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Tuesday, June 02, 2009

A week in the Big Apple

Howdee all,

It was a whirlwind trip to NYC, I left a limp noodle, tired and drained.

We came to the city to visit our daughter, go to her graduation, and help her plan and enjoy her grad. party.

We met up with Birders from Twitter and Chirptracker, I saw Adam Lambert, we ate, We hiked, we ate, we gardened, we ate, we shopped for party goodies, we ate, we spent time with family, we ate, we walked Central park, we ate.

It was fun, it was exhilarating, it was exhausting…and I didn't gain weight…tee hee

We always stay at the only RV park around, Liberty Harbor Marina and RV park. The location is great. We are in Jersey City, we overlook the harbor, NYC_20090601_031


Liberty rv park_20090528_003

and The Statue of Liberty


In the grit and the grime a few birds make their home..

If you click on the photo below…about  eight Mallards are using the concrete and asphalt pond.

Liberty rv park_20090528_005

Barn Swallows perch on boats.

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  Distant foggy view of NYC from the RV Park

Liberty rv park_20090528_002

Every day we took the Holland tunnel to the city..


This view taken from one of the many Whole Foods markets in the city.IMG_0768 Central park is always a great visitNYC_20090601_022 Lovely time of year..not to hot and flowers delighted.cENTRAl park_20090524_003City birds…strong…street smart.NYC_20090601_017

The meat lovers in the family always go to the Carniegie Deli for PicklesNYC_20090601_001For huge sandwiches…this is Jeff's corned beef. A sick amount of meat.NYC_20090601_006

I had matzo Ball soupNYC_20090601_003

Here you are on these masterpieces of dining..

( Samarrah is our NY veggie restaurant guru..she knows the best places to go!).

Jeff and I shared an amazing beet salad and a Seitan dish that looked and tasted like Peking duck..the crisp duck skin and the moist inner…amazing.

We drive to Brooklyn most days to visit Samarrah.    

A garden is growing in Brooklyn..

Our daughter is thrilled…she has a garden plot …a short walk from her home in Brooklyn.  She opens the lock to her Garden oasis.Sams garden _20090524_022

This is her big boy Shem..he would love to visit the garden..Samarrah is going to get the big boy a harness and let him visit.

Sams garden _20090524_024

Look at this green loveliness in the city. A community a city of Brick and Concrete. A nurturing place.

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Roses and barred windows

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  Roses and Fences

Sams garden _20090524_001

Samarrah’s Garden plot before our weeding.

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   Weeding, removal of bulbs and potting them up..sams garden_20090528_008

sams garden_20090528_007

The finished product..tomatoes, peppers, collard, pole beans, cucumbers, swiss chard, radish, beets and love…

sams garden_20090528_010

    Robins nest in the Garden Oasis and raise their young

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Beauty in a concrete jungle….

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      We walk along the river in Brooklyn in the evening..and watch the big city across

the water…lights flickering…sun setting…

The Brooklyn bridge on the right…carries us from the city to Samarrah…NYC_20090523_007

  To her home in the city…and her piece of green.

Goodnight Big Apple…

the sun sets over the glow of the city…



  1. I hope you got a chance to eat while you were there.

    (Amazing sunset!)

  2. I would never have seen it from that vantage point over the water. Lovely! And the sunset! THANK YOU!!!

    Did you go to Brooklyn Botanic Garden? I read on someone's blog that it was wonderful.

    Oh, the food...! I'd have gotten the sandwich; my husband would have gotten the soup. I read that you could eat at a different restaurant 3x a day and never have to eat at the same place twice. (which would be a shame because some are SO good!)

    Where are we going next?

  3. Nice flowers and great sunset shot!
    I've never been to NYC-I don't like crowded cities and I've never been down south because I don't like heat.-Isn't that close-minded and judgemental of me? I'm sure I'll make it to those places some day.-For now I'd just assume look a the phots on your blog-good enough for me.

  4. I Love New York... and New Jersey! Wouldn't want to live there, but definitely one of my favorite places to visit!

  5. Oh that really looked like fun! The city and the roses and the food and the views. Great pictures!

  6. Boy that food sure looks yummy!! Glad you had a fun time.

  7. Oh the food...the food of NYC. I can almost smell it from here and my mouth is dripping into my lap. Loved Sam's garden. Hope she reaps much of your hard work and love. The sunset picture is prize winning. Did I mention the food. AHHHHHHHHHHH

  8. What a great visit. Can't believe you could eat like that and not gain weight. Lucky you. I also can't imagine "camping" so close to NYC. Love your daughter's garden. Nice to see the green amongst the bricks and concrete.

