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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Homeys getting a new TV, Spring in the Woods of GA

Howdee all,

We are still here in Service waiting for Monday for the Homey to be fixed. We arrived last Sunday....Homey was looked at on Monday to determine the parts that were needed to order.
Parts ordered...took until Thursday to get the parts.
Ugh...I really don't like waiting...
but we did find some nice walks to do here...

In the meantime a few other issues were worked on.
We decided to have our bedroom TV upgraded here. We upgraded the front TV over a year ago from a 19 inch box to a 32 inch flat screen.
What size TV do you have at home? Or do you not watch TV?
We personally like to watch TV...most days we are out all day...hiking, birding, sightseeing.
So its nice to come home and relax with a movie or show.

I like American Idol, Desperate Housewives and Hero's. I used to watch a few more faithfully..but it got to be a bit much...Have been watching more movies instead.
I do get my All My Children and Ellen Fix several times a week.
And always love to watch CBS Sunday Morning.
HGTV is my favorite channel if I had to choose one that I couldn't live without.
I do also read and you all know I spend time on this computer.
What shows do you like to watch on TV? or if you love books send a few of your favorite titles my way.

So anyways.....Our bedroom TV is a 13 inch box..and with all the digital changes we decided now would be a good time to upgrade. Now when I or Jeff wanted to watch something different. ..he can watch satelliteI can watch antenna TV.
We decided on a 19 inch flat screen.

To put in our TV..its not a matter of just buying it and putting it on a table...We have to have it mounted with a stable frame around it. We don't want that TV falling as we travel down the road

We hope all the work will be done by Tuesday and we will drive to my sisters home in North Carolina, where we will stay for a month, doing some gardening and other fun stuff.
But in the meantime..

Spring is here in the Georgia woods.

the mosses and lichens are always here.

I googled to try to ID these...but didn't find them.
Any Ideas?

Devils Claw mushrooms signal springtime in the fungi world.
I take this info from a wonderful nature website.
Nature at close range.
quote from the book Petersen's: A Field Guide to Mushrooms: "The black cups emerging through the fallen leaves from March to May are true harbingers of spring." Ah, nothing says spring like "black cups emerging from the ground."

Today is Sunday
CBS Sunday morning
and then we go for a trip into a few places I found on the Wings over Georgia birding site.
Gonna see us some birdies.
Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday!


  1. I don't watch a lot of TV, but I am hooked on "Damages" and recently on "Brothers and Sisters." I'm much more likely to watch old movies on DVD than TV shows.

    My latest good read was "The Help." It's a first novel by Kathryn Stockett and is set in Mississippi in the 1960s. She tells the stories of the relationships between black maids and the women for whom they work. I found it fascinating.

  2. You are breakin' my heart! I miss spring time in GA.

    Craig Glenn
    Born and raised in South Ga

  3. Hi Dawn, I just went over to the digiscoping website. There are some very nice shots but your 3 Blue-winged Teal is a Blue Ribbon shot! Great composition and sharp image, that one is art to hang.

  4. I don't watch much TV but when I do it's usually the Travel Channel, Disovery, The Weather Channel, etc. I love to read but have not done much of that lately either. I do it in spurts. I can go months without reading a book and then I will read 10 in a month!! Weird I know.

    Great pictures. They make me yearn for spring even more!

  5. I've found some of those black cups in my gardens the other day. Except mine have wings on them. I wonder if mine will fly away.

  6. My folks said they camped in RV repair lots way too much. Mine is too old for anything but home repairs.
    Don't watch much TV. Get 5 fuzzy channels from rabbit ears on a 14 ft pole. Will have to change this system by next winter. Thanks goodness I get PBS! Also watch Idol, Dancing with the Stars and Ellen.
    Current read is Grand Canyon Women:lives shaped by landscape.
    Beautiful blooms and lichens. Couldn't find Devils Claw mushroom in my Audubon guide. Wondered if they are edible.

    Hope you had a great birding day in Augusta.

  7. Hola Dawn,
    I don't think that my shows or books are the ones you can easily find over there, lol
    Anyway, it sounds great all the upgrading! I hope you do get it all done by Tuesday ;)

  8. I love your woodland walks the best.. You always find some cool stuff.

  9. NC mountainwoman
    I have never seen Damages..I have to check it out... Thanks for the book tip..It sounds very interesting.

    Sorry about the heart. It is quite beautiful here in the spring.

    Awe thanks

    Oh I like the travel channel to. Yeah..I like to read to..but the book has to keep my attention..or i wont bother to finish it.

    Oh dear..flying mushrooms...did you eat some? tee hee..

    Yeah ..luckily we don't spend too much time in RV repair shops these days..but I always get antsy.
    thanks for the book tip..I always love to hear what people enjoy reading..I never know what to pick up in the bookstore.

    Thanks..I hope we get out soon..

    thanks...there's lots to find in the woods! I wish I could find some morel mushrooms!

