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Sunday, July 05, 2009

Fourth of July…Simmons style

Howdee all..

Had a Grand Fourth of July..with the Family.

Started our Day with a Bike ride around Niantic's Black Point.

fourth of july_20090704_005fourth of july_20090704_007fourth of july_20090704_012fourth of july_20090704_009And ended up at Crescent beach to say hello to the rest of the family who had spent the day there.

fourth of july_20090704_015Then to Sicksta Loris for dinner and festivities..

Lovely garden she and Attillio have!fourth of july_20090704_026fourth of july_20090704_028and this is only a tiny sampling.fourth of july_20090704_030We Sickstas can be a bit crazy when we get together..reverting back to childhood..

But we love it… I warn you..if you don't like the word Shuckers or Mother Shucker you shouldn't watch the video.

So if you don't mind…here is some of the fam..Shucking..LOL

Mom scolded us for our dirty sense of humor..Sorry mother!

As an added bonus…the Lightdancers perform!

We always have a sharing table…Alas..I didn't take photos of all they yummy food.

I made Bevs curried bean salad recipe from her Murmuring Trees blog…It was a huge hit and everyone wanted the I send them to her blog post here. photo …but here are Attillos Birthday cakes..

Sunshine Cakes..recipe here

They were sooo yummy…angel food cake ..the frosting was whip cream mixed with pudding and pineapple.

fourth of july_20090704_029 Sicksta and family know how to entertain.

Their yard has a great fire pit. We sit around it until the wee hours of the night.

fourth of july_20090704_036We all had a great time..laughing,playing, watching Sicksta Tinks annual table dance…gurrr.I am so bummed I accidently deleted it.

I was going to make money on it!

Fun with sparklers…fourth of july_20090704_047Poor Jeffy was sick from smoking a Cigar…so he missed this part.fourth of july_20090704_048 A few pictures of the Day

Simmons Fourth of July

Thats all for now!

Hope you all had a Wonderful Fourth of July Weekend!

P.S.Guess what I found today.

Something very yummy…and I cooked it up!

Photos to come of the orange yummy I found!


  1. LOL! Your poor mom, and to think she raised you girls! Ha haa!!

    What a great day with not a care in the world. Wonderful pictures Dawn, and the guys were so funny with their dancing. Since you'll be landlocked soon enough I'm glad you and Jeff are enjoying time at the beach : )


  2. That was fun. No cops involved this time is a good thing. Cha Cha is the ring leader I think.

  3. Looks a fun family gathering. Love the shuckers, even if Mom doesn't.

  4. Your family knows how to have fun!! Love the shucker dance!! LOL!
    And those cakes looked AMAZING!!!!
    (now I'm going to go beat myself over the head for using that word "amazing" - ha!!)

  5. Hey Dawn... Got your site from another blogger... We are also full timers and LOVE it. I am adding you to my favorites so I can keep up with your adventures. Come on by and visit me when you can... We usually hang out in Florida for the winter since that is where we are from... this year we were delayed on getting out of here since my daughter decided to get married in June... We are on the road now and will be until Nov 2010. Come on over and visit... I bet we can share a ton of info... Have a GREAT day!


  6. Looks like a fun time! So glad you had nice weather for your party and to play with those neat sparklers!!
    Fun photos to capture, I'm sure!!

  7. Looks like a great time! Beautiful pictures of the flowers. And nice camera work capturing the sparklers :) Looks like you're loving your new Canon.

  8. wonderful pics- that cake looks very tasty too :)

  9. I'm drooling for that cake! OH. It looks so good and I have late night munchies! Looks like you had a blast on the 4th. I'm both scared and excited to find out what the orange yummy is that you "found". Hopefully it's just an orange.

  10. Good times! Thanks for the memories mother shucker!

  11. Hahaha! You and your family know how to have a good time! Mother shuckers.......made me laugh!

  12. Hey Dawn, here is the site I got the recipe for Sunshine Cake from

  13. A New England Life
    Yes poor mom...we are always doing something silly..yeah..need more sunny days for the beach!

    no cops..LOL..we werent up that late..yes it was all cha chas doing!

    glad you liked us shuckers...I think mom secretly thinks we are funny..but doesnt want to condone our

    LOL thanks for the amazing comment..You are so Cute..tee hee

    Oh hello fellow travelor..Nice to meet you..I will add you to my blogroll too..maybe we can meet sometime. We will be in Arizona and Texas this winter..are u only in florida or will u be traveling?

    We really did get lucky with the weather...Thank goodness..Yeah i was having fun taking the sparkler photos..always neat patterns.

    thanks! I am loving my new camera!

    shucks..tee hee it was fun! wish you were with us!

    Thanks sister gave me the link for the recipe if you want it..its easy and very tasty.

    I just posted the recipe link on the you can satisfy your muchies by making it sometime..

    Thank are a shucker!

    yeah we are a bunch of goofballs!

    Thanks sicksta..I put the link on..


ok what do you really think?????