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Friday, April 09, 2010

Casa Blanca Lake SP, Laredo, TX

Howdee all


While in Laredo, we stayed at Casa Blanca Lake state Park

Nice RV park..Large spaces between RVs, some lakefront.

We did some birding on the opposite side of the lake..

The quiet side..

Casa blanca lake state park (11)Casa blanca lake state park (30)Lots of Corms hanging out..Casa blanca lake state park (1)  Osprey out on a limb..

Casa blanca lake state park (8)the ever amazing Scissor-tailed flycatcherCasa blanca lake state park (4)

White Pelicans were fishing..Casa blanca lake state park (20)Video of pelicans group fishing

Great kiskadee.. Casa blanca lake state park (45) We birded the morning in the north part of the lake, away from the campers....

Casa blanca lake state park (47)

 Casa Blanca state park Laredo_004After birding the lake we headed to,, Del Mar Boulevard, a four mile dead end road..with no homes..We were told this was a good place to bird..

We did see and hear..

Cassin's sparrows..a life bird for us.

Casa blanca lake state park (52) We also found this poor little pup.. someone dropped him off toward the end of the dirt road..he was very skittish at first.but, after some water and a granola bar he warmed up to me..

We called the Police, who called animal control, who never called us back, after waiting over an hour, we decided to bring the pup back to the State park to see if anyone knew where to bring him.

The Park Rangers were very nice and found the pup a new owner..

We were very pleased!

 Casa Blanca state park Laredo_009

Birds of the no particular order.

Couch's kingbird,Osprey,Great Kiskadee,Great-tail grackle,Red winged black bird
Mockingbird.Golden fronted woodpecker,Cardinal,Blue-winged teal,Marsh wren
Glossy ibis,Snowy egret,White pelican,Scissortail flycatcher,Common yellowthroat
Little blue heron,Northern shoveler,Cinnamon teal,American widgeon.Gadwall Coot,Greater yellowlegs,Killdeer,Pied-billed grebe,Crested caracara,Cormorant
Great egret,Sora,Coopers hawk,Morning dove,Lincoln sparrow,least sandpiper,
Common moorhen,Ladder-back woodpecker,Cactus wren,Ash-throated flycatcher,
House sparrow, Pyroloxia,Cassin's sparrow,Black-throated sparrow,

Curve billed thrasher,Northern Bob white


  1. So glad you took the dog and they found him a home!


  2. Hey Dawnie... Great photos! I felt so bad for the pup until you said the ranger found him a home...YEAH!!! Have a great day & travel safe.

  3. Beautiful captures of the birds. It is always nice to be able to enjoy them.

  4. So many great pictures. Love the flycatcher and the pelican video. It made me think of synchronized swimming (though at times it looks like they still need to practice before their next show). LOL
    Oh! I'm going on a birding walk Sunday morning in Westport, CT and Luke is leading it.

  5. Any chance in sending some of those Scissor-tailed Flycatchers up this way?

    Excellents photos Dawn! You sure know how to make a birder jealous!

  6. Thank you so much for rescuing that doggie!!!!
    That scissortailed flycatcher is AWESOME!!! As are the other shots!

  7. Jim and Gayle
    yes..we just couldnt turn our heads the other way..we are very pleased with the outcome.

    Bill S.
    Thanks sure is!

    hope you had a great walk with Luke..hope to see a blog post about it! And hope to all get together for some birding this summer or fall.

    Thanks John..i just boxed up one scissor tail..the tail wouldnt fit very well into the box..sorry..
    i had to let it go.:)

    Thanks Kerri..we felt so bad for that little guy.,.and are so happy he now has a good home!

  8. Donna SimonettiMonday, 12 April, 2010

    What a great list. Nice photos & I especially love the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher. Oh & the pelicans. Also, thanks for finding the dog a home. Very sweet.

  9. The scissor tail flycatcher is a cool bird. That was nice that you took care of the pup, but how do you know someone else didn't lose there pup?

  10. Diane..
    Well the pup was at the end of a four mile long dead end road with no houses around...he was very skittish..
    not collar
    no and others felt that he must have been dropped off..
    so good he has a home now..


ok what do you really think?????