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Monday, August 31, 2009

Drive Home West Boulder hike ..more pics

Howdee all,

This is a continuation of the photos taken on the drive back from West boulder hike a week ago. I still haven't posted photos from the hike…might do that another time.

This was when four of us shared my camera and shot away.

It was dusk and the lighting was very cool

Hike west boulder_20090822_212The sky was full of interesting clouds and color

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The Photos took on a painting effect because of the lighting.

The west side of the road was darker because of the setting sun.Hike west boulder_20090822_221   The east was a bit more lit up.Hike west boulder_20090822_222Grass, Clouds..layers of landHike west boulder_20090822_220 I think I took this one…I have a thing for clouds..

Hike west boulder_20090822_229

Everywhere we turned a beautiful sceneHike west boulder_20090822_230And another photo op. Hike west boulder_20090822_239 Rainbow colors shine into the mountain and out..Hike west boulder_20090822_235 And the setting sun lights up the clouds

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I Have more photos to share from this drive, next post.

I am going to auto post…a few posts…I will not have internet for the next week.

Going to Yellowstone National Park.

I will miss all my cyber pals. Twitter, blogger, facebook friends.

and will miss chatting with my Mother and Sickstas.

But adventure awaits!

See you soon!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Drive home from West Boulder meadows hike

Howdee all,

Last Saturday we hiked West Boulder meadows. I still have not selected all the photos from the hike.

Here are some photos from the drive back home.

A beautiful site around every corner.

Hike west boulder_20090822_176 Tom and Charlenes cameras battery died.

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   Everyone wanted to take photos.Hike west boulder_20090822_182So we all took turns with my camera.Hike west boulder_20090822_187I dont know who took what photo. Hike west boulder_20090822_188It really doesn't matter….they were all nice.

I have more I will share later..and maybe the hike.

Hike west boulder_20090822_205

Today we are off to hike Pine Creek Lake…a hike we did a few years back. Charlene and I never made it to the end…another twenty minutes..we were exhausted, Jeff and Tom said it was amazing.

So a few years older and sore calve muscles..I am hoping I can do it.

Give me a push will you!

Wish me luck.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Montana Big sky…… Skywatch Friday

Howdee all,

I took these photos last Saturday.

We were driving to hike the Boulder creek meadows.

A friend was driving in the car in front of us and kicking up dust… puts a nice smoky blur to the road in front of us.

And the sky was…AWESOME!Hike west boulder_20090822_010

Hike west boulder_20090822_011

I  see a profile in the clouds in the photo below, right side,…do you see it?
Hike west boulder_20090822_019

I hope you enjoyed these skies as much as I did!

For more amazing skies from all over the world click the photo below!


Our New Montana property

Howdee all,

What do you think…a fixer upper!

But what wonderful scenery!Hike west boulder_20090822_146  This one needs less work…

Hike west boulder_20090822_157  Plenty of wildlife

Hike west boulder_20090822_159

Ok we are only dreaming.

While we love it here…

We are happy with our Homey On wheels!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Elephant Peak hike, MT …to the pass

Howdee all,

Yesterday I hiked with Sicksta Charlene, and brother in law,Tom and three of their friends. Jeff opted to play golf with the Livingston Senior League.

We had a rather late start..I think it must have been around 11 by the time we got to the trailhead.

It was a mostly up hike to the top.Elephant mountain hike_20090825_035

Not up to the sky..but it felt like that on my knees. I was rather slow…thinking or maybe just excusing that i was the altitude.Elephant mountain hike_20090825_023

  It was a warm, sunny day, mid eighties.

Sweat weather.Elephant mountain hike_20090825_037

It was nice to take a few breaks, although short, on the way up.

Gabriela in pink, Tom on top of the rock by the creek, with Sicksta below.Elephant mountain hike_20090825_040

         We hiked thru a large burn area, and then onto some beautiful meadows.

This photo below is looking back from where we came.

White Cow parsnip.Elephant mountain hike_20090825_050

  We hiked thru areas of large boulders.

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   Another shot looking back toward where we came from.

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  More meadows and wildflowers…it kept getting better.

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  Onward and upward thru..fields and fields of wildflowers.

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At this point I took every opportunity to stop and catch my breath.

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  More up…slow going, but beautiful.

Charlene and Toms friends left us after lunch in one of the meadows ..we continued up to the pass.

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You can click on the photo album below to see some of the wild flowers.

Just some of the flowers seen were….

Yellow Columbine,Bluebells,Asters,Elephant head,Monument plant, Larkspur,Lupine,Fireweed,Yarrow,Cow Parsnip, Indian Paintbrush.

Below ..we hit another level and more fields of wildflowers, more alpine and not as tall.Elephant mountain hike_20090825_153At the pass…

This was far enough..we needed to get back before dark.

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Views from the passElephant mountain hike_20090825_173A Valley below the passElephant mountain hike_20090825_165Standing on top of the pass.. Elephant mountain hike_20090825_190Sicksta, On top of the world.  Doesn't she look like Moses?

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Sicksta and me on top of the worldElephant mountain hike_20090825_193 The view going back down..Yikes..we have to go all the way back down there?

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As we descended we were able to enjoy the wildflowers one more timeElephant mountain hike_20090825_202Indian Paintbrush and Aster Elephant mountain hike_20090825_206On the way down, Sicksta picked huckleberries,whortleberries, raspberries and thimbleberries.  I ate a few…yummy 

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After passing thru the open meadows we hiked thru some dark forest.

Tom found a few Boletus Edulus(porcini mushroom) I found a few hedgehog mushrooms and purple fairy club and a non-edible Amanita.

I did see four different types of birds.

Three of which i was able to ID Golden crowned kinglets, Mountain Chickadees, and Oregon Juncos. I had distant views of a sparrow looking bird, maybe Pine siskins.

Mountain chickadee

Elephant mountain hike_20090825_005   We made it out around 8pm…Dark, we were exhausted.

It was a great hike, very taxing on my knees going down, although they feel fine now.

I woke up last night with Muscle cramps in my calves.

Today I am just chillin, resting up for a Saturday hike.

Going to that beautiful farmers market this afternoon.

See ya!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Just some flowers,dear grasshoppers…before I go

Howdee all,

Today we hike to Elephant head peak outside of Livingston, MT.Hike west boulder_20090822_002 These three young gals hiked there click to read more.

Hike west boulder_20090822_005

They look like they are in their 20s maybe 30s

Said some of the hike is straight up and looks like you stood up it felt as though you could fall off.

Hike west boulder_20090822_025Took them two hours to do the last three miles..Hike west boulder_20090822_007

I hope I make it to the top

Hike west boulder_20090822_048

Wish I could be like this dear grasshopper and just jump to the top.

See you ….wish me luck