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Thursday, July 02, 2009

Rain, rain and more rain……………..

Howdee all!

In between Raindrops I went outside..and filmed a few drops on flowers. around mom and dads_20090701_043 I Love how this new camera gets macro shots.

I have allot to learn about the settings of this camera….I hope I am not talking about learning these settings three years from now…I hope I read the manual…around mom and dads_20090701_043

And Stop, talking about it already.

Seems like there is always something I would rather be doing.

Like taking photos…or looking at bugs…wow..didn't notice that little bug was green

around mom and dads_20090701_045 Until I cropped it. around mom and dads_20090701_045

Guess I could read the manual or……… maybe I’ll just look at water droplets on the Lily …

around mom and dads_20090701_046

For more notes on nature…

click on the photo below…nature-notes2


  1. SPECTACULAR macros there - that orange lily in the last photo is mouthwatering. It's been dry and sunny in London to the point of being unbearable so these pics are just pure refreshment!

    If you are anything like me you are going to get addicted to macros. I take so many partly because it's one of the things my camera is good at. You'll certainly end up seeing more little critters than you used to now :D

  2. These are wonderful Dawn. LOL@ needing to "read the manual." Most of the time, I read it and am still confused as to what I need to do! I'd say you pretty much have things figured out. :c)

  3. Simply stunning. I too am a macro-crazy photographer, but sadly, I don't have a macro lens yet.

    Kanda Bhaji from Sinhgadh (AKA Sinhgad, Sinhagad, Sinhagadh)

  4. I love your macro shots. You have some lovely flowers. Great post.

  5. Macro is good!! Beautiful rain drops and insects - and the flowers, of course.

  6. I'm with you and Jayne! There always seems to be something better to do besides read the manual, but even when I do it's still confusing! Thank goodness for my shot photography session with Steve!

    Nice optimistic photos in this horrid weather we've been having.

    Sharon : )

  7. Excellent macros Dawn. You'll read the manual as you need to. It's really fun just to play with the camera. Enjoy.

    I've been having some problems getting into your blog. Sorry I've missed commenting on a few posts. Probably my puter system.

  8. Really beautiful photos, I always think flowers look lovely with raindrops on them.

  9. Great pics! I want to get a new camera, but don't want to have to read the manual, either. D

  10. wow, the water drops really bring out the colors of the flowers

  11. oh water drops are more fun than an ole manual..and experience is the best teacher..esp since you are digital!! but..yea I still refer to my manual and after one year of playing with my camera I still don't know what I'm I do a lot of bad photos and spending as much time outside as I can..I always figure that manual will always be there but those water drops won't!

  12. Love the calla with the tiny little green bug. Oh and all I can say about all your rain is.... SHUTEEEEE.

  13. These are beautiful macros Dawn. I've had my Canon Rebel Xsi for almost a year and I just got a DVD on the suggestion of another blogger. I need to learn more about what the camera can do especially for macros..But you are doing great. Thank you for participating in Nature Notes and for all the nice comments on my blog....Michelle

  14. Dawn..I didn't see your link on the Nature Notes Mr. Linky...I am going to add it..unless it's me..If it isn't there, I will add it...Michelle

  15. Oh was my mistake..sorry about that...Michelle

  16. Not bad in the macro department there Dawn, really enjoyed them.

  17. A really beautiful flowers källan!!

  18. Great captures Dawn! The flowers, the rain and the bug close ups, very cool. What lens are you using?

  19. nice macros= they are my favorite to do (i still havnt read my manual)

  20. Bird
    Thanks..Yeah i am starting to love to take macros...need to work on technique.

    Just read the manual today to find out how to set the wide angle for my camera..So much more I need to read.

    Bhavesh Chhatbar
    I just use a point and shoot camera. No separate lens.

    Thanks muchly

    yeah you are right..Macro is good..and I am loving it!

    A New England Life
    Manual smanual! LOL i really should read it though..I just today read it to find out how to set wide angle mode.

    dont worry about missing..I do the same and its not cause of my computer..its because I love to read blogs and have a huge blogroll and it takes me days to catch up..I take a few days of then it take me days to catch up again..

    Thanks..I have seen other bloggers take shots of raindrops so I thought I would give it a try.

    They need to make things easier to u dont need to read the manual!

    You are so right...the droplets may not be there!

    lol..we have no rain it is dry as a bone..just like where you are in NC..LOL

    Thanks and thank you for your nice meme

    amanda guthrie
    Thanks..glad u enjoyed!'


    Larry Jordan
    Thanks..I am using a canon sx1 digital point and special lense.

    LOL..I am glad to see I am not the only one not reading the manual..


ok what do you really think?????