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Monday, May 10, 2010

Wandering around the garden

Howdee all,

Here we are settled in at Sicksta Dells and Ghetto boys home for a few more weeks..

See Homey below on the left…

I will try and help around the garden if i can get out of my lazy slump.

I think it was the hot weather the past week..that made me lazy..

its cooled off the past few days…

Mountain laurelaround the garden_052I have been wandering around the garden….looking for birds and admiring the flowers. around the garden_049

Lots of things flowering now…

 Pink Knockout rosesaround the garden_060 The birds haven't been coming to the feeders much…

Dianthusaround the garden_061I think its because there is an abundance of bugs this time of year..around the garden_068So between looking for birds…

A light pink Dianthusaround the garden_070I look at the flowers..

 Knockout rose around the garden_073

I don't know the names of most of Sickstas flowers..

  Indigoferia around the garden_077I just admire them

Snapdragonaround the garden_078 Japanese cut leaf Red Maple around the garden_085

I play with the pups..Jack likes it when you kick the ball for him to chase..

Jack around the garden_092Its been very dry this Spring…and Sicksta is wishing for rain so that her well doesn't go dry watering all her flowers..around the garden_011 Geraniumaround the garden_086 See the shed below..

A row of hearts..Ghetto boy makes Sicksta heart things..and puts them around the garden…

Rosemaryaround the garden_095 Ghetto Boys ole blue truckaround the garden_097I love the Knockout roses… around the garden_101On the hot days this past might have found me floating around in the pool…i watched the birds while floating around on my back….

Hibiscus    around the garden_107    Jack againaround the garden_119 Kaliaround the garden_123More Knockout Roses…  around the garden_099Hope you enjoyed the flowers…..around the garden_100


  1. the flowers look beautiful.. Love the 2 doggies..they're so adorable!! :)

    Angad Achappa

  2. What a lovely garden. I hope mine looks as nice when it grows up! ;-)

  3. A very pink post! Love the flowers!

  4. Your sister has really poured her heart and soul into her garden, and it shows. Beautiful!

    Hows that Whippoorwill treatin' ya? lol!


  5. Jack looks like a good companion for your gardening chores - just have him dig the holes!
    I'm wishing for some lazy hot weather, I am headed to Estes Park tomorrow- they predict 1-2 ft of snow between now and then!
    Nice pics - enjoy!

  6. Wow, so beautiful!
    I bet there are lots of angels and faries hanging around those gorgeous flowers and hearts.

  7. Love those white flowering bushes your sister has! Jack and kali look like fun little friends to hang with. Looks like a real retreat to chill at a great price, and it even has a pool for those hot ones;)

  8. Lovely flowers--your sister has done a nice job with all of them. I think the maple is a japanese maple--the red maple is native but doesn't have that leaf. I went nuts buying flowers for the deck and yard this year too.

    Re your comment on my blog: not exactly on blogger vacation but trying to get some naturalist and writing work done. I am way behind on posting some photos. I will try to do that today or tomorrow.

    Looks like you're getting close to my neck of the woods..

  9. Wow - such beautiful, vibrant blooms! :)
    It looks like you are in just the right location at just the right time of the year!

  10. Bet you the lazy slump is nothing more than recovering from some amazing travels - y'all been busy.
    Lovely photos as usual.


  11. Angad Achappa
    thanks..they are cute little pups!

    Thanks so much! Its very peaceful here.and fun to be here with my family.

    I bet your garden will be a beauty when it grows up..full of birds too!

    thanks Kathie..I love PINK!

    A New England Life
    Thanks Sharon..her garden is Lovely..and that darn whip-poor-will keeps sounding its alarm!

    The pups dig holes all sicksta is always yelling at them! sure have had your fill of snow this winter!

    Bird Girl
    Get every color of Knockout you can..they are so beautiful and flower constantly.

    yes..lots of fairys and elves here..they love the flowers and hearts..:)

    The white flowers are Mountain Laurel..they would look lovely growing on the top of your motorhome!

    Appalachian Lady
    Howdee..Yes you are correct about the maple.its not Red Maple but Japanese red..she is not sure of the variety.
    We are in Carthage,NC probably not to far from you. Good luck with all the writing you are doing.

    Eden Reflections Photography
    Yes you are right..its a great time to be here.

    Dan are correct..we have been traveling and touring daily..its now time to take a breather.

    Debbie Miller @HooootOwl Sicksta will be pleased to hear that!


ok what do you really think?????