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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Cienega Creek, Tucson, Az

Howdee all,


Last week we met up with Kathie of Sycamore Canyon blog do some more birding..

This time Kathie took us to Cienega Creek Preserve.

Read Kathies Post of our Day…its so delightful..and she makes you feel like you are there with her..I know..because I was.

She makes an awesome German Pancake with apples..I am dreaming about it now.

After Kathies wonderful breakfast she takes us to the Preserve..

cienaga birding with Kathie_004   First to an overlook..for a glimpse into the creek area…See the tall trees..

That is where we will hike to..cienaga birding with Kathie_002  To the trail headcienaga birding with Kathie_007 We hike toward the tree tops..

cienaga birding with Kathie_010  The trees are in a wash…cienaga birding with Kathie_012  Almost there…the tops of the trees and views of the wash..

cienaga birding with Kathie_015  Going into the wash..cienaga birding with Kathie_016It was very quiet as far as birds…

cienaga birding with Kathie_017 We find water…and I find a Rock Face…

Do you see the face?

cienaga birding with Kathie_018 Two big eyes and a nose..melting into the landscape..

The creek runs right in front of the face..

cienaga birding with Kathie_020

As we follow the creek we see lushness

cienaga birding with Kathie_023 Bright greens line the creek…

cienaga birding with Kathie_024 This weed looks like watercress to me..but i wasn't sure..

cienaga birding with Kathie_025We hike as far as possible in this lush oasis..

We spy a few Lesser Goldfinch..but..where are the other birds?cienaga birding with Kathie_027

We decide to follow the creek in the opposite direction..hoping to find the source of the springs.

cienaga birding with Kathie_029  We see just a few birds here…Why no birds?

cienaga birding with Kathie_030 We find the area where the water starts flowing from underground..making this sweet little creek.cienaga birding with Kathie_035 Just beyond a Black Pheobe…chirpscienaga birding with Kathie_036


Onward we walk thru the wash…trees clinging to the water cut bank.

cienaga birding with Kathie_038 Finally we hear birds…lots of birds..hundreds of birds..Up high in these tall trees…

These trees are blooming…and the birds are finding food up high in them..

Flocks of Robins, Lesser Goldfinch, Yellowrump warblers, Gilded flickers, Gila Woodpeckers and more…most were hard to see as they flitted around the top of the tall tree.

Wcienaga birding with Kathie_040We spent some time looking at the birds..then hiked out and left Cienega springs…


Oasis in the Desertcienaga birding with Kathie_042After a nice lunch nearby..

Kathie took us to see this Great horned Owl nest…

See the hole in the bank off the side of the road?

We stayed in the car…cienaga birding with Kathie_044 So as not to disturb this beautiful bird…cienaga birding with Kathie_045 We had a wonderful time…

Thanks Kathie and Gus for your warm hospitality!

Lets go birding again.


  1. That sounds like such a wonderful time. The desert habitat is so foreign looking, so unlike Minnesota. I'd like to bird there some day too.

  2. I loved the Owl shot. I didn't quite see the rock "face"

    Looks like lovely weather out there.

    Did you see any trains on the bridge?

  3. Great trip and awesome Cienego Crk sign. Looks like the rockhead chin's buried in the wash, getting a drink. Seems unusual to see such a bright strip of green in the desert. But where there's water and food there's life. The owl is Very Cool. Hope you have fun birding with Kathie again.

  4. I love reading accounts of the same outing written different participants. I can imagine Kathie is a wonderful tour guide.

  5. Looks gorgeous there, sounds like a fantastic trip


  6. JPT
    Thanks for stopping was great!!

    Lynne at Hasty Brook
    You should visit..and you would have a great birding guide here...kathie know here birdies!

    You didnt see the face?..look again..
    no trains on the bridge..

    I am glad you saw the face..and you are is sipping water!
    Its always great to go out birding with Kathie!

    Yes ..I also like reading different bloggers accounts of the same outing..Kathie is an excellent bird guide and knows her birdies well!

    Its was a desert Oasis..loved it there..

  7. Looks like a very enjoyable hike. Awesome little creek and Rockface. Especially Love the Hooty in the bank of rocks.

  8. Fantastic, love the green vegetation along the creek!

  9. Weeds or not, it is so good to see GREEN!!! What a great hike you had. :c)

  10. And I had a wonderful time just looking at your beautiful photographs. Thanks

  11. Wow, Dawn, that green was something else.

  12. Breakfast sounds good right about now. That green is so vivid.

  13. So you manage to combine two of your passions - birds and traveling!


ok what do you really think?????