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Friday, February 19, 2010

Brown Mt. Trail, Tucson, AZ

Howdee all,

While camped at Gilbert  Ray we decided to hike the Brown Mountain Trail, which was just a short walk from our campsite to the trailhead.

We were just going to hike to the top of Brown mountain..but when we saw the sign ..Desert museum 2.9 miles…well..we just had to go there as a side trip…after all it is my favorite museum ever…

brown mt hike_003 The hike starts off on flat land in the valley…lots of

Cholla Cactus…pronounced choy ya

. Another name for Cholla is Jumping Cactus, because becomes unjointed easily. If you touch a spine it is enough to detach a joint, then when you move more joints become lodged in your skin. To make matters worse, the spines are barbed and therefore difficult to remove.

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  While taking a photo I backed into one…OUCH!

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It was one of these…


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We walked thru a forest of them..I stayed as far away as possible…

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  While in the Valley we had nice Views..this is looking  west toward Kitt Peak

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  Rocky..cactus lined pathways

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  As we climb one of three small mountains we have distant views of the Desert Museum

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Teddy bear cholla…

don't think you would want to take this one to bed..

check out the distant Saguaros on the Valley floor…brown mt hike_017

  Barrel Cactus growing out of the rock

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  The trail from where we came…..

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   Getting closer to the Desert Museum

brown mt hike_026 and closer………

brown mt hike_028Views to the west…brown mt hike_029

And just as Jeff and I head to enter the Desert museum..

We see this fella headed out with three of his buddies..

Wow!..Cousin Mike ..visiting Tucson from Connecticut….

What a pleasant surprise.

desert museum_001 (Large)


  1. Looks like a fantastic spot Dawn. It's times like these as I headed for another day of work I really envy you & Jeff... my wife and I really could get into travelling around...someday.



  2. As always, I enjoyed this walk with you. Beautiful pictures.

  3. That cactus gives a whole new meaning to "Stay On The Path".

  4. As many times as we have visited Tucson, I don't think we've been on this great hike. The cholla are nasty! Great photos!

  5. A very interesting walk through the 'cactus fields'.

  6. Hi Dawn, thanks for commenting on my return post. I've been following you while on FB. You lead such ain interesting life...never a dull moment! I especially love you recent post with all of the cacti, they are a favorite of mine in my home, but gee the ones in the desert are HUGE! They are one painful stick, for sure! Great shots!

  7. Ouch! Guess you really have to be careful on that hike. Beautiful photographs.

  8. Nasty stuff that Cholla. Looks a bit of an inhospitable place Dawn.

  9. Your cactus photos are wonderful. Those thorny, but beautiful plants populate my yard in Tucson. Thanks for reminding me about the hike on Brown Mountain Trail. Great blog!

  10. I love the Teddy bear cholla, just don't think I'd hug it too close!

  11. Isn't that a great hike? We did the bird walk Friday at Catalina with Dennis. Learned a lot and got to see the great horned owl in her nest!


  12. What a cool place! So neat you ran into cousin mikeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

  13. Cactus obstacle course! Glad you made it through there almost unscathed Dawn.

  14. forestal
    Its a great lifestyle..we see many familys traveling and home schooling.

    Thanks so much Bobbie!

    hee hee..that is for Sure Richard..must learn to stay on the path..i step on those Cholla parts all the going barefoot here!

    Appalachian Lady
    Wish you were visiting now..guess we will have to meet another time!

    The Early Birder
    Thanks..sure are lots of prickly plants here..

    Aunt "B's" Backyard
    Howdee..nice to see you back blogging..was wondering where you went!

    you are not kidding..really have to watch where I walk!

    yeah..i know what you mean..its beautiful and nasty at the same time..

    Donna Hull you are my neighbor then?
    Thanks for stopping by. I will go check out your blog.

    The teddy bear cholla surely does look cuddly..but ouchy..

    Jim and Gayle
    Yes it was a very nice hike..
    Glad you enjoyed Birding with Dennis..we will be doing that tomorrow!

    yes..its so nice here..

    yeah it was cool running into him..

    hee hee..yes..i survived..still have a thorn in my skin that hasnt come out yet..
    dangers of the desert!


ok what do you really think?????