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Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Las Palmas trail, Zapata creek, Laredo TX

Howdee all,

We are now in search of southern Texas birds. Our first time birding here.


We left Big Bend..and drove many miles across Texas..

and the Pecos River below..Pecos river , texas_003 Then Settled into Casa Blaca State park with our Homey.

Our first bird outing was in Laredo and on the Great Texas Birding Trail

Las Palmas trail and Zapata creek

las palamas trail_006 We saw many life birds here..but not great photos..

Great Kiskadee

las palamas trail_010

   Kiskadee at its nest
las palamas trail_025

Another poor photo..but a Life bird for us..

Audobons Oriole

las palamas trail_016 Its was extremely hot in Texas..hitting 100 degrees…

We are birding and sweating…

las palamas trail_049 Wildflowers are blooming all over now..

las palamas trail_051 The path follows the Rio Grande River..not closely, but there are paths that lead down to the river for looks now and again..

It was very sad to see the amount of trash in and around the river and the path..

I didn't take photos of if…but its there..las palamas trail_052 I saw this glowing chandelier looking flower growing on the bank above..

las palamas trail_055  An area opens up to the Rio Grande River..

las palamas trail_059

Bird Islands.las palamas trail_060 I like the size comparison here..

las palamas trail_065

A Black vulture hangs out with the Egrets..las palamas trail_069 and a Turkey Vulture fly's above us..

las palamas trail_082  Below is Zapata Creek ..

las palamas trail_086It was here we saw our first Ringed Kingfisher

A beautiful bird..but no photo..las palamas trail_084 We also went to the local college and checked out the trail there..

Paseo Del Indio trail

We searched both areas for the White collared luck… Paseo de Indio (1)More wildflowers Paseo de Indio (2)A turtle crosses our path..laredo birding_008 Texans are proud of their wildflowersPaseo de Indio (3)     Its a great time of year for them..Paseo de Indio (7)Avocets and Blue wing teal     Paseo de Indio (12)  Some poor bird met its maker…Paseo de Indio (14)As we bird this area , especially when we are near the water, we see border patrol allot.

They have some sort of sensor system near the water..and we set it off now and then..they come running…and then realize its just a couple of birders..

We chat..and most seem sympathetic to the Mexicans trying to enter the US..nice to know. Their main concern is drug trafficking.

Below is some lighting that the border patrol uses for this area in the evening..Paseo de Indio (15)Both nice areas to bird…despite all the trash..


Birds of the Day

The birds in Red were life birds for us..

Snowy egret Great egret,Double crested and Neotropic cormorants,
Mockingbird,Great-tailed Grackle, Great kiskadee,Common yellowthroat

Audubon oriole,Cardinal.House sparrow,Brown headed cowbird
Red wing blackbird,White eyed vireo.White wing dove, Couch's kingbird

Blue gray gnatcatcher.Common yellow throat.Golden fronted woodpecker
Morning dove,Green jay,Clay colored thrush,Orange crown warbler
Ruby crowned kinglet,Osprey,Turkey and Black Vultures,Green heron ,Black phoebe
Northern rough winged swallow,Spotted sandpiper,Greater yellowlegs ,Ringed kingfisher,Black chinned hummingbird,Coot,Cedar waxwing,Coopers hawk,Glossy ibis,Black necked stilt,Little blue heron,Blue wing teal,Gadwall,Ash throated flycatcher


  1. Oh, what a gorgeous birding day!
    Lucky you to see all those Beauties and that lovely nature!
    (I guess I am getting tired of just the sewers and a bit of ocean birding,...grin)

  2. Wondeful pictures and I loved the flowers & birds... Glad your back on the birding trail! Have fun & travel safe!!!

  3. I sure don't envy you that heat! I couldn't do it.
    Beautiful flowers, and I love the turtle.

  4. Congratulations on the Lifers! That makes for an exciting day! Neat nest picture by the Kiskadee!

  5. Dawn great pictures of the flowers and all. i too love the one of the nest. I look forward to birding again with you and Jeff. Maybe we can bird in NYC if you're visiting. I would love to go to Plum Island in MA too.

  6. What a great bunch of new birds you got; I'm jealous! Definitely worth braving the 100-degree heat!

  7. That egret sure was brave! Great day of birding! Love the blossoms too.

  8. LOVELY shots Dawn! So happy to travel thru Texas with you!!

  9. Thanks everyone for your comments on birding here in Laredo. We are having a great time birding in Texas..extremely busy birding all day..and pooped at night..
    I sorta look forward to some down time to catch up with all my blog reading..
    wahh wahh wahh..I guess i cant have my cake and eat it too!:)


ok what do you really think?????