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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Stalking the Wild Morel.....who gives a Hoot?

Howdee all,

Yesterday, I wanted to find some Morel mushrooms.  I read online that some were found a week ago in Sanford at a local park…but the location was not given.  Mushroomers are very secretive about their picking areas…and it would be rare to have detailed information as to where to find them.

So armed with that information, and not knowing the area, other than a park, I decided I would stop by Big Bloomers flower farm, where my sister works, and ask the locals where I might find a park in Sanford.


I had to look around a bit….I was looking for something to buy my sister Lori, for storing some of our stuff for the past eight years.

So…Lori..what do you like below?


Armed With directions to one of the local parks…

CIMG3015Off I went to Stalk the Wild Morel. The habitat looked good.  A creek, Tulip Poplars, but the soil seemed a bit dry.

There were a few Mallards having some fun in the creek.


I decided to follow the creek into the woods.

Not a mushroom to be found! Not any kind.


I take that back I did find some…..

  Devils cupsCIMG3018

I walked this park for over two hours.

No shrooms…

i found signs of critters with sharp teeth.


What were they thinking? Did they just give up here? Was the tree too big?

Or did they get tired or a toothache?

CIMG3021  No Morels,no signs or morels. Boo hoo…

Some nice spring flowers.CIMG3017

Ok so no Morels anywhere and I was very unhappy.

I had tromped through woods, along streams, up hills, down hills, for over two hours. Why cant I just find one lousy Morel..just one?


I heard something talking to me up high in the tree.

He said….several times..the same thing…

Who gives a Hoot!

Who gives a Hoot about Morels.

Look at me!


photo taken with camera thru my binoculars.


  1. You are too funny. Too bad you did not find your elusive morels. That was cool to see Mr. Owl out in full view in daylight!
    I like the lady's face planter and I love the turquoise fish too!

  2. Hola Down,
    That Owl was human-watching you, lol
    You'll find the mushrooms, don't worry. Just don't close your eyes to the beauty and fun around you while you do ;)

  3. That's a Barred Owl--I saw one similar to that watching me once:

    I have been looking for morels for years on our land because we have a lot of tulip poplars but no luck yet.

    I like the way you wrote about your quest for morels--the shopping first, the walk, and then the great surprise! Great stuff.

  4. Nice nursery. I'm sure Lori will find something she likes.

    You are so right about shroomers and their secret picking places. In the NW there's been violence even. The park is quite beautiful. Maybe look in less accessible forest. Busy beavers will probably be back.

    You, who was so lucky to hear the owl speak. Great post Dawn. Better luck next time.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. That's the way of morels. Sometimes you find them and sometimes not. Glad you had a good outing anyway. Love the owl and the ducks in the creek.

  7. Oh, but Hootie made the day a success, no? We have lots of Morels up here in the burned area after large forest fires, but they won't be out until late May.

  8. Love your walks! You always find neat things to photograph, especially the signs of the critters with maybe a toothaches. Diane

  9. Well that was a pretty cool picture of the owl after all. I loved the little ephemeral wildflowers. Glad to see your blog is perfect now and not all screwed up. Its funny that I liked it that way for some reason.

  10. Wow! What a great find with that barred owl! Such a neat bird and how lucky to have heard him calling..I 've seen several owls but never heard them calling!
    Maybe you will find those elusive morels in the next park you visit..

  11. Sorry you didn't find any morels but it looked like you had a fun adventure. I love the owl at the end. I also love the pictures of Del's Big bloomers. I think she should put that cool lady planter in the grab this year or some other cool stuff of theirs. Hope you guys have a great Easter and I will try to pop on MSN tonight. Oh, did you get your Ipod touch?

  12. Beachgirl, will be surprised with one..unless you have favorite.

    Yes, owl was telling me what to do..tee hee

    Appalachian Lady,
    Yes it was a Barred yours..Hope you find some morels too!

    Yes i have heard about problems of pickers of Matsutake mushrooms which can get top dollars in some Asian markets. yes..If Mr. owl wasn't talking to me I think I would still be looking on the ground.tee hee.

    Yes that is the way..Hopefully I will get lucky.

    Yes hooty made the day. Hope you get lots of morels in may!

    Howdee to you..Hows RV travel? take me on one of your walks.

    you are funny that way..tee hee

    I guess he just wanted my attention...I dont think I would have ever noticed my eyes were focused on the ground.

    Seeing the owl was great fun. I will tell Adele what you said about the face planter.
    I didn't get ipod yet...will check into where and how much.

    Thanks everyone for commenting!

  13. This is our first visit here. What a wonderful blog! We'll be back for sure!

  14. Cute story. I sure hope you find your morels. They're the best! I grew up near a woods where they could be found.
    You make RVing enticing. As for us, we must be content with sleeping in the back of our SUV.


  15. I think it's a bummer you didn't find any but I am sure it was great fun and wonderful exercise looking! I wish I got to work out that way. Keep up the great hunt though! My personal favorites are the Face Sideways and the Fish... But they are all nice... Cute little Mr. Owl though!

  16. phew - you hiked and hiked for the Morels. Sorry you didn't find any, but...lucky you (you got eyed by the Barred Owl on such a beautiful trail AND got a pic :) I hope you also had the pleasure of hearing them (what we call down here) "monkey calling" - lol. We have visitors sometimes who aren't familiar with the mating sounds of the Barred owl, and I've seen facial expressions go very quickly from content with the woods to "what in the??" (it's funny - not easy to convince them it's OK and just the owls!) It goes from "Whoooo cooks for youuuuu... who cooks for you" to "ah ah AH HA HA AAAAHH OOO OOO YOOO YOO AHH AHH AHHHHHHH" (very loud and several of them!) It will make you stand at attention. I hear a pair in the woods in the late afternoon but can't ever see them.

    And you got to see the fine workings of a busy busy beaver! I've got a friend who's a wildlife rehabber, and "B.B." (one she has had since a teeny baby and could not release) is now 50 lbs.

    (I talk more here than I do on my own blog -lol, sorry about that :)


ok what do you really think?????