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Thursday, February 11, 2010

50 year trail, Catalina State park

Howdee all,

While at Catalina State Park, Jeff and I decided to hike the  50 year trail.50 year trail_027

The last time we went on this trail it was with our mountain bikes.

50 year trail_031

You can see how rocky it is..we walked our bikes in many areas..50 year trail_034

   And got a flat because of the cactus thorns..50 year trail_035

    So this morning we decided we would do the 6 mile hike…figuring it would take a few hours.50 year trail_038

   But the two hours turned into over five..50 year trail_040

   We brought plenty of water..but no lunch50 year trail_042

   I was starting to look at the Prickly pear for food..OUCH50 year trail_044

   Grassy area at the plateau50 year trail_062

   You can see housing developments in North Catalina.. 50 year trail_065

   The trail got a bit confusing in a few areas..50 year trail_066

   But its hard to get lost here..50 year trail_068

   It just took a bit longer than expected to finish the trail50 year trail_074

   Because ..Jeff took a spur..that took us up part of the Sutherland trail…

And I was grumbling because I was hungry..and preferred not to go out of our way..50 year trail_087

   So we doubled back..

Check out these red grasses in the dry wash…50 year trail_092

And I grumbled some more about how we should have followed the wash like I had wanted to….50 year trail_093

    But…now.. I was happy to be going the right direction…next time I will pack a lunch..

I will be prepared for the unexpected…50 year trail_096

I could have hiked longer…50 year trail_097

It was a beautiful day50 year trail_098

And there was water in the wash..

and I could have looked for awesome rocks..or gold or treasures..but ..I was hungry…and food became my focus….

I still took time and enjoyed the scene…50 year trail_099And the bright red bird…50 year trail_120 And then home…to my very late lunch….   


  1. Beautiful. I've never hiked this kind of country.

  2. Dawn: Such a neat show from the desert country. It is so much different then my snowy land.

  3. Beautiful!
    I have been at Desert Botanical Gardens in Phoenix-Tempe. It looks very similar. I would love to hike in the area again.
    I am new to this site and I will be back again!

  4. When ever you go on a hike, you always take a snack at least, just in case something happens to you. Red grasses looked pretty with the blue sky.


ok what do you really think?????