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Sunday, April 05, 2009

A year has passed, We miss you Patti......

Howdee all,

A year ago yesterday we lost a dear Friend.
I put together this slide show last year when we tragically lost Patti.

You listen to the music to the slide show top left by clicking the speaker..a beautiful song!

Patti was one of the sweetest souls I had ever met. I never heard her talk negatively about anyone or anything. She was kind and giving and just lovely....
I Miss you my dear friend!

Patti and Geno are responsible for getting Jeff and I into birding...many years ago in Arizona.
Patti was also a computer geek and designed beautiful websites...this was her own.

This is the original link. and an explanation of what happened.
On the link are several videos of our fun times together.

Patti"s husband Geno, recently posted a loving tribute and thanks on his blog.
I cant even begin to imagine how difficult this has been for him.
Hugs to you Geno!

Death is inevitable...that never is easy.....this one was much too soon.


  1. You're so right.

    I never know what to say.

  2. So tragic. Such a sad loss.

  3. I checked out all the links - her husband's loving tribute touched my heart. Your friend was very special!

  4. Andy,
    Yes i know what you mean!

    Yes,,,It was tragic and too soon. ..thanks for reading.

    She sure was special..thanks for taking the time and reading about her.

  5. I can't believe it's been a year already. I'm sure everyone misses her so much. It's wonderful that you still have pictures and wonderful memories. What a nice tribute to a wonderful soul..

  6. Tink,
    Thanks for the comment..its amazing how many people have no words to say when they read this.

  7. What a loss for you--she was taken too soon.

  8. I'm sorry you lost such a good friend. There aren't many people who can completely avoid the negative. My sister Michelle was like that. Nice slide show.

  9. Appalachian lady..
    yes it was so devastating.

  10. Larry,
    Thanks for the comment..yes I guess we all experience loss.

  11. What a wonderful friend you lost too soon. To see through the eyes of those Patti touched so deeply and who feel the pain of losing her is (can't find the words.) Her husband's tribute is the most beautiful tribute I think I've ever read. I lost my mom tragically 10/31/08. She was my best friend. We had been together every single day for the last five years until the last four days of her life. The last time I saw her we were saying goodbye to each other - "see you when I get back!" She was feeding the birds and smiling.

    I got the call the day I was headed home. "There's been a bad accident, your dad is alive and conscious, we aren't sure about your mom yet."

    She was killed instantly, they think. We've been able to find some comfort to think she didn't suffer. It's still surreal. The passing of time helps.

  12. Jay,
    So sorry about the loss of your mother!
    I am sure you are having a difficult time with her loss.

    I think these unexpected tragic losses are the hardest to deal with and understand..and it just doesn't seem right or fair.

    I lost my precious fur boy the same week last year...he was sick and suffering and in a way it was a relief when he passed. I did have to make the decision to put him to sleep..which was difficult.
    But..this loss. as hard as it was for me, seemed easier than losing someone in an untimely death.

    I don't have the words now..for you..but feel very sad you had to loose your mother to soon and so tragically.

  13. Wow Dawn, I've bookmarked each link you put up so I can go back through. How sad this is. I read the original post about this here on your site, so thanks for linking to it. She sounds like she was/is a wonderful woman!!!

  14. And so she lives on and touches more lives. What a lovely way to keep her alive and flying.

  15. Sandy,
    Yes it was a tragic story..I suppose like so many others...She was a wonderful person...We all miss her so much!

  16. Thanks so much Dawn for your kind words. Gosh... (hard to talk about) but I can so relate to your double dose of heartache (losing your fur babe near the same time you lost your dear friend.) That happened to me - (lost my fur babe a few weeks prior to losing mom, made the same decision as you, was still torn to pieces over it but knew I had done right by him, and then....)

    I guess we pick ourselves up by the bootstraps and keep doing what we know they would have wanted us to do. (Or at least that's what I try to convince myself of when it's super tough :)


ok what do you really think?????