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Friday, July 30, 2010

My Small Garden, Ledyard,CT

Howdee all,

Here are the photos i promised.

My small garden space..see the side of Homey on the right in the photo below?

The neighbors house to the left. My fathers work shed in the back right.


I purchased the Iron rockers and table at Home Depot,garden_005I purchased the two trellis boxes online.. garden_008

The umbrella is from Job Lot  garden_023

    My sicksta Adele provided the coleus..

i have four different kindsgarden_010   garden_013garden_012garden_011My sicksta Lori and her hubby provided three different vines and the Cleome..garden_011And the tomato plants..of which are several different varieties.

The lettuce plants, they gave me, have bolted ..but were yummy while they lasted.

garden_029 I purchased a few color changing Solar lights from Job lot..

They look beautiful in the day..and when they work, are very cool at night.


My Father bought this solar cardinal for my garden.


A nice place to sit and watch the birds

garden_006I have a few feeders out on either side of the planters.garden_010I also put some water for a bird bath..garden_007

garden_024        A nice summer retreat.garden_014 Lantana Sonsetgarden_018

Hibiscus Rum runnergarden_015 garden_021  Thats all ..Hope you enjoyed my Small garden tour…

Tonight we go to a concert..

Willie Nelson..

any Willie Fans out there?

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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Maple seeds

Howdee all,

I took this photo back in May while visiting Sicksta Dell.

I really love the color of these seeds.around the garden_042

This is the same photo cropped and I addded color Pop via Windows live writer..around the garden_042

I hope you are all having a wonderful summer..

I created a small garden next to Homey at mom and dads..

I will take a few photos to show you what it looks like next post.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Mystic, CT ..walking around town

Howdee all,


It was a beautiful day, Mom, Sicksta Tink and I decided to walk downtown Mystic and do some girly shopping.mystic etc_031

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The Oyster house has a beautiful garden…mystic etc_021 I took a few photos of our day..mystic etc_011The Drawbridge..   mystic etc_014 The River…mystic etc_015 A Swan family…

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  Out for lunch..mystic etc_033Sampling the Local fairemystic etc_032Its been so hot lately..   mystic etc_034I was wishing I was floating in that water…mystic etc_030mystic etc_029 I hope you are all staying cool this summer.

I have been doing most my blog reading on my itouch lately.

So if I don't is because I am reading from an RSS reader called Byline.

It doesn't allow you to comment on blogs.

I wish there was an RSS reader that somehow hooked up to the comment sections of blog posts…

Until then..i read, and mostly don't comment unless I am online with my Laptop.

I am trying to balance my online time…and enjoy summer and still read the blogs I so love to read.

How do you all keep up with blog reading these days?

Do you take Blogger Vacations?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

♥Gorham mountain trail to the Bowl Acadia NP

Howdee all,

Our last full day in Acadia NP :(

We started the morning bright and early with a ranger led birding program.

Black throated Blue, Chestnut sided warblers, Common Yellowthroat, Hermit and Wood thrush, Cedar Waxwings, Crows, Peregrine Falcon and more seen and heard that morning.

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Jeff and Samarrah were tired after the early bird walk so we went back to camp so they could nap.

We were all excited about the first family..the Obamas being in Bar Harbor.

We thought there might be a possibility of seeing them, but we  didn't go out to pursue them.

If we had we may have seen them.

Instead we decided to hike Gorham Mountain, a hike that Jeff and I have done several times,usually in the fall. We prefer going to the island then..much quieter.


Gorham Mountain


Miles- 3 mile round-trip




This is not a difficult trail. You will be hiking uphill for most of the hike..but the elevation at the summit is only 525 feet.

There are many ways to get to the summit.

We took the trail from the Gorham Mountain parking lot, a bit past Thunder hole.

Rocks, Rocks and more Rocks

The trail starts out on slabs of rocks…Gorham mt hike_011

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    The trail lined with Conifers and blueberry.

If you visit in July and August, you have the extra bonus of ripe Maine blueberries.Gorham mt hike_016

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This is for you sicksta Dell

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More rocks than you can fit in your yard.

