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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Help for a friend


Howdee all,

As most of you know our friend Linda @Rockwellatty tragically lost her husband.


A trust has been created called,

The Rockwell-Norris Irrevocable Protective Family Trust

If you are interested in contributing to this trust in order to help Linda Rockwell and her son,

Contributions to the trust may be made by check or money order to:

The Rockwell-Norris Irrevocable Protective Family Trust


 Send to Address below

The Rockwell-Norris Irrevocable Protective Family Trust
c/o Ed Robertson
6000 Montgomery Blvd. NE,
Albuequerque, New Mexico 87109


Thank you.



Monday, June 28, 2010

Burros@ Red rock Canyon, Calico Basin,Vegas

Howdee all,

A few forgotten photos…

Taken this past winter in one of our favorite place to hike and take in the Red rocks.

Right outside of the city limits of Las Vegas.

Red Rock Canyon.

calico basin walk _059“Burros evolved in the deserts of northern Africa where the average rainfall is about two inches a year. Two populations of burros from northern Africa that were separated from each other by natural barriers are attributed with being the ancestors of today's feral burro in the American southwest. These are the Nubian and the Somalian. The Nubian's characteristics are a black stripe across the shoulders and another down the middle of the back giving the appearance of a cross when viewed from above. The Somalian has leg stripes on both front and hind legs resembling a zebra's markings. These characteristic differences may be seen in the numerous individual burros which freely roam Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area.”calico basin walk _060   These are the Nubians..calico basin walk _061”Early explorers brought both horses and burros to the New World. Some of these animals were released or escaped to the deserts of the southwestern United States and Mexico. With the discovery of more gold and silver in the 1800's, miners brought more burros with them. These animals added to the small early populations and began to breed and increase in numbers. At one time more than 10,000 wild burros were found in California, Arizona, and Nevada. Today there are about 7,000 burros in this region.”calico basin walk _063”Burros have only two natural predators. The mountain lion preys on all burros. The coyote usually preys on the young, very old, crippled or sick animals as nature's way of maintaining a healthy population. With today's reduced number of mountain lions, there are few natural predators to check the growth of wild burro populations. “  calico basin walk _066

“Wild burros can be domesticated. When burros are removed from the Red Rock Canyon area, they are adopted by individuals through the BLM's adoption program. If you are interested in the Bureau's wild horse and burro management efforts or you wish to adopt a wild horse or burro, please contact:”

Bureau of Land Management
Las Vegas District Office
PO Box 26569
Las Vegas, NV 89126

calico basin walk _067

We are having a great time in CT with my family and visits with our daughter.

This week we head to Cape Cod to visit Jeff's side of the family..then a week in Acadia National park with our daughter.

Hope you are all having a wonderful summer.

Friday, June 25, 2010

What? No birds or flowers?? #AdamLambert

Howdee all,

Went to my first Adam Lambert Concert last night with some of my family.

adam Lambert concert_019

I thought he was great when on American Idol.

I love him even more after last nights concert.

Wow..what a performer…not to mention his vocal range.

He sells out most venues he goes to..this was no exception..

The crowd loves him!

My sicsksta called to get tickets as soon as they were available..and still we were sitting way up on the balcony..

It didn't matter to me..he was Awesome.

So… enjoy the video clips below…

Sorry about the poor video quality..I had my little point and shoot and we were quite far away…adam Lambert concert_039

Still…I think you will enjoy…turn up the volume..

Adam Lambert


Sickstas…what is the name of this slow song?


What do you want from me..clip




The concert was so Rockin..that my Sicksta danced her shoe apart..:)

adam Lambert concert_044

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly on Lantana

Howdee all,

Hope you enjoy this short video I took of the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly that visits my Lantana.


Monday, June 21, 2010

Lantana “Sonset” Bees,Butterflies and more.

