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Monday, March 22, 2010

Terlingua, Texas

Howdee all,

When Jeff and I left Patagonia, AZ we were intending on heading directly for the gulf coast of Texas to catch shorebird migration.

As luck, and internet connection would have it, a RV friend contacted me thru facebook. He follows my blog, and said if we are passing thru their now hometown of Marathon, just north of Big Bend we should connect.. We called and after speaking to him decided to forget the birds for now and head to Big Bend.

And..I am so glad we did…

I ♥ Big Bend

Here is the view we have from Homey in the RV park in Terlingua, Texas.Big Bend day 1_028

Not a huge RV park..the price is right..around twenty a night, the park owners are friendly,

we love the location. terlingua_bigbend_txA short drive to Big Bend and in a small, spread out Ghost town.Big Bend day 1_027The first day we arrived we took a drive into the park.

We drove to the visitor center for information then to Rio Grande Village to see if we would rather stay in the park.

It is the tail end of spring break and most campgrounds were full. We decided we preferred our location..easy access to Big Bend and Big Bend Ranch State park.

The day was getting late..and we headed back to homey.

Bird viewing platform at the Rio Grand Village

Big Bend day 1_050 Our second day was extremely windy and cold so we opted to stay in and catch up on computer work, taxes etc.

In the evening we ventured out to check out the town.


Earlier in the early 20th century, the communities that sprung up were defined by the mine that was near, or some other geographical description, such as a creek.    In the last 25 to 30 years, tourism has brought in a new boom of communities, and even though the locals  still use older mine names to define a certain area of the Terlingua area, the area of Terlingua is vast.  To many, Terlingua is still a territory, still somewhat of a wild frontier, with history carved and notched deep in the memories of cliffs and valleys of the Terlingua Creek watershed.   One cannot help but be reminded of the ranches that existed around this great creek, and springs that were on both sides of it that  providing havens for Ranch and Farm families.  A little higher elevations in the limestone and Igneous outcrops later provided another prosperous era, the mining of mercury.      By studying the facts of history, the old maps, and old books that were published much earlier than today , one can truly get a glimpse of what the varied and interesting life was like that circled around the wide  territory of Terlingua.”

Old crumbling adobe homes from the mining area around the hillsides.

Some newer homes are built inside the adobe walls remaining.

Big Bend day 1_012 A few local artsy stores and cafes.Big Bend day 1_010

more crumbling adobeBig Bend day 1_009

I took most of these photos from the car..winds were 20 miles per hour that day.

The ones that weren't taken from the car..Jeff took..I was too cold.

Old cemetery

Big Bend day 1_004

I read that we should check out the stones and markers at the cemetery…will save that for a warmer day.Big Bend day 1_005

We had a nice dinner at the Starlight Theatre Restaurant

Big Bend day 1_015 I had chili and a margarita, Jeff had a turkey club.

The fellow who was singing sounded just like Willie Nelson.

Big Bend day 1_021

So here we are, don't know how long we will stay..

The birds are migrating at the coast and also the Rio Grande Valley, and its tempting to leave and go see the birds.

There is so much I would love to do here before we leave.

I would love to hike every hike, drive every dirt road..until it gets too hot.

The birdies are calling, but….. I need to stretch my legs and hike….


  1. Good Morning Dawn & Jeff... Looks like a great place to get out and explore not to mention HIKE. I know you'll miss the birdies but I bet you'll have a great time there... The sad thing about our lifestyle is even though we see so much there is still so much to see! Have fun & travel safe ☺☺☺

  2. Sounds great. I hope you take the opportunity to venture deeper into some of the wild & lonesome places, too, including canyonlands and the rio.

  3. Sounds like a great pit-stop on your route. looking forward to reading more about your adventures in Texas.

  4. Nice town--I'd like that Willi Nelson spot.

  5. thanks Friends for the nice comments!
    Sorry it has taken me so long to reply..
    Traveling, Hiking, I am so exhausted by the end of the day, just enough energy to get out a blog post.

    you are much to see, always bittersweet to leave an area.

    Big Bend has been a great pit stop.
    Awesome hikes here and scnery! Hope all is well in your neck of the woods and all the birdies are migration thru soon..
    Want to try to get a group together again this summer for some birding. let me know if you are interested.

    Appalachian Lady would love this place..put it on your list of places to see.
    I love Big Bend

  6. Photos are great, I think this place has an interesting history.

  7. Thanks for your wonderful photos. It's been 30 years since I visited Big Bend and your pictures call me back like a distant siren's wail.

    Thank you,

  8. I enjoyed your pictures and writing and as a new transplant to austin, I'm being encouraged by friends to visit Terlingua and your work here was a great introduction


ok what do you really think?????