    So where to next?

  9. Wow! Dawn! love your picture anthology of NYC. I've never had a desire to go there, but you made it look interesting. Your photos are soooo good! How do you get your signature onto your picture?

  10. ...what a beautiful post! Picked up the frantic pace of the city and the food and the fun....and then the lovely peace from your time with your daughter and her garden. (Love that little city pigeon and the barn swallow too!)

  11. That sandwich!! Oh my! How neat that Samarrah has a nice little green space to call her very own.

  12. What a great post. I love NYC, the bustle and the fun. But I'm not one who really wants to live there...just visit from time to time. You have captured so much of what I love about the city.

  13. Did you bird in Central Park? Great birds abound! We have a friend in Annapolis that runs a community garden- it is such a wonderful way to get neighbors together.

  14. Wow - what a variety! About the 13th - wish I could join you but currently I have a 6:15am hike I'm leading up Stratton Mtn for Bicknel's Thrush. Unfortunately, I am also in charge of an international student gathering in Newfane in the afternoon, so I probably have to postpone the hike. Why do things always come together? You would think I would know better since I planned both. Care to join me on the 14th at dawn?

  15. Amazing! I have always wanted to visit NYC, and have never had the chance. I am amazed at the beauty that you found in such a concrete jungle. Thanks so much for the new perspective!!

  16. Earl Cootie
    Funny Earl, you know I are nonstop!

    Thanks! We didnt go to Brooklyn Botanic garden this time around but made it last year..It is a beautiful place!
    You could eat one hundred times a day and never try all the restaurants..i will try that next time..tee hee..
    we are in MA. now and go to Ct until the end of july then go west...montana..

    LOL...I would never have thought that about you...seems like you are an should go sometime..the city..well you would love birding central park peak migration..absolutely amazing!
    and as far as the south..go in the time..not to hot and no bugs!

    I am with you there....I wouldn't want to live there..but visiting is fun!

    Thanks cute mother! wish you were with us!

    Thanks sicksta..wish you were there to sample the good food with us..but gee maybe not would have slowed us eat so darn slow!

    LOL ..hopefully one of your pups is catching the drool before it wets your lap to much..wish you were with us eat all the yumminess.

    Yeah ,.its really not a bad rv must try it someday if you leave the west...
    we are in MA and the Ct visiting family..then head west!

    Thanks so much should visit the city someday...
    I use windows live writer..lots of cool features..and it is a free download!

    Thanks ..I always find I have to get a balance when in NYC..i need green!

    Yeah..that sandwich was Sick!
    Samarrah loves her patch of green!

    Yes..I am with you..just like to visit..I look for green when I am there!

    Warren and Lisa Strobel
    Yeah we birded with two great birders from Twitter and Chirptracker.

    Chris Petrak
    Sorry you cant join us..another time maybe.

    Yes you must visit the city..just find the nice green spots when u get there!

    Susan Gets Native
    Lol..I think if you were with me I would have eaten more! pass the m&ms

  17. LOOK at that delicious pickle and that cornbeef! Oh my oh my my mouth is watering worse now. Was watering just looking at your VIEW from the Liberty Harbor, the boats, the swallow, the city, all that ... that... that city and excitement and energy! (can ya tell it's been too long since I've been to "the big city" teehee...) And I've never been to the Big Apple! My sis loves NYC! She plans a trip there every year - or tries to - says it's absolutely wonderful, Central Park, so much to do up there and see - the whole nine yards!) That is one very cool "city slicker" struttin' pretty pretty Pigeon! Your daughter's garden oasis is so pretty, those roses, the plans, layout, all that hard work and devotion - thumbs UP! And ahh...the sweet kitty... : -) Have a great day!

  18. Looks like you guys had another fun time. I love Sam's garden. Is that Jeff's mom on the bench? The food looks yummy.. That's great you didn't put on any weight.

    Love the night time sky in the Big Apple..

  19. You make me want to go back to NYC and Brooklyn to visit the friends and family that I haven't seen for years. The city would eat me alive so I only visit every decade. Wonderful Skywatch shots, too!

  20. Jay
    You must go with your sister to NYC at least one time...grab a few bites and shows...

    Yeah was lots of time we should all go together.

    I know what you mean about the city eating you alive..I needed to get a bit of green to balance out the noise and constant motion..of cars..people..flashing lights...

  21. Dawn, loved this post! Great seeing your daughters garden, etc...and we ate at Carnegie Deli, I remember it well.

  22. Sandy..
    Thanks so much!
    Oh Carnegies...Biggger than big sandwiches!


ok what do you really think?????