Howdee all,

I bought this beautiful hanging plant

Lantana Sonset

The colors change ..pinks, oranges and yellows..just beautiful.

mom and dads_012 mom and dads_014

Lantana Sonset 

Category: Sun-loving perennial, butterfly & hummingbird magnet, deer resistant



Exposure:Full Sun or Partial Shade

Bloom Color:Yellow, orange, red, rose

Bloom Period:Late Spring through Fall!

Water:Low once established

Foliage: Handsome, dark green

Zone: 7-10 mom dads _008 Great for attracting bees, butterflies and and dads_018Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly mom and dads_025 mom and dads_031  Just as beautiful on the underside….mom and dads_035

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Bubble fun

Howdee all,

This is what 80 year olds do all day…hee hee..

Ok not really.

Muther buys bubbles for the dog to dads _040

I decided to try and take photos of the bubblesmom dads _042

It wasn't easy …mom dads _028 I was running around chasing these bubbles…and sometimes got the camera too close

which made them pop on the lens of my camera…whoops..

mom dads _027I loved the colors in the dads _031I think I will try this again.

With other backgrounds..

mom dads _019

So ..we are still in CT..

and will be here at least until the end of the month..then we head to Cape Cod for a week before going to Acadia National park with our daughter.

Lately, on our morning walk around the neighborhood we have added a few young walkers…and an occasional unleashed dog..

mom dads _015

Friday, June 18, 2010

Gulf Oil “spill” can we help by saying we are sorry?

Howdee all,

Ochclochnee bay 372 (6)

The email below was sent to me by my Sister and brother in Law yesterday.

I know many of us feel helpless in what's going on in the Gulf with the Oil pouring out into the oceans affecting wildlife.

This may be a bit esoteric for many..but I think some positive energy would be good at this point.

Too much negative energy may push us in the wrong direction. I am not saying it is wrong to be angry..lets be angry..but lets also balance that out with some positive energy.

  I would love to get my scientific friends opinion on the video in the link below..and what do you think of the Dr Emoto’s theory's?

Click on this link to go to Dr. Emoto’s page on this issue and a video on alternative energy.


Dr. Masaru Emoto is the scientist from Japan who has done all the research

and publications about the characteristics of water. Among other things,

his research revealed that water physically responds to emotions.

Many people have predominantly angry emotions when we consider what is happening in the Gulf.

And while justified in that emotion, we may be of greater assistance to our planet and its life forms

if we sincerely, powerfully and humbly pray the prayer that Dr. Emoto, himself, has proposed.

I am passing this request to people I believe may be willing to participate in this prayer,

to set an intention of love and healing that is so large, so overwhelming

that we can perform a miracle in the Gulf of Mexico.

We are not powerless. We are powerful.

Our united energy, speaking this prayer daily...multiple times daily...

can literally shift the balance of destruction that is happening.

We don't have to know how...we just have to recognize

that the power of love is greater than any other power active in the Universe today.stgeorgelastday (14)

"I send the energy of love and gratitude to the waters and all living creatures

in the Gulf of Mexico and its surroundings.

To the whales, dolphins, pelicans, fish, shellfish, plankton,

corals, algae ... to ALL  living creatures ... I am sorry.

Please forgive me. Thank you.

I Love You."

Please join me in often repeating this Healing Prayer by Dr. Emoto's.

Feel free to send it around the planet. Lets take charge ... and do our own clean up.


Click on the below link..very interesting!!!

Read more how thoughts affect water here very interesting……not quite sure what to think..but I am open minded.

The link above shows how emotions affect water..with photos.

Ochclochnee bay 372 (37)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Cactus Wrens in Love

Howdee all,

I have been posting a few of my favorite videos..I took this one this past spring in Arizona.

This video is longer than the last few..but hang in there ..i think you will enjoy…

This sweet little story of….

Cactus Wrens in Love


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hooded Warbler

Howdee all,

I took this short clip while birding Padre Island during spring migration.

I just added music via Utubes insight which doesn't allow you to have the music slowly fade out…oh well..I liked the song..

And again….

