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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hammonesset Beach State Park, Madison,CT

Howdee all,

Third and final post of the BwBTC outing. We left Stratford and headed toward Hammonesset and lunch.

Stopped off at Great Meadows Marsh in see the Yellow-Crowned Night Heron. We saw several prancing around the marsh.hunting and eating crab.

BwBTC Milford,CT _20090711_060

We also happened upon a pair of Monk Parakeet building a huge nest in a residential area.BwBTC Milford,CT _20090711_066 They were not the only occupants ..we saw house sparrows fly in and out of the lower section.BwBTC Milford,CT _20090711_061 Then on to lunch at Marnick's

The Lobster rolls were great. Chunks of lobster drizzled with butter on a bun. no filler nothin.. Delicious!

BwBTC Milford,CT _20090711_069Hammonesset Beach State Park..

Hung out here at the pond for a bit and birded before heading to the shore.

I didn't get decent bird pics but…Dan got some great shots when he went back the next day with his family. Check out his photos.BwBTC Milford,CT _20090711_077 Ok..another challenge for the Sicksta…very interesting grass that Bev pointed out.

BwBTC Milford,CT _20090711_070

I took a close up…flowering grass.BwBTC Milford,CT _20090711_070

I usually eat this red clover (Below) when i see it. its quite sweet and tasty.

“Clovers in general are healthy to eat in any way, basically: in salad, as a cooked green, ground to flour, or blended with another tea. Clover is high in protein! The most common things to eat on the Clover are the flowerheads and the leaves, but are easier to eat if soaked for about an hour or boiled.”

Red Clover also has medicinal uses. below..the do make red clover tea.You can buy it in health food stores…also herbal supplements.

“Red clover has many medical properties. The flowering heads of red clover improve urine production, circulation of the blood and secretion of bile. They also act as detergent, sedative and tonic. Red clover has the ability to loosen phlegm and calm bronchial spasms. The fluid extract of red clover is used as an antispasmodic and alterative. Red clover is used in the treatment of skin complaints (especially eczema and psoriasis), cancers of the breast, ovaries and lymphatic system, chronic degenerative diseases, gout, whooping cough and dry coughs. Red clover is one of the richest sources of isoflavones. Isoflavones are effective in treating several conditions such as hot flashes, cardivascular health and osteporosis. Red clover also contains minerals such as calcium, magnesium, chromium, potassium, and vitamins such as niacin, thiamine and vitamin C. Red clover ointments are used to treat skin problems such as psoriasis and eczema.

BwBTC Milford,CT _20090711_078Ok sicksta Lori, you are up by three I think.. I believe this is type of Daisy Fleabane. I know I have read in the past it has medicinal properties. I should have taken a photo of the leaves to properly ID…oh well.

BwBTC Milford,CT _20090711_079 Pond and marsh area ..It was a busy day at the beach..BwBTC Milford,CT _20090711_080Staring down the shorebirds.BwBTC Milford,CT _20090711_083BwBTC Milford,CT _20090711_097Willet on the Rocks…make that on for me too!BwBTC Milford,CT _20090711_105 A bit of bunny activity…this one stood for a good five a statue.

Cindy..I am waiting for your photo on this one!

BwBTC Milford,CT _20090711_116BwBTC Milford,CT _20090711_117 BwBTC Milford,CT _20090711_118 BwBTC Milford,CT _20090711_119 And a life bird for Jeff and I and a few others on the trip.

KIng EiderIMG_1174Topping off the day with great company…and Ice cream!

Can it get any better?

BwBTC Milford,CT _20090711_124Bev sends out a Tweet on Twitter…of our day.BwBTC Milford,CT _20090711_126

Until next time!

It was a pleasure spending the day with you all!

If anyone else would like to plan BwBTC outings..or just have your own outings and announce them.. Please use our new website that John from Birding in Maine created. You can have discussions…post sightings…add pictures and videos.

Join us there


  1. Nice pics Dawn- and a very good one of the King Eider, mine were not good enough to see detail - love the info on the grasses/plants- nice to learn about that

  2. And look at that innocent bunny :) So cute!!

    Bedse Caves

  3. Awesome! Love all the photos and the story you told with them. The King Eider was very nice. Was that an unexpected find at the location you went to?

  4. Good series - captures the variety of the day - sorry I missed it, but family arrived on time and we got the 3,6,9 yr olds home in good order. Not a peaceful moment since!!

  5. Dawn, this is wonderful. Many great bird shots, plus looks like great company too. How amazing to see birds sharing a nest. The bunny pose is adorable. I've always loved red clover flowers for their taste. Nice to know they're good for me too. Thanks for the info.

  6. Hi Dawn,

    The YC Night-Herons were at Great Meadows Marsh in Stratford. Nice write up and I equally like all the plant info.

    All the best,


  7. MMM Lobster rolls love em

    congrats on the King Eider I am in need of one of them too.


  8. Love that first picture. I can see grasses swaying as I look at it and the second picture with the parakeet who'd of thunk a parakeet in CT...loved the big nest and the long branch he was looking to add to it. Loved the description of the lobster rolls..drip..slurp. That king elder really blends in to the rccks. Looked like a ton of fun.

  9. I think the grass is actually a plantain. It looks very similar to this one.
    They do grow in Ct.

  10. ...that Yellow-crowned Night Heron really looks like he's prancing. Such a nice post. So many birders together looks like fun! I've never seen a King Eider...glad you did! :-)

  11. forestal
    Thanks..I actually liked your photo more because you captured all three birds in one shot. This is about the only digiscoped photo that came out..

    Bhavesh Chhatbar
    Thanks so much..yes we love our life as well!

    Howdee..thanks..The King Eider was expected and luckily seen by us..i dont know how long it has been there..but reliable for the past three or four.

    Chris Petrak
    Yeah..sorry u missed it to..would like to have chatted with you more..Have fun with the little ones..I think you will sigh and enjoy your quiet when they go.

    yeah that clover is good for lots of ailments..You can buy the tea at the health food store.

    Thanks Luke..I updated my information ..
    Thanks again for showing us around..and getting us the King Eider! Did u plant him there to top off our day??

    Thanks Kevin..the Eider may still be there if you want to go grab it..not to far from u.
    Hey there are some planning a NJ meet up end of august i think..let me know if u are interested and I will send them your way.

    LOL..slirp was good lobsta roll sicksta! wish u were there to have some!

    oh does look like that..
    u know i really need to take a few different pics ..i realize..cause i need leaf and growth habit time..

    Yeah..he was prancin around..
    Come to ct..i think the Eider is still around..
    I bet you will find it somewhere in you birding travels.

    Thanks nice that u take the time to comment..

  12. Girly... you do have the life! Really enjoy following it....

  13. Dawn, what fun, fun, fun! Wish I could have been there for the latest birding expo. Are the Monk Parakeets native to the area? They seem a bit north to me but I know nothing about them.

    All 3 posts were wonderful. Your sense of humor and plethora of information always leave me smiling : )


  14. All the pictures were great. I'm not even going to bother looking up the plants.. Lor is the queen on that.. Lobster rolls and ice cream make the day even better. Love the parakeet with the big stick, the bunny and all the other cool shots. Your very lucky to meet a lot of wonderful people who share the same interests that you have.

  15. Brings that happy day back again! Great photos--we did enjoy ourselves and the birds, and I am glad to have finally met you, Dawn!

  16. Obviously this trip was high effective


ok what do you really think?????