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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Boquillas Canyon Trail, Big Bend NP, day 5 prt2

Howdee all,

We left Ernst Tinaja trail for the Five mile bumpy drive back to the paved road.

Stopping along the way for a few photosErnst Tenaja_027

Of the white roadErnst Tenaja_023

and interesting flowersErnst Tenaja_017

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      This Yucca will be flowering soon

Ernst Tenaja_016Distant mountainsErnst Tenaja_013Prickly pear cactus everywhere here…Ernst Tenaja_002 Another small cactus in bloom..

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After leaving the dirt road we head to our next destination.

Boquillas Canyon

length 1.4 miles

Difficulty –easy

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Wasn't too long ago the you could cross the river and visit the town on the other side, now that isn't allowed.

The Mexicans now bring their wares over to the American side..and although it is illegal to purchase goods this way. I saw people doing it. It is ok to put donations in the jar.Bouquillas Canyon_005Jeff viewing men across the river, the Mexican men were viewing us with their binos, When people made purchases they rode their horses thru the river to get their money. Bouquillas Canyon_007A prickly pear in bloom  Bouquillas Canyon_009Bright yellow flowers with orange centers..  Bouquillas Canyon_010  This is a short hike that takes you back into the Boquillas Canyon. It skirts the river and ends in a series of sand hills and cave weathered cliffs.

Bouquillas Canyon_015 This day was extremely hot…90 plus

I wanted to jump in the river..Bouquillas Canyon_016 Cactus just ready to bloomBouquillas Canyon_018 We start hiking into the canyon..Bouquillas Canyon_022 More desert blooms..Bouquillas Canyon_023 Across the river in Mexico was a film crew..

I wonder what they were filming?Bouquillas Canyon_024 On our way back I noticed the rock wall was all crystal…Bouquillas Canyon_025 We didn't notice it on the way because we were too intent on seeing what the filming was all about.Bouquillas Canyon_026 How could I have missed these beauties?Bouquillas Canyon_027 Doesn't it look nice and cool here?

It wasnt…I was ready at this point to come home and take a nice refreshing shower.Bouquillas Canyon_028 On the way back to the car we heard and spotted this fellow..

After using my birding apps…I use IBird and Sibley.

I love that you can compare birds in Sibley and use that part of the app allot.

We listened to the call and decided it was the…

Ash-throated flycatcher.

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A handsome bird.Bouquillas Canyon_030

Birds of the Day

Meadowlark, Cactus Wren, Turkey Vulture, Black-throated sparrow, Common Raven, Loggerhead shrike,Inca dove,Vermillion flycatcher,Mockingbird, White-wing dove,Ladderback woodpecker,Rock Wren, Ash-throated flycatcher, Blue-winged teal,Says phoebe,Black phoebe,Verper sparrow, Chipping sparrow,Canyon Towhee,Yellow rumped warbler,House finch, Rough winged swallow, Road runner.

Part 3 of this day are some nice sunset shots

to be continued.


  1. you know what my favorite part of that hike was! Ha

  2. wonderful photos Dawn, love the orange. Very nice bird list too


  3. Another fantasic hike with all the beautiful photos... Loved the cactus flowers. And the crystals...Have a super day & travel safe.

  4. Hi Dawn, the bird of the day blended nicely with all the pretty colours.

  5. What a beautiful little flycatcher! I've loved seeing your pictures of Big Bend. I've lived in Texas forever and never been there but hope to some day.

  6. Thanks everyone for your oomments..
    Glad you are enjoying these hikes..
    Werent the crystals awesome?

    You must go to Big Bend..awesome place!!!


ok what do you really think?????