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“…..a plaque honoring Waldron Bates - Pathmaker. He was the first to utilize stone stairways and iron rung ladders in the trails to help hikers traverse cliffs, talus slopes (the sloped mass of rocks at the base of a cliff), and other steep areas.”Gorham mt hike_023

   More rocky uphill

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A view of fog starting to come in.

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   Follow the blue blazes..

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   I always enjoy this trail..

Gorham mt hike_030

Not very difficult

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  Stone steps…

Gorham mt hike_032

Thanks Walden Bates..

Gorham mt hike_033

Oh..are we there yet?

Gorham mt hike_034

Jeff and Samarah wait..I am a much slower hikerGorham mt hike_035  This is Gorham Mountain's false summit where you will have an open view of Otter Cliff, Otter Point, Baker Island, and the Cranberry Island.Gorham mt hike_037When its not so foggy..

the fog was just starting to roll in at about 4pm.Gorham mt hike_038    We continue to the summitGorham mt hike_042 Gorham mt hike_044Still more uphill… Gorham mt hike_045 Follow the Cairns. Gorham mt hike_048 Which cairn do you like?Gorham mt hike_049I liked them all.. 

Gorham mt hike_051So you are forced to look at them.. Gorham mt hike_052close your eyes or speed thru this part…  Gorham mt hike_056 I am putting them all here…Gorham mt need a cairn break..

how about some nice paving stones.. Gorham mt hike_058 Or boulders to follow..Gorham mt hike_059  Or..

More Cairns..Gorham mt hike_061  Yep..not at the top yet..

follow the Cairns..Gorham mt hike_063 Gorham mt hike_064  I know what you are going to say..

OH NO..NOT MORE CAIRNS!Gorham mt hike_066 Yep..turn the page if you don't want to see them :):)

I personally think they are lovely!

Gorham mt hike_068  The fog getting thicker..Gorham mt hike_070 And guess what…

Summit! Gorham mt hike_073We are all hungry. Luckily we packed Peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches. Gorham mt hike_074 This little fella smelled them and decided to wait until we were done.Gorham mt hike_075We didn't feed it, but it still looked around after we left. It found a few granola bar crumbs.  Gorham mt hike_078     OH NO..

oh yes…Cairn..

We take trail toward the Beehive trail.Gorham mt hike_083 Toward the Bowl

Gorham mt hike_084 Gorham mt hike_085This time we walk downhill… Gorham mt hike_086 Past large slabs of rock..Gorham mt hike_088 Sorry Sickstas..I couldn't carry these back for you.Gorham mt hike_089 Gorham mt hike_092This looked like wild cranberry to me..but, I am used to it growing in a bog.

This was a wet area..but not a bog. Gorham mt hike_093 Growing along side this were theses huge blueberries..much larger than most found on the trail.Gorham mt hike_094  This area is very damp..mushrooms growing out of moss.Gorham mt hike_097  We walk along a watery path.Gorham mt hike_100 Gorham mt hike_101 Tiny red mushrooms..Gorham mt hike_102To the the Bowl.

Gorham mt hike_107 The pond was getting fogged in as well.Gorham mt hike_108  We followed the trail part way around the lake.Gorham mt hike_111 We had distant views of a Beaver..taking a freshly cut log to its home.Gorham mt hike_112We saw small beetles..

Anyone know who this is? Gorham mt hike_113 It was time to head back..Gorham mt hike_118 It was getting late..Gorham mt hike_120 We had more Cairns to follow..Gorham mt hike_121Rocks to pass.. Gorham mt hike_123 Boulders to look at…Gorham mt hike_124 Did I say more cairns?Gorham mt hike_125We hiked up.. Gorham mt hike_126 Past more of these Rock thingys…Gorham mt hike_127 And trees coming out of rocks..

Gorham mt hike_128And water resting in rock.. Gorham mt hike_131  And more..humm..fog..

(did you see the cairn?)

Gorham mt hike_133 Fog getting thicker..Gorham mt hike_134 Gorham mt hike_135  Gorham mt hike_137 Ha..last cairn..Gorham mt hike_138  Almost at the bottom..Gorham mt hike_141    Another wonderful hike in Acadia National Park..

A week was not long enough in this wonderful park.

We had no time to kayak, bike, go on a whale watch…etc etc..

We will be back..for more fun and frolicking.


More Cairns!

♥I love Acadia National Park♥