This is a handheld camera and I am a shaker…my husband is always telling me I should try to be more steady while filming…

Oh well…

Monday, June 14, 2010

Rose-breasted Grosbeak female bathing

Howdee all,

Another video from High Island, Texas

Taken from behind a photographers blind.

The camera was hand sorry for the movement.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Scarlet Tanager eating a mulberry

Howdee all,

I took this video when birding on High Island, Texas.
I posted this a while back..
thought I would share it again in case you missed it.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Catalina clouds..Skywatch Friday

Howdee all,

I recently found these cloud photos, that I had forgotten to post.

They were from our visit to Catalina State park in Tucson, AZ.

One of our favorite state parks.

Catalina clouds (1)It was a cold morning.. Catalina clouds (2) We had a recent rain storm..Catalina clouds (3) Which left snow on the mountains..Catalina clouds (4)When in Arizona we always spend some time at this park..Catalina clouds (5)Great hikes and birding  Catalina clouds (6)

And wonderful scenes in our backyardCatalina clouds (7) So far this State park has survived the cutbacks in Arizona..Catalina clouds (8) Hopefully it will remain open so that we can visit this beautiful park again.Catalina clouds (9)

For more awesome sky photos from around the world…

click on the logo below


Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Oil-Coated Gulf Birds Better Off Dead?

What do you think...
Are these Oil Coated birds better off Dead?

Read the National Geographic articles below.

Oil-Coated Gulf Birds Better Off Dead? via National Geographic Daily News.

The photos are difficult to look at..but i think its important that we all see what is happening to the wildlife...this terrible disaster will affect us all for many many years.

Photos of Birds, Fish, Crabs coated.

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Buy a print to help the Oil Spill

Matt Bango of Matt Bango Photography has come up with the Awesome idea.

You can buy one of his beautiful Bird Prints and 100% of the Proceeds will go toward the Oil Spill.
I know Matt personally and I know all of the money will go to the Oil Spill.
The Bird Prints are beautiful..check out the link to view Matt's Post and to view the Prints.

Proceeds will go to... National Audubon Society, International Bird Rescue Research Center and Tri-State Bird Rescue and Research.

Matt Bango Photography

Each of the birds in Matts photos are at high risk to be impacted by the oil spill.

How You Can Volunteer to Clean Up the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

Found this link via Facebook friends Donna and Kathie...

Friday, June 04, 2010

What have we done?

This is horrible..

I felt I needed to post this so people realize how tragic this is for the wildlife.
What have we done?

Warning..very graphic
Click on the link to see the photos.

Caught in the oil - The Big Picture -

Raw Video of Birds Trapped in the Oil..via Mike McDowell

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Big Bloomers Flower Farm, water plants

Howdee all,

When visiting my Sicksta in North Carolina I always like to visit Big Bloomers Flower Farm. Sicksta works at Big bloomers and she gives me the tour.

I was fascinated by these large planters with water plants in them.

arnd the garden_014

The plants were set in the pots in groupings..each plant in their own pot with gravel on top to weight it down.birds and big bloomers_055

If I had a garden.….I would love to have a few pots of these water plants.birds and big bloomers_054

The colors were bright

birds and big bloomers_052…I didn't take notes..and I cant tell you what plants these are… but I am sure you could call Big Bloomers to find out….birds and big bloomers_050This type of garden would need to come indoors for the winter.birds and big bloomers_049

I thought this was a fabulous way to use water plants…

birds and big bloomers_051

The flowering plant below was sold in a hanging pot.

birds and big bloomers_040Flower within a flower..birds and big bloomers_038

           Potted plant..Bee not includedbirds and big bloomers_057

Potted plants with cloud cover..

birds and big bloomers_042

  We aren't in North Carolina…as most of you know..

I have been busy with gardening and shopping with Mom.

The robins have left the nest..bluff pt, mom and dads_008 I found one in a nearby tree waiting to be fed.

mom and dads_026

I may not be blogging as much this summer…

I am taking a bit of a break from Facebook, twitter and blogging.

So instead of everyday…you may see me a few times a week or less..

Have a Wonderful summer!