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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Artists Loop Drive, Death Valley☀day 1,prt4


Howdee all,

This the the fourth part of our first day in Death Valley…and I am loving it here!

I haven't posted up until now because I haven't had internet time..but hope to get some wifi today before we head off for some sight seeing today.

This is a beautiful drive we did the first day here.

We pulled off the first stop area and took a walk to see the views..People left their rock Cairn art here..

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I dont know if it is appreciated by the park service…I know in some areas they are taken down.

death valley day 2_168  I enjoyed them and felt they fit in at this spot

death valley day 2_174  I certainly wouldn't want to see them all over the park..but here they added something..death valley day 2_172

from the view point looking east past the Cairns…

death valley day 2_165  Then looking west…I think the snow capped peak might be Telescope peak…one we wanted to climb but don't have the crampons and ice axes…so we climbed Wild rose instead… photos to come of that hike.

death valley day 2_175 Back in the car we stopped a few times on the drive to take photos

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Of the different colorsdeath valley day 2_177 This one I particularly enjoyed…Artists point..

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  Awesome colorsdeath valley day 2_184

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The sun was starting to set…..death valley day 2_191

Check out the Video of the drive


We drove to Furnace creek Inn to see if we could get some wifi…death valley day 2_207They had wasn't free.. So we just enjoyed touring the Inn

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A very nice place for those who wont be camping…death valley day 2_210

We have seen allot in the past few days…I have take a gazillion photos..and choosing just a few for posts will be difficult…

so prepare for posts with hundreds of photos…hee hee..

We leave here tomorrow and head to Quartzite..with an overnight stop at Mohave desert..

I am dreaming  of internet in Quartzite…don't know if it good enough to upload blog posts....if not I will get to them when in Tucson the following week.

We stopped at Stovepipe Wells a few times and Andrew and I were able to use our I touch to download email ….I have this great app where I can download 200 blog posts and read them offline with photos…Just cant comment offline..but at least I can catch up a bit on what everyone is doing and seeing.

Hope you are all doing well….I certainly miss chatting…and commenting on blogs via the internet….but….

such is life on the road…


  1. Looks like we will miss you by one day in Quartzsite. We will be in Lake Havasu the evening of the
    14th. Will see you on the 23rd though, for sure....

  2. That looks beautiful there--so surprising.

  3. Love artist point. Hope to visit in future.

  4. Great pictures. I have heard winter is the best time to be there. I love Nevada. Have you ever actually seen someone stack the rocks and why are there signs up telling them not to do it? I have never understood. Once I accidentally knocked one over and could not get them to stay upright. Magical?

  5. Sacrificing a bit of connectivity to get out in the wild seems well worth it. Thanks as always for sharing.
    After having been on a few hikes in barren landscapes where the cairns were like breadcrumbs leading home I have been known to add a rock here or there. I have an architect friend who spent close to an hour repairing a cairn above Chaco Canyon, one that maybe a hundred people see in a year. It was an artistic endeavor for him and the balance and creativity it showed were impressive. I guess that is what others think when I stand for long minutes 'pishing' dense brush for an unseen bird!

  6. I thought I was the only one who still listened to Tracy Chapman! Nice soundtrack for a nice drive. That was fun!

  7. Wow Dawn, it's so beautiful there! I like those rock cairns too (made a couple small ones myself in northern Minnesota years ago)

  8. That is neat that you can download some blogs and catch up with your Itouch. I love the color in those rocks and I think the art formations people make add to the scenery.. THanks for the lovely pictures of the skies as well..

  9. Oh.. and I know how hard it is trying to pick out pictures to post when you love them all and see beauty and something different in each one..


ok what do you really think?????