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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Valley Birding, Texas

Howdee all,

Today Jeff and I started our morning birding at La Feria sod farms..our target birds were Bairds and Buff-breasted sandpipers...We saw lots of Upland sandpipers..but not our target birds..

From here we went to Valley Nature Center in Weslaco. We heard that someone had seen a Gold winged warbler a few days ago so we thought we would have a look.

When we arrived I heard some squawking..and found this cutie hiding behind the tree..

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Red-lored Parrot

A life bird for usBirding valley nature center_009This bird was also hanging around outside the park..a common bird in this area.

Great Kiskadee 

Birding valley nature center_035 I took several shotsBirding valley nature center_003So you could see how handsome this bird is.. Birding valley nature center_004 Kiskadee views….Birding valley nature center_006   The park wasn't real birdie…we did see several warbler species but not the Golden winged warbler we were looking for. Scarlet tanager, heard Tropical kingbird and Clay-colored thrush singing.

This cute little red colored squirrel was hanging out..

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I think he was watching me
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Lots of bunnies aroundBirding valley nature center_026

Yellow-crowned night herons on nests high in the trees, all over the park..

We saw two blue eggs on the path from recent hatchlings.. Birding valley nature center_028

Lots of Plain Chachalaca ..big noisy bird who hang out in trees…

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   White tipped doves were cooing and some on nests..

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  From this park we decided to drive to Frontera Audubon…which wasn't open today..

We walked around the grounds outside of the fence..

Indigo buntings flitting about in the flower field..

and this little lizard on a stick thought he was let me get very close..

lizard at audubon_001

Birds of the day

Upland Sandpiper

Great-tailed grackle


Lark sparrow

Harris Hawk


Red-lored parrot

Great Kiskadee

Plain Chachalaca

Great-crested flycatcher

Tropical Kingbird

Black and white warbler

Tennessee warbler

Blue-winged warbler

Orange-crowned warbler

White-eyed vireo

Summer tanager

House sparrow

White-tipped dove

Mourning dove

White winged dove

Yellow-crowned night heron

Clay-colored thrush

Black-bellied whistling duck

Indigo bunting

Spotted sandpiper


  1. You see the most beautiful birds!

    Thanks so much for sharing, love your blog


  2. Dawn and Jeff, once again I am so jealus! At least 6 of those birds would be lifers for me! I hope you are both well. I am missing you! I hope to be in CT the last week of June and the first week of July. I will let you know when my plans are confirmed.

    I would love to see a kiskadee! Great pics!

  3. Love the kiskadee and parrot photos-great color! So you didn't hit your target birds-at least you got an Upland Sandpiper-Dick Cheney would be proud of you!

  4. Too cool on the parrot. I would've freaked out from happiness. Enjoying your birding reports & photos from TX.

  5. That Kiskedee and Parrot are lovely ~ they are all LOVELy! and the lizard is a cutie as well!

  6. What nice photos of our RGV birds! I'm glad I found your blog.

  7. Kerry
    thanks kerry..thanks for stopping by!

    Thanks so much! I hope to show you more birdies soon!

    Darn..wish you were with us to get those life birds..maybe the next time we are in Texas you can meet us there..
    Hope we can get together when you are in cT!! miss u too!

    Thanks Larry..why would Dick Cheney be proud of us? I am missing the joke i think.. anyway..hes not someone I would care to be proud of me anyway .

    Donna M. Simonetti
    thanks Donna! yeah..I freak out allot when i see new birds..hee hee..

    Thanks so much Kerri..glad you liked them..

    Bird Girl
    Yes the Kiskadee is soo listening to it!

    So glad you found my blog too! thanks for stopping by..
    You have some awesome birds in the RGV!!


ok what do you really think?????