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Monday, August 17, 2009 Minnesota Part 1

Howdee all,

chirp button croped We had a great time meeting fellow birder, bloggers, twitters and Chirpers in Minneapolis, MN.

Here is the Cast and Characters of our Wonderful Day.

BwBTC MN_20090815_039 Front row from left to right

Dawn, Lizette, Virginia, Penny and Jeff

Second row left to right

Lynne, Hap, Mike, Richard, Ruthie, Dave and Roger


Lynne from Hasty Brook

Ruthie from Nature Knitter her post of the day

Mike and Lizette from Mike and Lizette's Travels and Thoughts

their posts of the day here and here

Richard from At the Water and his post of the day.

Penny from Penelopedia her post of the day

Virginia from Bees In The City

Roger from Minnesota Birdnerd

not pictured Sharon aka Hellziggy on twitter who joined us later in the day


Stay tuned for next post

Part 2 Lowry Nature Center Carver Park

Overnighting in Roosevelt NP internet is very spotty, So I cant upload photos quickly..

will post when I get to better internet connection.


Birders who Blog,Tweet and Chirp has its own website!
All are welcome to join.

The site is set up for Birders, by state and area to promote outings, post sightings, chat about birds,birding, upload photos,video and more.

Please join and check out the site.

Enter our monthy Photo Contest.


  1. Good ! - glad you were out birding, and with other birders - hate to think of birders spending their time in malls!! Safe travels!

  2. That group shot sure turned out nice. I'm still smiling thinking of that fun day.

  3. Nice photo! I'd forgotten we took that.

  4. I think it's great that you all got together!!

  5. Hi Dawn and Jeff,
    Just want to let you know that
    it was a delight to meet you two
    last Saturday, and want to wish
    you safe and productive travels.
    Do you ever check out state list-
    servs before getting there, just
    to see if any hot birds are to be
    seen? If you didn't already know,
    you can go to Jack Siler's site: and find any
    state you may be heading into.
    Happy trails......
    Hap in New Hope

  6. We enjoyed walking through the mall too and we did eat at a restaurant but didn't do any shopping, it is a HUGE mall! Glad you’re having fun birding and meeting up with your friends...

    Have Fun & Travel Safe

  7. Thanks for posting the 'gang' so we can all put faces with people we think we know. I am sure you all had a great time.

    Leedra’s Photos For Fun

    Leedra’s Greeting Cards

    Photography By Leedra

  8. Looks like you all had a great time!!

  9. Chris Petrak
    yeah thank goodness for outdoors and birding! glad I found my way out of that huge mall.

    Lynne at Hasty Brook
    Me too Lynne, I am smiling! you sure are lucky to be able to bird with everyone again!

    Yes it came out nice..feel free to download it.
    It was a pleasure to spend time with you and your husband!

    Kerri was a wonderful time.

    Hap in New Hope
    Oh it was great to meet you Hap, I can see why Lynne speaks so highly of you!
    thanks for attending..and thanks for the link.

    yeah that mall is can walk off the calories to just about any meal..we did almost six miles..Yikes

    Yeah..Birders and nature people are a great group..and this group was wonderful

    yes it was a blast!

  10. I've just started reading your blog. Lots of great stuff here... nice work!

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  11. Photos are great and again we enjoyed everyones company. We dare say that we are ready to do it again.

  12. Such a fine group of people! I think I have been to all but one of their websites, but will begin exploring their blogs and post on this grand outing.

  13. Loved the group picture--looks like everyone smiled for the birdie!

  14. Hi Dawn,
    I just sat and smiled as I read this post and relived the memories of such a fun day.
    Can I copy the group photo to post in my FB album of blogging friends? (I'll make sure I say that it's actually your photo!)

  15. Such a friendly looking group of birders.-I like the magazine placement in the photo-pretty clever idea.


ok what do you really think?????