  10. Dawn,
    Glad to hear you are updating..always a good thing..
    was wondering how you got your gardening you always talk about flowers and other flora in nature in an rv doesn't allow one to have a yard!! Glad to hear you "land" for a month or so..
    We have several tv's all flatscreen with hd. I am a big NFL nut so I'm the one who orders the NFL package..ha ha.
    It's usually in the winter that we settle in to watch more Smithsonian channel,
    Animal Planet, Discovery..reg tv.. Survivor, House, NCIS.
    I'm with you to watch watching those make lazy to do them myself but love watching all the ideas that are out there!!
    Hope you get your Homey back soon and get on the road!!

  11. It's nice to see spring in Georgia. I'm fascinated by the black caps!

  12. Hi Dawn,
    I try to watch as little TV as possible and if it was just me at home, there wouldn't be a TV in the house.
    Great pictures--especially the dogwood blossoms. I'm glad you're enjoying spring in Georgia!

  13. That photo of the mushrooms lined up was neat! We don't watch much t.v but when we do it's American Idol, Animal Planet, Travel Channel and PBS. I am a big reader - usually travel essays, adverture / nature novels. been reading a lot of books on Alaska lately. Look forward to seeing photos of your next destination!

  14. Tina,
    Howdee..We get our gardening fix when we are with family..will be parked at sisters and her hubbies for a month..she loves to garden and is always expanding her garden..then when visiting out parents we do more gardening..We call ourselves the Migrant workers
    NFL nut..ha...I like looking at the cute butts...otherwise I have no clue.
    I missed the start of this years i wont watch until next season.
    Our bedroom tv is the slide...ughhhh

    yeah ..our daughter is not a tv watcher must be a reader. If so ..what do you like to read.


    Alaska book ..Are you planning an rv adventure?

  15. Love the fauna photos Dawn!

    We have a 50" plasma in the living room, a 42" flat in the bedroom and a 42" plasma in the basement rec room.

    We watch TV mostly in the evening and like the CSI's, 24, NCIS, Criminal Minds, etc. (I was a military policeman such as all the cop shows)

  16. Hiya Dawn,
    Cute Hubby and I don't watch TV. Which, naturally, makes us the un-coolest people on earth because we have no idea what people are talking about with American Idol and the houswife show. We are also completely nerdy about anything fashionable. I still sport my '80s clothes because I don't know any better. Hey, maybe they are back in style? I am also still cleaning with old school products because we never watch commericals, so I am completely out of the know. Perhaps they now have something that cleans the house by my simply blinking my eyes twice. Please fill me in if this is so.
    Are you headed North?

  17. Great pics Dawn. Hope you get your parts and the TV mounted. We have a lot of them here, but in my bedroom is I'm guessing a 26" inch or something screen. I don't watch a lot of TV, just American Idol on a regular basis, but it's always on in the background when I'm blogging or reading blogs. I also like National Geographic and nature shows, and some cooking shows.

  18. Maine birder,
    Wow have some honking tvs..If i had a bigger home...I would surely have one myself.
    You were a military policeman..who would have figured!

    Warren and Lisa,
    you may be in the 80s but as far as the computer you must be up to date.
    I am thinking i probably should have given you all my old clothes..tee hee
    As far as magic wand...I like to use all natural, environmentally friendly stuff.
    we will be in NC for a month then head north.

    I also watch tv in the background as I am on the computer most evenings.

  19. Nice signs of spring. We have a 46 inch flat screen, with HD antenna. Which means we get HD TV, but only local channels. Have had it for 2 1/2 years now. We do have lots of DVDs too, but it is lots cheaper than monthly fees. We also watch Bones, but we buy the season when it comes out on DVD. So if you watch, don't tell me anything current about it. Working evening shift I don't watch anything except weekends. Spend way too much time in front of the computer.

    Leedra’s Photos For Fun

    Leedra’s Greeting Cards

    Photography By Leedra

  20. It's a good time for renovations to take you into a whole new year of growth. All those wonderful flowers. So far we have only seen some rockcress and some indian plum blooming in our neck of the woods. Spring has only barely sprung over here in the upper northwest.

  21. Leedra.
    I am amazed at the quality of over the antenna HD tv. I have been watching local stations here in GA on my new tv.
    I wont spill the beans on bones..

    Natural moments,
    yes how true those words are..Hope you get some warmth to start those spring flowers a bloomin.

  22. Nice shots! What a beautiful time of year. I was in the woods yesterday and noticed that all the lichen, fungi, mosses, ferns, etc., seemed to have popped out over night - on tree trunks, rotten limbs on the ground. I even took special notice of the moss in the pine straw and that little yellow flower (it was blooming even prettier today!) The woods even take on a different "spring-time" smell this time of year.

    On the TV (this will tell all) - I called my son today and asked "how do I make this DVD player work?" He laughed, "you're kidding, right?" (He got us that DVD player two Christmases ago :)

  23. i love those cup mushrooms ... very friendly looking... and as far as the TV goes, don't skimp... get a nice one cause you will only want to have it mounted ONCE...


ok what do you really think?????