area…south beach birding_066 Fog burning off over this shallow pond.south beach birding_078Bright Green algae…  south beach birding_080  south beach birding_088We walked the long shallow inlet..mucky and smelly…  south beach birding_095 A few Oyster catchers and families…south beach birding_097 Dunes   south beach birding_102thousands of horseshoe crab shells…  south beach birding_105  south beach birding_107Its low tide…still no sign of the stint….south beach birding_106 We head back to catch the 2pm shuttle..south beach birding_109It has been a beautiful calm,cool morning on South beach… 

We never did see the Stint..

But we enjoyed the peaceful walk….south beach birding_111  That evening at the families home we saw a lovely sunset while sitting out on the deck.

south beach birding_118

Some of the birds seen that morning

Piping plover
Barn swallow
Song sparrow
Black backed gull
American pipit
Least sandpiper
Horned lark
Least tern
Herring gull
Short billed dowitcher
Semi-palmated sandpiper
Laughing gull
Hudsonian godwit
Snowy egret
Common tern
Savannah sparrow


  1. WOW Dawn - you got some EXCELLENT shots! Sorry you didn't see the stint!

    PS - I thought the claw was small until the 2nd shot! WOW!

  2. I'm sorry you didn't see the stint. You sure saw some cool birds, skies, etc. though.

    I forgot to say I love the look of your blog.

  3. I'm jealous you even had the OPPORTUNITY to see a stint! Sorry about the miss, though. I wish I was on the coast watching shorebirds! Great post..

  4. Dawn thanks for taking me along on this virtual tour! It was delightful and so many birds! I need to learn more of my shore birds. Perhaps you can teach me someday!

  5. Very good photos of the area. I plan on visiting soon.

  6. Kerri was too bad we missed the may have already left the area.
    Wasnt that a huge claw?

    Corner Gardener Sue
    Thanks and thanks for the compliment on the look of my blog!

    ILBirder was a great opportunity so we ran with it..just didnt see the stint..those darn birds have wings.

    Howdee..glad you enjoyed the trip. Jeff is the shorebird guy..I know a few..I rely on him for the rest.

    Howdee Andy..did u get to South beach yet? you should go..getting into migration season there.


ok what do you really think?????