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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Sargent Mountain Hike ♥ Acadia NP

Howdee all,

Another wonderful hike in paradise.

Sargent Mountain

“The second highest mountain in Acadia, behind only Cadillac, provides spectacular 360-degree views of Somes Sound and Western Mountain to the right (west); the Cranberry Isles and the Gulf of Maine to the south; Pemetic and Cadillac Mountains to the east; and Porcupine Islands and Frenchman Bay to the northeast

There are many ways to get to Sargent Mountain…we followed part of the hike on the map below highlighted in red.

We took the Grandgent trail up ..then a side trip to what is thought to be the oldest fresh water pond in Maine, down Sargent southridge trail to Hadlock trail and back.


  Sgt. Mtn. 3-16-10




     Sargent Mountain

     Distance:5 + miles


    Elevation Gain 1,170-feet










We parked and followed the carriage path to our trail head.Sargent mountain hike_005  Lush moss and lichenSargent mountain hike_009 Our trailhead.We take Hadlock Brook trail..Sargent mountain hike_010  I call this part of the hike Rocks, roots and running water.

We walk over roots..Sargent mountain hike_012We walk on rocks..

All lush forest..

We follow a small brook……Sargent mountain hike_013   Froggy.. Sargent mountain hike_017We follow the signs to Sargent MountainSargent mountain hike_019 Up hill on rocks.. Sargent mountain hike_021  Most of the trail follows a small stream..we cross it several times..Sargent mountain hike_024  Rocks..roots and running water..beautiful and refreshing on this warm day.  Sargent mountain hike_035Along the trail I notice many webs in rock crevices and this one in a tree cavity.Sargent mountain hike_026  More uphill..

I was very happy I brought my hiking sticks..very helpful walking thru water, roots and rocks..It was slippery.  Sargent mountain hike_043Rocks and roots..Sargent mountain hike_039 We are serenaded by Black-throated green warblers and Thrushes.  We take the Grandgent trail…one of the more difficult trails to the top.Sargent mountain hike_053  Up ..up and more up.. Sargent mountain hike_051  Oh..I see the lightSargent mountain hike_060 Starting to get a viewSargent mountain hike_061  Somes soundSargent mountain hike_063I soak in the views..Sargent mountain hike_065 Sargent mountain hike_067   Still more to go… Sargent mountain hike_074Jeff and Samarrah wait at the top  Sargent mountain hike_075Samarrah in the clouds Sargent mountain hike_076 Sargent mountain hike_078 The top of Sargent MountainSargent mountain hike_080We stop here and have lunch..Sargent mountain hike_082 A white-throated sparrow sings to us..Sargent mountain hike_085 Sargent mountain hike_086 Lichen on Granite..Sargent mountain hike_087  Wood LilySargent mountain hike_096     We start our hike down to Sargent pond Sargent mountain hike_102I took tons of photos of the Rock cairns..Sargent mountain hike_100A well balanced rock.. Sargent mountain hike_103On our way to the pond.. Sargent mountain hike_104 Sargent mountain hike_105Scenes from the top..Sargent mountain hike_110 Sargent mountain hike_115

lots of water areas like this on top..I loved the slab of rockSargent mountain hike_111

Sargent mountain hike_114   Gulls fly nearby and call out…Sargent mountain hike_117 Sargent mountain hike_119  Its peaceful up here…Sargent mountain hike_122 More Wood lily..Sargent mountain hike_123Blooming in small groups …  Sargent mountain hike_125 The pond is only .3 miles awaySargent mountain hike_128 Sargent mountain hike_130 Follow the cairns to the pond..

Sargent mountain hike_134Sargent mountain hike_131  Sargent mountain hike_136Sargent Mountain Pond,

claiming to be the oldest lake in Maine, it is naturally fishless, being one of only two acidic lakes in the park. According to local folk lore the “Lake of Clouds” is not only bottomless, but home to a serpentSargent mountain hike_137   See the serpent below?

Hee hee..thats me enjoying a wonderful swim..I went in with shorts and tee shirt.

Small blue dragonflies where flitting low over the surface. Larger dragonflies flew higher up.

It was magical.

Sargent mountain hike_142


The highlight of this hike…was swimming in the pond..the water was cool and refreshing..


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Time to head back… Sargent mountain hike_150We take the Sargent south ridge trail down.. Sargent mountain hike_151 Sargent mountain hike_152 Sargent mountain hike_153  We stop and snack on the way down..Sargent mountain hike_164

 Sargent mountain hike_160 Yummy

Sargent mountain hike_161

   The trail down was more gradual, still rocky in areas and wet..Sargent mountain hike_165

   A board walk crossing

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We join the Hadlock Brook trail again

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   Oh yes..I remember this rocky path..

