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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sonoran Desert Museum ..The Birds

Howdee all,

This is how we were greeted before we entered the Desert Museum

For some reason I thought Barn Owls were larger..

I had never seen one so close..Desert museum_016 What a Beauty!

Desert museum_015

A heart shaped faceDesert museum_012

Inside the gates…plenty of Cactus WrensDesert museum_028

Desert museum_033

A Black Phoebe Desert museum_035

We went quickly thru the Hummingbird we were going to the Raptor free flight..Must go back and get more photos of these lovely hummers..

Broad Billed Hummingbird

Desert museum_127Any Guesses?Desert museum_129  Harris Hawk in Free Flight Program

It was great getting up close and personal with all of these birds!


Desert museum_055See Ya!

doesn't it look like he is wearing a tee shirt?FDesert museum_057Ferruginous hawk..Desert museum_065

Again the Harris HawkDesert museum_137Being fed….Desert museum_140And Mr.. Photogenic..

Great Horned Owl Desert museum_044

Ears aglowingDesert museum_081

Gotta love those eyes..Desert museum_079 Ok ..Ok…I will stop taking photos!

Desert museum_082

Onto the Kestrel Desert museum_108

Showing off..Desert museum_097

A beauty!Desert museum_099

Aww…Lil ScreechDesert museum_122

Western Screech Owl..tiny little thing Desert museum_118

These photos were from our first visit to the Museum…we are moving camp and will be very close to the Museum and hope to visit frequently…Cant wait!

Check out other birds around the World by clicking on the photo below..bpw-sharing-logo-smaller


  1. I think most birds look smaller in the hand than in the field. I think in the field the proper scale isn't as obvious.

  2. LOVE all of your photos Dawn! How cool to be able to zoom in that close and see so much detail!

  3. Great birds! There's something awfully feline about that Great Horned Owl--both the furry ear tufts and that look on its face.

    And birds are kind of like celebrities--they look smaller when you actually get close to them.

  4. Great photos. I love the AZ Sonora Desert Museum. I think they've done an excellent job in their layout and set-up and the demonstrations like the raptore "free flight" programs are really fun and educational. The hummingbird aviary is almost overwhelming! (BTW I think the photo of the one below the Broad-billed is a Black-chinned Hummingbird)

  5. These are stunning Dawn! Oh I want to visit this place....i think I could LIVE there!!

  6. Great photos and Great birds... What a wonderful place! I sure hope I get there one day... Have fun & travel safe.

  7. Love that 'macro' shot of Barn Owls.

  8. Love, love love all the birdies!

  9. Beautiful images Dawn.

  10. Those owls are a hoot. I like the little screech.

  11. Beautiful shots Dawn! Love the owls and the broad-billed hummingbird. Such detail and colors! You are up on my blog now if you want to come and see!

  12. Your bird pictures are absolutely wonderful. I just love the clarity and beauty of them all.

  13. Amazing. The great horned owl. . . YOWSAH!

  14. Looks like a great program! What beautiful birds.

  15. Love all the shots. So neat to get up close and personal. Some of these birds we don't have up here. The Harris I think stays South. I love the Raptors. Thanks for visiting my blog. MB

  16. Howdee all.

    OH I am blushing blushing...Thanks for all your very kind comments.
    .It was so cool to get so close to these birds...much easier to get photos then in the field..I suck at that!

  17. I've seen some fine shots you have gotten from the field Dawn. You can't deny it!

    I love all of the bird shots (obviously) but my favorite has to be the Great Horned Owl photos.

    These are such magnificent creatures. They are truly the masters of their domain. They fear nothing, and it shows.

    My favorite shot is the one with its beak open, speaking its mind I'm sure.

    The full shot of the owl with the desert in the background is absolutely fabulous!

    I miss you guys! Say "Hi" to Jeff will ya? (I'm still trying to figure out how to digiscope with the new Kowa).


ok what do you really think?????