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Thursday, November 05, 2009

Perseverance and Persistence

  Howdee all.

Thats about how I feel setting up my new computer..

boats newport_013I work on it every day ..adding a few programs, changing a few settings, setting everything up as best as I can remember the settings on my crashed computer.

We took a drive to Newport, Oregon and when I saw these just about said it all as far as my Computer issues are going right now…

boats newport_014    Every thing is going smoothly..just takes time out of my day..and so not as much gets done..

because of the sight seeing…boats newport_003 and my number one love here…

Picking mushrooms..

this one below is my prized beloved…Boletus Edulus aka Porcini..isn't it beautiful!

And tasty it is… my precious……

mushroom foray_015

Oh do i have some mushroom photos for you…

but no time this morning..going off to hour drive from the coast..

We leave Florence on Sunday and head to Sacramento..

didn't We just get here…oh well…never enough time..


  1. Oh ha, love the area. Your precious looks yummy..hahaha

  2. ...I'm glad you know how to identify the mushrooms. I wouldn't be able to tell your Precious from your poisonous apart! Have fun in Eugene!

  3. Computer setup is interfering with your sightseeing and mushroom hunting, huh?!

    So. . . are there 200 'shrooms that look just like "Precious" but would kill us if we thought we'd found one? No need to rush an answer--I haven't. Just trying to make sure you mushroom gatherers aren't spreading false info just to keep us away. :)

    How many did you find? Enough to share with Jeff? :)

  4. I am getting caught up, and boy do you get around. Hope your new computer is working well. I got everything new last week, just ahead of what I felt was going to be an impending crash. But I haven't backed up the new one yet. Must do so!

  5. pant make me tired just reading where you've been, where you are going and what you've seen...but I always love taking in all those pics you post!! Great job!
    Thanks for your comment about the Phils! I am not a big baseball fan at all..but sometimes you have to back those hometown boys!! (too much spit'en and scratch'en for me ;-)

  6. Aha, so that's why you haven't posted in a while! I've been missing your posts!

    That epic shroom looks like it'll make a great meal. Happy hunting!

  7. Love the boat names! Wishing you patience along with perseverance and persistence! :c) Have a great time enjoying the 'shrooms.

  8. Good luck with your continued computer endeavors and have a safe trip to Sacramento.

  9. What a neat combination on the boats - and you are right about needing those when setting up a new computer

  10. Never enough time and didn't we just get here is a good statement for retired full timer RVers. You would think we had all the time in the world. It's like the old say, the more you make, the more you spend. But in this case, it is the more time you have, the more time you spend. Retired or working, there never is enough time!

  11. Reminds me of the TV commercial "The Most Interesting Man In The World - Dos Equis" retitled "The Most RVers In The World - Jeff & Dawn".

    What a scenic area.

  12. There never are enough hours in the day. You have reminded me also that I should back up all the stuff I have on this old computer of mine, I'm sure it's gonna go one of these days soon.
    Lovely pictures again, great tie in with the names.

  13. That's so cool you found those boats to photograph and share. And, I didn't realize you were such a mushroom expert (and eater!).

  14. What a coincidence with Steve's blog! LOL! Too funny!

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ok what do you really think?????