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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Table Mountain Hike, The Grand Tetons

Howdee all,

Two days ago, Jeff, Jennifer and I hiked to Table Mountain.

A wonderful, challenging hike. Well worth the effort. If you click on the highlighted link above you get a description of the trail.

Distance: 12 miles (round-trip).
Elevation Changes: Table Mountain stands 4,100 feet above the trailhead. Good Luck! This part make me chuckle through out the trail..yeah..Good luck.
Time required: 8 hours. Took us 9-1/2 hours
Difficulty: Very strenuous. 

See that little mound between the trees? that was our destination.

Table mountain Jeffs_20090908_054

   From the campground the trail gained 400 ft. in elevation very quickly.

We went thru several sections of tall wildflowers…all past prime.TABLE MOUNTAIN_20090908_012 Jennifer hiking up

TABLE MOUNTAIN_20090908_013The Grand Teton coming into view on the left and Table Mountain on the right.TABLE MOUNTAIN_20090908_014  See the trail we hiked up, in the photo below?

Yep..we did that! Click on photo for better view.

Around the 3.5 mile mark, the trail bends to the right and enters a series of 9 switchbacks which climb 1,000 feet in less than a mile. TABLE MOUNTAIN_20090908_027Jennifer at the top of the switchbacks. TABLE MOUNTAIN_20090908_022 The valley below in the distance… Farm land. TABLE MOUNTAIN_20090908_033  Getting closer to the table.TABLE MOUNTAIN_20090908_034

Had to cross over this rocky area.TABLE MOUNTAIN_20090908_032

Almost there…huff puff..huff puff..TABLE MOUNTAIN_20090908_042 Jennifer almost at the topTABLE MOUNTAIN_20090908_044Jeff almost there……TABLE MOUNTAIN_20090908_045Looking back from where we came…..WOW!TABLE MOUNTAIN_20090908_046And the view from on top of Table Mountain!

Almost touching the Tetons!   TABLE MOUNTAIN_20090908_047TABLE MOUNTAIN_20090908_049TABLE MOUNTAIN_20090908_057TABLE MOUNTAIN_20090908_059Yippee!

We did it!TABLE MOUNTAIN_20090908_075Oh yeah…have to hike down…

sore knees!Table mountain Jeffs_20090908_026A fantastic hike, long but well worth every step.

for those awesome views from the top!   

TABLE MOUNTAIN_20090908_094 We now have internet.

I haven't yet had time to catch up on all my blog reading!

I am anxious to see what everyone has been up to…but have been much to busy day and night to take the time.

Hope to catch up with you all very soon!


  1. Oh my goodness, what a hike. The pictures are gorgeous and the view tremendous. Thanks for sharing.

  2. It looks like you are getting quite the workout Dawn ;-) What a gorgeous place and what an intense hike. Beautiful photos of the hike too.

    How long did you stay at the top to drink in all that scenery?

  3. OK, so I am worn slap out just reading about it Dawn! Amazing job to get to the top!!

  4. Awe inspiring hike - great view - looks really fun


  5. Wow, what a hike. I am so proud of you both! When did you start and end your hike? I know the daylight hours are getting shorter and shorter over here.

  6. Glad you made it. I love Jackson and the Tetons - preferrably covered in snow and seen from a chairlift! Beautiful shots and great photoessay of the hike, you shared it well.

  7. WOW Dawn, this is amazing! At first I thought you were kidding when I saw that tiny knob of Table Mt. What incredible scenery. And also what an incredible workout. Now I'm sure you must be practicing to hike the Grand Canyon. Excellent!

  8. 1,000 feet elevation rise in less than a mile is quite a hike. The rocky area is amazing. What caused it?

  9. FABulous walk & scenery Dawn. Not sure my old legs could cope with that steep rise in elevation but definitely worth the effort for the view. FAB

  10. Wonderful description of the hike and great pictures - what memories it brings back.

  11. I have been following yoru ravels and I just love the Tetons. They were my favorite place. Your hike sounds hard, how long did it take round trip? It is beautiful scenery, thanks for sharing your hike.

  12. Holy are a hiking maniac. You must be building leg muscles right and left. I'm loving all these posts...

  13. Oh my, I am exhausted and my knees hurt. Time for wine...and bed.

  14. What a hike--I would have turned back at 6 miles. And, those rocks! I'm impressed!

  15. Hi Dawn! I really enjoyed your hiking pictures and descriptions! Sounds like you're having a blast!

  16. My gosh Dawn, that's an amazing hike! The views were incredible! Not sure I'm in shape for a hike like that, unfortunately. Were you? Bet your legs were like rubber by the time you got back to the car.

    Looks like you and Jeff are thoroughly enjoying the west!


  17. Wow - what an adventure!!
    Looks like a beautiful (and very fun) hike!

  18. Howdee all..
    Yes I am back..after over two weeks of virtually no internet! Yikes..missing all of your blogs..I will get there...I am sure it will take me at least a week to catch up.

    Thanks was a great hike..but hard.

    Larry Jordan
    Hi Larry ..we stayed over a half hour at the top..wonderful there..a bit cold.

    yeah..I was worn out after the hike too..sorry i wore u out..LOL

    forestal was fun..and hard..but worth every step!

    Howdee.Sicksta..we started around eight thirty and ended about five ..
    nine and half hours..Thanks..we are proud of ourselves too..tee hee..

    Thanks! Chairlift huh..well that is a nice way to see the area too..didnt do that this time around.

    Yeah...see u at the canyon soon..I will be able to walk down and up after all this training!

    Yeah the thousand feet gain was just in the beginning then we had another three thousand...yikes..
    the stones i believe are left from glaciers

    The Early Birder
    yeah..u would be surprised what old legs can do..:) saw a few men past 70s doing the hike.

    Chris Petrak
    howdee Chris.Thanks!.did you hike table mountain..

    it was a beautiful.hard hike..took nine and half hours..but awesome!

    Thanks Kelly..We have been hiking like that we are in oregon we are taking a break.

    Sorry to make your knees sore..tee hee..
    Looking forward to catching up with your blog! I am so behind..two weeks of no internet and I am going nutso!

    Appalachian Lady
    hee hee..u would have missed the best part!

    howdee cindy..have missed you on chirptracker and twitter and you know I have been without internet..
    Hope to catch up with you real soon!!!

    A New England Life
    howdee Sharon! my legs were right knee was good to sit..and then I needed a hot shower..awesome hike!

    Tranquility was a great hike..
    Hope to visit you real soon! miss your blog! being without internet for over two weeks has been a challenge!

    See u all soon...will catch up soon..i hope...

  19. These mountains and forest are so ancient !!


ok what do you really think?????