Sargent mountain hike_173

   Jeff and Samarrah stop to watch the water fallSargent mountain hike_176

I stop and take a photo of this handsome mushroom..

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Then I join them and watch the water falling…Sargent mountain hike_178

We continue on the last leg of the hike..

Sargent mountain hike_179 Some sort of mushy room..Sargent mountain hike_180More stream crossings.. Sargent mountain hike_183 And roots..Sargent mountain hike_185 the parking lot is less than half a mile away..Sargent mountain hike_186 Samarrah  the wood fairy peeks through a whole in a tree..Sargent mountain hike_187   Amanita Sargent mountain hike_191 Almost home….

Hope you enjoyed our hike..

Now one of my favorite hikes in ♥Acadia National Park♥Sargent mountain hike_192


  1. Despite the rocks and roots, this looks like a gloriously green hike. And the views to die for. I'll bet that dunking in the lake felt really good.

  2. Be on the lookout. You might just run into the Obamas in Acadia. Great photographs of the lovely hike.

  3. Rocks...oh my the views..oh dear did I say rocks...those clouds...yikes did I say rocks....what the heck how many gorgeous pictures are you going to make us look at...holy heck did I say are gifted and your pictures blow me did I mention rocks yet....shadows and reflections and running water and a sam hidden within and a Jeffie here and there...did I say rocks...I think I did....

  4. Lots of great photos again. We took maybe part of that hike (I recognized that balanced rock) but your photos make me want to go back. I have a hike post today too.

  5. Super Super Super! AMAZING AND WONDERFUL pics!

    You are a great spokesperson for getting outdoors Dawn!

  6. You need to take all of these beautiful photos and put a guide book together on this hike! WOW!

    Back in 2008, my brother and I parked at the Route 3 parking area and hiked the Hadlock Brook Trail to the South Ridge Trail up to Sargent Mountain and then back the same way.

  7. Really enjoyed following your trips out around Acadia. The scenery is so, so different from my 'den' window. FAB.

  8. You are such an adventurer! I enjoyed reading your blog and looking at the pictures you've taken. I am also an adventurer and likes to travel around the world looking for best places to visit and spend holidays together with friends and families. Visiting Torquay might also lighten up your day because of its wonderful sights.

  9. What a wonderful hike Dawn! Your excellent photos made me feel like I was there with you guys.

    I started to break a sweat, glad we made it to the pond to cool off in time.

    Wonderful views and the mushrooms were fantastic!

    The best thing about hiking uphill like that, as I'm sure you well know, the trip back is all downhill!

  10. Thank you for taking us along on your fabulous adventures. These photos are gorgeous! So many breathtaking sights!

  11. Beautiful! Was the water icy?

  12. What a great hike and post. Acadia is a national treasure. Wife and I did a little easier hike around Jordan Pond.

  13. Your hike sounded like one my husband & I have dreamed of :-) Super photography, Dawn, and written description of your hike!!

  14. Hey Dawny!

    Gorgeous scenery! Makes me want to go there now!

  15. I enjoyed reading your blog and looking at the pictures you've taken. I am also an adventurer and likes to travel around the world looking for best places to visit and spend holidays together with friends and families. Visiting Torquay might also lighten up your day because of its wonderful sights.

  16. Howdee friends..
    thanks for your comments.
    We have left hoo..

    It was indeed a glorious hike..the dunking felt delish!

    We missed seeing the Obamas..darn.they had a wonderful time did we!

    Hee hee..I knew you would love the Rocks sicksta..

    Appalachian Lady must go back..Its such a wonderful park.

    thanks ..I need a hike just about now..been sitting on my butt too long.

    hee hee..Guide book? does that entail work?
    Isnt that just the greatest hike? did you swim in the pond?

    The Early Birder
    Thanks..glad you enjoyed Acadia..
    You have some Fab things out your Den window:)

    Thanks for visiting..will check out your blog.

    Hee hee...glad you got your exercise on that hike..The best part of that hike was the swim...delightful!

    Julie G.
    thanks pleasure!

    The water was not icy..but warm and delightful!!

    Jordon pond is one of my fav hikes..we add another hike to that and make it more of an exercise..Gotta work of the popovers!

    Cindy..I sure hope you get to do this hike sometime..try to do it in summer when it is warm, so that you can swim in the pond.

    hey Alanie..:)
    Go there now! Your daughter will love it..well maybe not the hiking part.

    Torquay holidays
    Thanks for stopping by..I will check out your blog!


ok what do you really think?????